





Forrest Gump 阿甘正传 精讲

发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2007-11-16 15:53| 查看数: 7037| 评论数: 14|



Forrest: Hello. My name's Forrest. Forrest Gump. You wanna chocolate. I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mama always said "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get ." Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.

Woman: My feet hurt.

Forrest: Mama always said "There's an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes." Where they're going. Where they've been. I've worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard I could remember my first pair of shoes. Mama said they would take me anywhere. She said they were my magic shoes.

Doctor: Alright, Forrest. Open your eyes now. Let's take a little walk around. How do they feel? His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump. As strong as I've ever seen. But his back is as crooked as a politician. But we're going to straighten him right up now, aren't we, Forrest?

Mrs.Gump: Forrest!

Forrest: Now when I was a baby, Mama named me after the great Civil War hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest. She said we was related to him in some way and what he did was, he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around. Anyway, that's how I got my name, Forrest Gump. Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, just don't make no sense.


1. Wanna = want to, want a, do you want to

这里是美语缩读之一,美国人在日常生活中频繁的使用缩读,这也造成很多学习者的困惑。比如你想知道你的朋友是否愿意跳舞,就可以说:Wanna dance?

2. a million and a half:

这里是指很多,这是美国人夸张的一种表达方式,使用相当广泛。中文中我们也会夸张,但用的数字通常会小些。比如我们说:"都告诉你几百遍了你还记不住。翻成英文就是"I have told you a million times"也就是说我们通常使用的'百'在美国人嘴里就变成了million。所以百里挑一就变成了one in a million。

3. "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get":


4. awful:


A.极不好的,让人很不开心的 an awful smell

B.身体欠佳 I felt awful this morning.

C. 很非常,不正式 We spent an awful lot of money on furniture.

5. as crooked as a politician:

这里指背弯的像个政客,粉刺政客无法挺直身板做人as…as…是极高频的词组,多用来比较和比作。美国人用他的频率甚至高过than。As tall as me 比较 as strait as an arrow比作。

6. don't make no sense:

这里就是没有道理的意思。在口语中大多时候双重否定还表否定,只是对否定的强调。一般一个否定出现后面再有几个否定都只是强调。如果要表示别人的话讲的有道理你可以说:your words make sense to me。


Ku Klux Klan(三K党):

secret terrorist organization that originated in the Southern states during the period of Reconstruction(南部重建时期:1865年至1877年的这一段时期,其时南部邦联诸州由联邦政府控制1877年它们才被允许重入联邦)following the American Civil War (1861-1865)。

The original Klan was organized in Pulaski, Tennessee, during the winter of 1865 to 1866, by six former Confederate army officers who gave their society a name adapted from the Greek word kuklos ("circle"). Although the Ku Klux Klan began as a prankish social organization, its activities soon were directed against the Republican Reconstruction governments and their leaders, both black and white, which came into power in the South in 1867. The KKK used violence and intimidation to keep blacks segregated and to prevent them from voting and holding office.

Modern Ku Klux Klan: Here members of the Klan demonstrate against Black History Month in Annapolis, Maryland, in 1998.



从这辆公交车的驶过,我们便了解了阿甘现在所处的是1981,而在影片结束Jenny墓前我们再次看到Jenny出生在1945,也就是说与她年纪相当的阿甘出生在baby boom时代即美国二战后的生育高峰。他那带着浓厚南方口音又有些迟钝的声音,让我们看到他的'与众不同'。




1 你想来点花生吗?

2 我要介绍给你的人可真正是百里挑一的啊。

3 考试真是变幻莫测,你永远不知下面会遇到什么题。

4 你真是令人讨厌。


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
nicole.su + 20 good material,thanks for sharing~~



daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 15:54:37


Forrest: Anyway. I guess you could say me and mama was on our own, but we didn't mind. Our house was never empty. There was always folks coming and going. Sometimes we had so many people staying with us that every room was filled with travelers. You know, folks livin' out of their suit cases and hat cases , and sample cases. One time a young man was staying with us and he had him a guitar case.

(Forrest dances as the traveler sings "Hound Dog")

Mrs.Gump: Forrest, I told you not to bother this nice young man.

Elvis Presley: No, that's all right ma'am . I was just showing him a thing or two on the guitar here.

Mrs.Gump: Alright. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.

Elvis: Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you,ma'am. Say, man, show me that crazy little walk you just did there. Slow it down some. "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog..."

Forrest: I liked that guitar. It sounded good. I started moving around to the music, swingin' my hips. This night, me and mama was out shoppin' and we walked right by Pitsey's Furnature and Appliance store, Guess what... (Elvis was on TV dancing the way that Forrest taught him)

Mrs.Gump: This is not for children's eyes.

Forrest: Some years later, that handsome young man who they called "The King", well he sung too many songs. He had himself a heart attack or something. Must be hard being the king...


1.Folk 听说高频单词,常用名词用法:

A 用来称呼一些人可以翻成人们

Folks, we're ready to start now.


How is your folks?


He can play folk music.

2.livin' out of their suit cases: 这里指经常提着公文包走南闯北的人。

3.ma'am: 它是对女士的尊称,对任何年龄是否结婚一般都可以这样称呼。省去了大家辨别用miss还是mrs的时间。在传统国家只有有一定地位的女士才配有这样的称呼。美国人很爱使用,但这种叫不太正式

4.ain't 是 "am not," "is not," "are not," "have not," or "has not" 的缩读形式,是不正式的语言,只在口语中出现,对出现在文化水平较低的人群中,很多人对此词较为反感。建议大家知道意思就好,避免使用。

5.This is not for children's eyes.:这就是我们常说的少儿不宜。用法很生活化,我们可以把它活用在其他地方,如果你看到一位男士拿着《妇女之友》看的津津有味,你就可以说this is not for men's eyes.如果你在讲话不想让旁边的孩子听到你就可以说this is not for children's ears.


Presley, Elvis (1935-1977), American singer and actor, one of the most popular and influential entertainers of the 20th century. Born on January 8, 1935, Elvis Presley moved with his family to Memphis in September 1948. He attended L.C. Humes High School and after graduation worked as a truck driver in the city. In 1953, on his lunch break, he recorded two songs for his mother at the Memphis Recording Service. These songs brought him a recording contract and launched his rise to fame. Presley is renowned as an early pioneer of rock music, fusing the sounds of country music and rhythm-and-blues influences with what was then the new rock-and-roll style. His unprecedented, electrically charged performances also helped make Presley one of the first mass idols of American popular culture.


猫王,又名the king of rock and roll,是阿甘传奇经历中出现的第一个名人。而影片把他的成功和阿甘紧密地联系在一起,虽然不符合事实但确为影片的娱乐性增色不少。而无论是猫王还是其他在美国历史中充当重要角色的人物,和阿甘打过交道的人似乎都是非死即伤。可是大家仔细观察就会发现,无论阿甘和他们走的多近,对他们的评价总是一笔带过。这也是影片留给我们的思索,对这些人在历史中的作用无论消极还是积极,都只能由我们自己去体会。阿甘则总会说for no particular reason或者for some reason 。阿甘从未对他们有过任何评价,作者在留有余地的同时也希望我们去挖掘更多故事背后的东西,还请大家细细体味。






daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 15:55:35


Forrest: Now, my mama always told me that miracles happen everyday. Some people don't think so but they do.

Bully1: Hey, dummy! Are you dumb or just plain stupid?

Forrest: Look, I'm Forrest Gump.

Little Jenny: Just run away, Forrest, Run, Forrest. Run away, Hurry!

Bully2: Get the bikes. Hurry up.

Bully1: Look out, dummy, here we come, we're gonna get you!

Little Jenny: Run, Forrest. Run, Forrest.

Bully1: Come back here, you!

Little Jenny: Run, Forrest, Run!

Forrest: Now, You wouldn't believe it if I told you. But I can run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was runny!

Man in store: That boy sure is a running fool.

Forrest: Now, how I told you that Jenny never seemed to want to go home? Well she lived in a house that was as old as Alabama. Her mama had gone up to heaven when she five and her daddy was some kind of a farmer.

Gump: ( knock on the door) Jenny?

Forrest: He was a very loving man. He was always Kissin' and touchin' her and her sisters. And then this one time. Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school.

Gump: Jenny, why didn't you come to school today?

Little Jenny: Shh! Daddy's taking a nap.

Father: Jenny!

Little Jenny: C'mon!

Father: Jenny! Where'd you run to? You'd better get back here, girl. Jenny?

Little Jenny: Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me. Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far away from here. Dear God, make me a bird...

Forrest: Mama always said that God is mysterious. He didn't turn Jenny into a bird that day. Instead, he had the police say that Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more. She went to live with her grandma, just over on Greek more Ave. Which made me happy 'cause she was so close. Some nights, Jenny would sneak out and come on over to my house, just 'cause she said she was scared of what? I don't know, but I think it was her grandma's dog. He was a mean dog. Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends all the way up through high school.


1. We're gonna get you! :我们会抓住你的。这里有两个语音点需要注意。Gonna是going to 的缩读,另外get you 连读后发生同化。/t/ 和/j/连读后变成字母组合ch的发音。

2. I can run like the wind blows:我可以跑的跟风一样快。这就是我们常说的风驰电掣,在说英语时有些同学因为抠字眼就翻不出这句话,其实阿甘语言虽然简单却很好的表达了这个意义。希望大家翻译时先着眼于意义对应,因为很多中文的翻译只按字翻译是无法达到交流目的的。

3. running fool: 这里是指跑痴。这种用法很值得我们借鉴,就是说有些人做某事都做成傻子了。Doing fool,比如只知道吃的 eating fool。

4. He had the police say that Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more。这里又是一个双重否定表否定的例子,只是强调而并非负负得正。请大家多注意口语中的这种现象。比如我想说'我什么都不知道'就可以用:I ain't know nothing!

5. sneak out:在这里是指偷偷溜出去,sneak是一个极好用的单词,

A. 动词用法,偷偷地前进或行动

He sneaks candy into mouth(偷偷地把糖塞进嘴巴).

B. sneaker: 旅游鞋是美语中不正式的用法

C. 形容词用法,秘密的,突袭的:

a sneak attack by terrorists恐怖分子的突然袭击


阿甘在描述Jenny父亲时用到了Kissin' and touchin' her and her sisters.似乎应该是个好父亲,可后来Jenny却离开了他。这里很多同学看的有些迷惑,其实阿甘作为孩子的理解也就到这步。这里实际的意思是Jenny父亲对她们姐妹的性虐待。大家可以从他父亲的酒瓶,Jenny破烂的衣服看出Jenny所受的非人的对待。所以她才想变成一只鸟飞走。而童年的阴影直接决定到Jenny在后面人生中安全感的缺乏,对生命的不负责任。连最爱她的阿甘也多次受到她言语的伤害,她只把阿甘当做傻子一个儿时的玩伴,竟然在阿甘表达爱她时指责阿甘不懂什么是爱。直到多年的挫折后,阿甘无数次的包容和帮助才让她看清谁是可以永远依靠的人。Jenny后来拿石块猛砸她父亲的老房子时,我们便能体会苦命的童年給她的伤害之深。而这也是美国乃至人类的悲哀。在下面的文化面面观中我们一起看看在美国这些问题的起源和现状。


Child Abuse, covers a wide range of behavior, from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child's basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment.

U.S. Child Abuse Cases

In 2000 more than 850,000 children in the United States were victims of abuse. Neglect of a child's physical or emotional needs is the most common form of child abuse, followed by physical abuse.


Child abuse results from a complex combination of personal, social, and cultural factors. These may be grouped into four primary categories:

A Intergenerational Transmission of Violence 过去被虐待转移至自己的下一代

Many children learn violent behavior from their parents and then grow up to abuse their own children.

B Social Stress 社会压力

Stress brought on by a variety of social conditions raises the risk of child abuse within a family.

C Social Isolation and Low Community Involvement 社会化程度过低

Parents and caretakers who abuse children tend to be socially isolated.

D Family Structure 特殊的家庭构成

Certain types of families have an increased risk of child abuse and neglect. For example, single parents are more likely to abuse their children than married parents.


Physical injuries can range from bruises, scrapes, and burns to brain damage, permanent disabilities, and death. The psychological effects of abuse and neglect can last a lifetime and may include a lowered sense of self-worth, an inability to relate to peers, reduced attention span, and learning disorders.






daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 15:57:11


Neil Armstrong (Astronaut): That's one small step for man, are giant leaps for mankind...

Forrest: I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the communists was to play ping pong. So I was in the special services, traveling around the country, cheering up all those wounded veterans and showin' how to play ping pong. I was so good that some years later, the army decide that I should be on the All-American Ping Pong Team. I was the first American to visit the land of China in like a million years or something like that. Somebody said would peace is in our hands. But all I did was play ping pong. When I got home, I was a national celebrity. Famous even than Captain kangaroo.

TV Host: Here he is, Forrest Gump, right here. Forrest Gump, John Lennon.

John: Welcome home.

TV Host: Can you tell us, what was China like?

Forrest: In the land of China. People hardly got nothin'at all.

John: No possessions?

Forrest: And in China, they never go to church.

John: No religion, too.

TV Host: Wow. It's hard to imagine.

John: Well, it's easy if you try, Dick.

Forrest: Some years later, that nice young man from England was on his way home to see his little boy, and was signing some autographs, for no particular reason at all, somebody shot him.


1.That's one small step for man, are giant leaps for mankind...:阿姆斯特朗登月时说的第一句话,标志人类里程碑的这句话意思是指他迈出的这一小步却是人类的一个巨大飞跃.

2.Captain kangaroo:当时一个非常出名的电视节目,其实这种说法也是在告诉我们当时的年代。在1985年后这个节目就停播了。但这种表达我们也可以借鉴,如果你想说自己很出名,就可以说I am even famous than 后面加一个当时很流行的事物。


阿甘这部电影的精髓在于,用一个智商只有75的低能儿的离奇经历串起了美国30多年的历史。从猫王到披头士,从垮掉一代到嬉皮士,从吸毒讲到性解放运动,从人类登月到妇女解放, 从越战到反战运动,从中美建交到水门事件,把美国这些年的历史要事是差不多掀了个底朝天。对于不很了解这些历史的年轻人无疑是一堂寓教于乐的文化课。而上面这个节选就是最有代表性的一段。开始是阿姆斯特朗的人类第一次月球探险,紧接着是尼克松访华乒乓外交,最后又是音乐巨匠约翰列农的英伦入侵。实在是不得不佩服作者超乎常人的想象力,将它们和阿甘联系到一起。如果对约翰列农了解的同学马上会发现一个细节,就是在采访时他讲的每一句话都是imagine这首歌里的歌词。而这首歌也让人们永远的记住了约翰列农。


Neil Amstrong

Neil Armstrong

Commander of the 1969 Apollo 11 lunar mission, Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. An aeronautical pioneer, Armstrong also took part in the first in-space docking of two vehicles. He was the first civilian to enter NASA's astronaut program.

Chinese leader Mao Zedong, left, greets United States president Richard Nixon in February 1972. Nixon's visit to China improved relations between the two countries and helped reestablish trade that had ceased two decades earlier.

Mao Zetong shook hands with Richard Nixon

Nixon Visits China

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

John Lennon and Yoko Ono

British musician John Lennon originally gained fame for his singing and songwriting with the Beatles during the 1960s. After the breakup of the band in 1970, he pursued a solo career, writing and performing songs that advocated peace. He is pictured here with his wife, Japanese conceptual artist Yoko Ono. Together they produced experimental music and conceptual art.

Let It Be

The recording of the Beatles' album Let It Be began in January 1969 and became the Beatles' last album.




John Lennon1940-1980

Armstrong 1972

daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 15:58:04


Forrest: You died on a Saturday morning and I had you placed here under our tree. And I had house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Mama always said dying was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. Little Forrest is doing just fine. He's about to start school again soon. I make his breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. I make sure he combs his hair and brushes his teeth everyday. I 'm teachin' him how to play ping pong. We fish a lot, and every night we read a book. He's so smart, Jenny. You'd be so proud of him. I am. He even wrote you a letter. He says I can't read it. It's Forrest's so I'll just leave it here for you. Jenny, I don't know if mama was right or if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze but I think that maybe it's both. Maybe both are happening at the same time. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away.


Forrest: Here's your bus. OK. Hey, I know this.

Little Forrest: I'm going to show that for show-and-tell because grandma used to read it to you.

Forrest: My favorite book. OK. Here you go. Hey, Forrest, I want to tell you I love you.

Little Forrest: I love you too, daddy.

Forrest: I'll be right here when you get back.

Dorothy: You understand that this is the bus to the school now, don't you?

Little Forrest: Of course, and you're Dorathy Harris, and I am Forrest Gump.


1. Little Forrest is doing just fine: 这句话的意思是小阿甘一切都好,这句话虽然简单可是中国同学很少使用,其实我们每次见面问好时都常说how are you doing 答案就可以是I am doing fine。

2 .brush:在这里用作动词指用刷子清洗,擦亮,动词还可以用作不客气地打发走;把……撇在一边:比如He brushed an old friend off.他不理会老朋友

3. I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze这是阿甘对整部电影的一个总结,首先是丹中尉认为的一切都是命中注定,他就该战死沙场。其次就是母亲总说的生活就像巧克力,一切都得顺其自然。大家不妨在感叹人生时引用阿甘的这句话。

4. show-and-tell:这里就是指看图讲故事。





当Jenny后悔没和阿甘早些在一起时,阿甘的一句you were让我们看到了一个男人对爱的坚持,对所爱的人的包容。最值得一提的就是影片两次设计阿甘在墓碑前对着已故的人说话,这就是阿甘的乐观与希望之火。他更愿意选择让这些人永远活在心中,而把希望和更多的行动放在未来。就像小阿甘的出现,这就是希望的延续。


7719835 发表于 2007-11-17 02:07:30


椰风树影 发表于 2007-11-17 14:27:29
ok12345 发表于 2007-11-19 10:36:28
cici520ff 发表于 2008-8-11 20:21:23
cici520ff 发表于 2008-8-11 20:23:05
Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get

sweety_beibei 发表于 2008-8-12 13:55:58
草籽 发表于 2008-8-12 23:39:12
flyile 发表于 2009-2-20 06:36:21
hope 发表于 2009-2-21 12:15:13
Wallacebai 发表于 2009-3-3 07:43:57
电影是经典, 帖子是精华.多谢!
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