





Sex and the City《欲望城市》 精讲

发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2007-11-16 16:11| 查看数: 25868| 评论数: 14|



Carrie: That day, Tim popped the question.

Tim: How'd you like to have dinner with my folks Tuesday night?

Elizabeth: I'd love to.

Carrie: On Tuesday, he called with some bad news.

Tim: My mother's not feeling very well.

Elizabeth: Well, gosh, I'm sorry.

Tim: Could we take a rain check?

Elizabeth: Of course. Tell your mum I hope she feels better.

Carrie: When she hadn't heard from him for two weeks, she called.

Elizabeth: Tim, from Elizabeth. That's an awfully long rain check.

Carrie: He said he was up to his ears and that he'd call her the next day.

Elizabeth: He never did call, of course. Bastard.

Carrie: She told me one day over coffee.

Elizabeth: I don't understand. In England, looking at houses together would have meant something.

Carrie: Then I realized no one had told her about the end of love in Manhattan. Welcome to the age of "un-innocence." No one has breakfast at Tiffany's, and no one has affairs to remember. Instead, we have breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and affairs we try to forget as quickly as possible. Self-protection and closing the deal are paramount. Cupid has flown the co-op. How the hell did weget into this mess? There are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of women like this in the city. We all know them, and we all agree they're great. They travel. They pay taxes. They'll spend $400 on a pair of Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals. And they're alone. It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women and no great unmarried men? I explore these sorts of issues in my column and I have terrific sources: my friends.

Peter Mason: When you're a young guy in your 20s, women are controlling the relationships. By the time you're an eligible man in your 30s, you feel like you're being devoured by women. Suddenly, the guys are holding all the chips. I call it the mid-30s power flip.

Capote Duncan: It's all about age and biology. I mean, if you want to get married, it's to have kids, right? And you don't want to do it with someone older than 35, 'cause you have to have kids right away and that's about it. I think these women should just forget about marriage and have a good time.

Miranda Hobbes: I have a friend who'd always gone out with extremely sexy guys and just had a good time. One day she woke up, and she was 41. She couldn't get any more dates. She had a complete physical breakdown, couldn't hold on to her job and had to move back to Wisconsin to live with her mama. Trust me-- this is not a story that makes men feel bad.

Charlotte York: Most men are threatened by successful women. If you want to get these guys, you have to keep your mouth shut and play by the rules.


1. Rain check

Rain check是美国流行口语,典故出自露天举行的棒球比赛。棒球是最受美国人欢迎的运动之一。如果球赛进行时天公不造美,骤然倾盆大雨,不得不暂停,观众可领"雨票",或用原票存根作为"雨票"(rain check),球赛改期举行时可凭之入场。

Rain check这句话后来有了引申意,广泛应用于日常生活中。

比方说有人请你吃饭或看戏,假如你刚巧因事不能奉陪,你可用婉谢的口吻说:May I take a rain check?直译是:可以给我一张雨票吗?地道英语的引申义是:这次抱歉不能赴约,下次有请必到。

上句是很客气的委婉讲法。如果约你的朋友已经是很熟的了,你大可直接说 I'll take a rain check,换成汉语就是:"改天吧。"

2. Up to one's ears

意思是"deeply involved or occupied to full capacity深陷在(工作中)",例如:We are up to our ears in work.

3. Close the deal

本意是"Complete a transaction 完成一件交易",例如:Jack was delighted to close the deal. 这里指"结束一段情事"。

4. Get into

意思是"Become involved in卷入,陷入",例如:He got into trouble by stealing cars.


Sex and the City:充满欲望的人间

Sex and the City is a popular American cable television program. The original broadcast run of the show was on HBO from 1998 until 2004.

Set in New York City, the show's focus is on four female characters. It was considered a sitcom, but had serialized storylines, like a soap opera, as well as dramatic elements. The show tackled socially relevant issues, often specifically dealing with women in society in the late 1990s, and how changing roles and definitions for women impacted the characters.

Sex and the City premiered on June 6, 1998, and the last original episode aired on February 22, 2004. The show was primarily filmed at New York City's Silvercup Studios and on location in and around Manhattan. Since it ended, the show has been aired in syndication on networks such as TBS, The CW, WGN, and many other local stations.

The show was based in part on writer Candace Bushnell's book of the same name, compiled from her column with the New York Observer. Bushnell has stated in several interviews that Carrie Bradshaw is her alter ego; when she originally wrote the "Sex and the City" essays, she used her own name initially but for privacy reasons, created the character of Carrie Bradshaw, a woman with the same career (writer) and same initials.

The narrative of the show focuses on Carrie and her three best girlfriends. (Bushnell has indicated that Carrie's friends are composites of her friends.) Together, Carrie and her friends represented a crosssection of contemporary American women. The women discussed their sexual desires and fantasies, as well as their beliefs and opinions. The show often portrayed frank discussions about romance and sexuality, particularly in the context of being a single woman.

The first season of the show was a adaptation of its source material; however, subsequent seasons depart from the book. Each episode in season one featured a short montage of interviews that Carrie supposedly conducted while researching for her column. These continued through season two before being phased out. Another feature that was eventually scrapped was Carrie breaking the fourth wall (for example, looking into the camera and speaking to the audience directly). Bradshaw would question scenarios and ideas, asking the audience for an opinion or insight on different situations. The last such event occurred in episode 3 of the second season, "The Freak Show".


开篇的这一段以 Carrie Bradshaw 为自己的专栏所作的访谈开始。Carrie 提出了一个问题:There are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of women like this in the city. We all know them, and we all agree they're great. They travel. They pay taxes. They'll spend $400 on a pair of Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals. And they're alone. It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women and no great unmarried men? 这个问题可以说是这部剧集一直围绕的中心,也是现在困扰很多单身女性的问题。到底优秀的、可以结婚的男人都哪儿去了?小编曾经看过一个很有趣的答案:因为他们都有男朋友了。当然,女人嫁不出去可不光是因为男性同性恋的风行,还有诸多的社会原因在里头。这部剧集在轻松搞笑的同时也会带你一同探讨这一问题。







daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 16:12:54


Deanne: So how long have you known Nick?

Miranda: We've been riding the same elevator line for years and then we had lunch a few weeks ago and then he invited me here to dinner.

Woman1: Well, we adore him.

Miranda: He's very smart.

Deanne: I guess he took our ultimatum seriously.

Woman1: Deanne.

Miranda: What are you talking about?

Carrie: They told Miranda that Nick had this thing for models.

Nick: OK. Old movie stars you'd have liked to fuck when they were young. I'll start. Veronica Lake, the year she made Sullivan's Travels. Dave?

Dave: I'd have to go with Sophia Loren. Probably. My dadhad a thing forher.

Deanne: Montgomery Clift.

Man1: Marilyn Monroe.

Woman1: Bing Crosby.

Nick: Yvette?

Yvette: I don't know. Charlie Sheen?

Carrie: They'd come to dinner push their food around and pout.

Nick: Veronica Lake.

Dave: Sophia Loren.

Deanne: Montgomery Clift.

Man1: Marilyn Monroe.

Woman1: Bing Crosby.

Nick: Marissa? She had to make a phone call.

Carrie: It got to be a problem. They decided to take action.

Woman1: Can't you find a woman who cancarry ona decent conversation?

Deanne: Yeah, Nick. And eat without purging.

Nick: What are you saying?

Deanne: You can't bring around any more of these so-called models, Nick. It's too depressing.

Nick: Okay, okay. I'll see what I can do.

Woman1: And then he brought you.

Deanne: So obviously not a model.

Woman1: In a good way!

Miranda: Nick dates models?

Carrie: Miranda confronted him, and it didn't take him long to fold.

Nick: It's true. It's true, okay? I'm obsessed.

Miranda: Obsessed with models.

Nick: Correct.

Miranda: So what am I? Your intellectual beard for the evening?

Nick: Don't be pissed, all right? You gotta admit, you met some nice people. You had a good time. Okay?

Carrie: You were on a date with a modelizer and you didn't even know it?

Miranda: If men like Nick are dating models, what chance do ordinary women have? I mean, do you have to be a supermodel to get a date in New York?

Carrie: Modelizers are a particular breed. They're a step beyond womanizers who will sleep with just about anything in a skirt. Modelizers are obsessed not with women, but with models who in most cities are safely confined to billboards and magazines but in Manhattan, actually run wild on the streets turning the city into a virtual Model Country Safari where men can pet the creatures in their natural habitat. As if we didn't have enough problems.

Miranda: They're stupid and lazy and should be shoton sight.

Samantha: I've been out with lots of guys and they say I am just as beautiful as a model, but I work for a living. I mean, I'm like, well--I'm like a model who's taken the high road.

Miranda: The advantages given to models and to beautiful women in general are so unfair, it makes me puke.

Samantha: Sweetheart, you are so cute.

Miranda: Cute doesn't cut it in this town. What's cute compared to supermodel?

Carrie: There's nothing like raising the subject of models among four single women tospice upan otherwise dull Tuesday night.

Chalotte: They have this distant, sexy look.

Miranda: That's not sexy, it's starvation.

Samantha: That's starvation in the best restaurants.


1. Have a thing for

这个片语后面的介词也可以用about,意思是"Be obsessed or preoccupied with something 对……着迷,受……困扰",例如:He has a thing about disorder in the garage.

2. Carry on

在这里的意思是"conduct进行",例如: The villagers carried on a thriving trade. Carry on a decent conversation在本片的语境中可以翻译成"好好说话,谈吐有品位"。

3. On sight

这个片语也写作at sight,意思是"Immediately upon seeing 一看到就立刻……",例如:The soldiers threatened to shoot looters on sight.

4. Spice up

本意是"加点调料",这里的意思是"make more interesting or flavorful 使……变得更有趣",例如:They spice up the evening by inviting a belly dancer.



1.Veronica Lake

Date of Birth: November 14, 1919

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York

Date of Death: July 7, 1973

Given name: Constance Frances Marie Ockleman

Known as "the Peek-a-Boo Girl," actress Veronica Lake was a film star in the early 1940's. The blond beauty was known for her hairstyle, which cascaded over her right eye; it was emulated so much that U.S. government officials actually asked her to change the style during World War II, for fear that women working on assembly lines as part of the wartime effort might be injured by having their long hair caught in their machinery. Her best-known films included Sullivan's Travels with Alan Ladd, This Gun for Hire with Joel McCrea, and So Proudly We Hail! with Claudette Colbert. By 1945, however, her career had peaked, and by 1948 she no longer had a contract with Paramount pictures. The decades afterwards were characterized by attempts at television acting, some roles on the stage, and occasional movie appearances. At the time of her death of hepatitis at the age of 53 in 1973, Veronica Lake was drinking heavily, working as a cocktail waitress, and was married to her fourth husband, a fisherman.

2.Sophia Loren

1934-, Italian film actress, b. as Sophia Scicoloni. She grew up in the slums of Naples. With the help of Italian producer Carlo Ponti (later her husband) she gained international fame as a beautiful and accomplished film actress in both tragic dramas and boisterous comedies. She won the first Academy Award for a foreign-language performance for her role in Two Women (1961), and she received a special Academy Award in 1991 for her body of work. Her movies include The Gold of Naples (1954), The Pride and the Passion (1957), Houseboat (1958), Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963), Marriage Italian Style (1964), and A Special Day (1977). In the autobiographical television movie Sophia Loren: Her Own Story (1980), she played herself and her mother.

3.Montgomery Clift

Born: 17 October 1920

Birthplace: Omaha, Nebraska

Died: 26 July 1966 (heart failure)

Best Known As: Pvt. Prewitt in the film From Here to Eternity

Montgomery Clift was a leading man of stage and screen, most widely known for his Oscar-nominated performance as Pvt. Prewitt in the movie From Here to Eternity (1953, with Frank Sinatra and Burt Lancaster). Clift grew up in the midwest and on the east coast, and started acting on Broadway as a teenager; by age 18 he was playing leading roles and was an early member of the prestigious Actor's Studio. He eventually moved on to Hollywood, where his brooding, reluctant-hero presence was a novelty and made him a popular leading man of the post-war era. His most notable roles -- for which he was also Oscar-nominated -- were in the films The Search (1948), A Place In the Sun (1951), and The Misfits (1961, Marilyn Monroe's last film). Clift is also known for the turmoil in his private life. His sexual preference was the subject of much speculation and he sometimes drank heavily, especially after a 1957 car crash that broke his jaw and nose and damaged his face badly. Clift and Elizabeth Taylor had a famous friendship and co-starred in the films A Place in the Sun (1951), Raintree Country (1957, with Eva Marie Saint) and Suddenly, Last Summer (1959, with Katharine Hepburn).

4.Bing Crosby

Bing Crosby (born May 3, 1903, Tacoma, Wash., U.S. - died Oct. 14, 1977, near Madrid, Spain) U.S. singer and actor. Crosby began to sing and play drums while studying law in Spokane, Wash. As a singer with the Paul Whiteman orchestra in 1927, he exhibited a mellow "crooning" style and casual stage manner that proved highly popular. He appeared in the early sound film King of Jazz (1931), and he later had his own radio program. By the late 1930s his records had sold millions of copies. His recordings of "White Christmas" and "Silent Night" were among the most popular songs of the 20th century. In the 1940s he starred in a popular radio variety show. His film career included the seven Road comedies with Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour, beginning with The Road to Singapore (1940); Going My Way (1944, Academy Award); The Bells of St. Mary's (1945); and White Christmas (1954). More than 300 million of his records have been sold, a total surpassed only by Elvis Presley among solo artists.



1. Bob has a thing about brunettes.

2. They carried on a torrid love affair.

3. The host spices up the party by inviting two dancers.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之一)考考你 参考答案


I can't come to dinner Tuesday but hope you'll give me a rain check.


I'm up to my ears in work.


I don't want to get into this problem.
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 16:14:27


Carrie: Miranda was obliged to attend her firm's annual softball game. A law firm softball game is like any other except when a lawyer steals a base, he gets promoted.

Jeff: Miranda. I was afraid you wouldn't come.

Miranda: All right. Let's get it over with.

Carrie: Panicked at the idea of spending another firm function labeled as a leper, Miranda had agreed to be fixed up on a blind date.

Jeff: Miranda, this is Syd. Syd, Miranda. Look at you two. It's a perfect match. Well, I'm gonna excuse myself.

Syd: Nice to meet you.

Miranda: You too. I'll tell what. I'm gonna get a soda. You want a soda?

Syd: Yeah.

Miranda: I'm gonna get us a soda. OK. Jeff.

Jeff: Pretty great, huh? Can I pick 'em or what?

Miranda: Yeah. I'm not gay.

Jeff: Seriously? I've been with the firm eight months. I haven't once seen you with a guy.

Miranda: Circumstantial, Jeff. I'm single. Christ! When did being single translate into being gay?

Jeff: Shit. You want me to go over there--

Miranda: No, I'll do it.

Carrie: Brave Miranda marched right over and told Syd she wasn't. They had a good laugh and decided to stay and play ball. Miranda and Syd's last-inning double play got the attention of everyone, even the firm's senior partner.

Charles: That was quite a play, ladies.

Miranda: It's all about teamwork, Charles.

Charles: Chip.

Miranda: Chip.

Charles: Listen, my wife and I are having a little dinner party on the 12th. Just some couples, nothing fancy. We'd love it if you both could make it.

Miranda: We'd love to.

Carrie: Later that night, Miranda gave me the lowdown on her day. So you think it's just because they think that you're in a couple?

Miranda: I know it. I've been with the firm for two years. He's barely spoken to me. All of a sudden, it's "Chip."

Carrie: A lawyer named Chip. Gotta love that.

Miranda: And they seemed so relieved to have finally figured me out.

Carrie: So you'll actually go through with the dinner?

Miranda: Yup. I'm determined to make partner in this firm, even if I have to be a lesbian partner.

Carrie: After Miranda left, I had a thought. Maybe the cold war isn't about hate. Maybe it's about fear, fear of the unknown. Married people don't hate singles. They just want us figured out.


1. Steal a base

指的是棒球比赛中的偷垒:在一次投球后,没有击球员、游击手、传球手或外野手的帮助而安全跑入(另一垒 )To advance safely to (another base) during the delivery of a pitch, without the aid of a base hit, walk, passed ball, or wild pitch.

2. Fix up

这里的意思是"安排",例如to fix up a date,还可以指"To provide a companion (on a date for)",例如:My friend fixed me up with an escort at the last minute.

除了表示"安排(约会/约会的对象/一同做……的对象)"外,fix up 还可以表示"Provide or furnish someone with something",例如:He can fix you up with a new car.

3. Blind date

指的就是a social appointment or date arranged, usually by a third person, between two people who have not met,中文里指的是"相亲",blind date 还可以指约会的"人"。

4. Perfect match

想要形容一对情侣或是夫妇"天生一对"就是用的这个词了。"It's a perfect match. Well, I'm gonna excuse myself."这句话恐怕也是很多安排相亲的人士常说的吧:"你们真是天生一对。我有点事,先走了。(你们聊吧)"

5. Be with

这里的 be with 指的是"在某家公司工作",同样的意思还可以用 work with 来表达,例如:I work with Chinadaily website.

6. Circumstantial

当大家想要说"看情况吧"是不是都会想到"It depends."? Circumstantial 也可以用来表示同样的意思,赶快记下来哦!

7. Chip

这个 Chip 是 Charles 的"昵称",不要把它和"芯片"之类的东东搞混。

8. Lowdown

俚语,意思是"真情,内幕",例如:Gave us the lowdown on what happened at the party.

9. Figure out

Figure out 在这里的意思类似于"发现",当Miranda 说"And they seemed so relieved to have finally figured me out."意思是"他们终于发现我的秘密(指同性恋)后,他们看上去也放心了"。当Carrie 说"Maybe it's about fear, fear of the unknown. Married people don't hate singles. They just want us figured out."时,她的意思是"已婚的人并不仇恨未婚的人。他们只是想知道我们究竟是怎么回事(为什么不结婚)" 。





1924年,美国历史上第一个正式的同性恋活动组织在芝加哥成立。 1969年,同性恋酒吧"石头墙旅馆 (Stonewall Inn)"的顾客们抵制了警员对该酒吧的强制关闭,被视为同性恋维权运动的开始。 1975年,前全美橄榄球联赛选手大卫.科倍(Dave Kopay)公开宣布自己是同性恋,这是第一个如此宣布的职业运动员。 1977年,宗教活动领导人安妮塔.布朗特(Anita Bryant)号召全国性运动来阻止同性恋维权。 1986年,最高法院在乔治亚州Bowers一案中判定鸡奸为犯罪,维护了该州反鸡奸法的正当性。 1987年,纽约Act Up大规模示威游行,开始向爱滋病宣战。 1992年,华盛顿州国民警卫队警官玛格丽特.卡麦梅尔(Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer)因为公开承认自己是女同性恋而遭到解雇(后来又被恢复职位)。 1993年,军队针对同性恋者采取了"不要问,不要说"的避讳政策。 1993年,数千名同性恋维权支持者在华盛顿游行。 1996年,高等法院宣布同性恋者享有宪法保护的平等权利。 2000年,佛蒙特州允许同性恋者组成名义上的家庭,称为"Civil Unions"。 2001年,联邦判决支持禁止同性恋者领养的法律。 2003年,最高法院推翻得克萨斯州反鸡奸法,承认同性性行为合法。这被誉为是近百年来最开明的判决之一,意义和1973年最高法院决定给予妇女流产权一样重大。 2003年,圣公会教会将一位公开同性恋牧师基恩.罗宾逊(Rev. Gene Robinson)升职为新罕布什尔州的主教,同时允许地方教堂保佑同性婚姻。 (杜菁琳,《华盛顿观察》周刊(Washington Observer weekly),第卅八期,2003年 10月15)



1. 你能给我朋友找个舞伴吗?

2. 她从来没有相过亲。

3. 我们想点办法帮帮忙吧。

4. 你在那家公司工作多久了?

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案

1. Bob has a thing about brunettes.


2. They carried on a torrid love affair.


3. The host spices up the party by inviting two dancers.

daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 16:15:50


Carrie: Well, I can't believe it. Same time, same place. Just you and me.

Mr. Big: Well, sort of. Meet my friend Jack.

Carrie: Oh, hi. How are you?

Jack: Marvelous.Going throughmy second divorce. Bitch is getting everything the first bitch didn't.

Carrie: There he was, rightin the middle ofmy drink thing... Mr. Marvelous.

Jack: Jesus. Look at that beautiful woman. I'm gonna go ask her to join us for dinner. Excuse me.

Mr. Big: OK. He, uh, called me crying. Do you forgive me?

Carrie:Here's what.Why don't you two have a guy's night. You know, talk, cry,shoot bear. I'm waybehind onmy column anyway. Here.Next round on me. We'll do our thing another time.

Mr. Big: Are you sure?

Carrie: Abso-fucking-lutely. I didn't know what I was supposed to feel. Confused? Sad? Rejected? I decided to walk to clear my head. Also, I just left my cab fare on the table. So I walked. I walked 48 blocks in four-hundred-dollar shoes. I just needed something totake the edge off.

Jack: Hi.

Woman: Hello.

Carrie: Hi. How are you? Why is it in a city of ten million men you always see the one you don't want and never see the one you-

Mr. Big: Hi.

Carrie: Hi. What are you doing down there?

Mr. Big: It's a wobbly table. Guess I have the touch. Would you care to join us?

Carrie: Hinge.

Mr. Big: What?

Carrie: Your crossword puzzle. Five-letter word. "To bring together." Hinge. Nice seeing you. Bye.

Woman: Bye.

Mr. Big: Excuse me. Hey, just so you know, I would've gotten hinge on my own. Maybe.

Carrie: I have no doubt.

Mr. Big: Now that I've got Jackhooked up, I'm single again. Maybe we could have dinner sometime.

Carrie: I don't know. I'm good at crossword puzzles. I'm just not so good at people puzzles.

Mr. Big: Anywhere you want. Just you and me.

Carrie: Call me. As I walked away, I had a thought: Maybe all men are a drug. Sometimes they bring you down and sometimes, like now, they get you so high.


1. Go through

这里的意思是"Experience,undergo,suffer经历,经受",例如:We went through hell trying to find an answer.

2. In the middle of

In the middle of something/doing something 可用来指"During,while engaged in 正在做……,在……中间",例如:He stopped him in the middle of his speech.

3. Here's what

"Here's what" is something you say when you are proposing an idea. 当你要提出一个想法时就可以用这句话来做开场白。

4. Shoot bear

Carrie 说shoot bear 时的意思是"They should go hunting for bear, because that would be a manly thing to do."当然这不过时当时她随口说说的而已。

5. Behind on

这个片语也写做behind in,意思是"Late with; not progressing quickly enough with迟,晚",例如:The builders are behind on this project.

6. Next round on me.

On me 这里的意思是"我请客",想要了解更多关于请客的表达,请参看:"请客"怎么说

7. Take the edge off

这个片语的意思是"Ease or assuage, make less severe减弱",例如:That snack took the edge off our hunger.(吃了这点小吃,我们不那么饿了。)

8. Hook up

本意是"以钩钩住",引申为"和……形成联系",例如:She had hooked up with the wrong crowd.


Crossword puzzle风行世界的字谜游戏

Americans began doing crosswords in 1913

Crossword puzzle is a word game in which words corresponding to numbered clues are put into a grid of horizontal and vertical squares to form intersecting words. The puzzle is solved when a player supplies all of the words correctly. Though a type of crossword puzzle has been found inscribed on an ancient tomb in Egypt, journalist Arthur Wynne is generally credited with its invention in 1913. Crossword puzzles became popular with Simon and Schuster's 1924 publication of a crossword puzzle book and now appear in virtually all newspapers. Players vie for titles at various crossword competitions.

The creating of crosswords is called cruciverbalism among its practitioners, who are referred to as cruciverbalists. The terms derive from the Latin for cross and word. Although the terms have existed since the mid 1970s, non-cruciverbalists rarely use them, calling crossword creators constructors or (especially outside the United States) setters. Many puzzle creators in the UK regard this term as affected or pretentious and consider that "compiler" is adequate.

The horizontal and vertical lines of white cells into which answers are written are commonly called entries or answers. The clues are usually called just that, or sometimes definitions. White cells are sometimes called lights, and the black cells are sometimes called darks, blanks, or blocks.

A white cell that is part of two entries (both Across and Down) is called checked, keyed or crossed. A white cell that is part of only one entry is called unchecked, unkeyed or uncrossed.


男人到底算什么?在这一集的结尾,Carrie 给出了这样一句话:Maybe all men are a drug. Sometimes they bring you down and sometimes, like now, they get you so high. 我想,这句话也同样适用于女人吧。两者之间的战争,永远在继续。








Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之三)考考你 参考答案

1. 你能给我朋友找个舞伴吗?

Can you fix up my friend with a date for the dance?

2. 她从来没有相过亲。

She never goes on blind dates.

3. 我们想点办法帮帮忙吧。

Let's figure out a way to help.

4. 你在那家公司工作多久了?

How long have you been with that firm?
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 16:17:24


Carrie: While at home, all the English I seemed to encounter was "bills, bills, bills." I envied Amalita. Her life was a blur of rich men, designer clothes and glamorous resorts. She didn't actually work for a living, yet possessed a dazzling sexual power that she exploited to her full advantage. Which presented a certain conundrum: Where's the line between professional girlfriend and just plain professional?

Samantha: Women have the right to use every meansat their disposalto achieve power.

Miranda: Short of sleeping their way to the top.

Samantha: Not if that's what it takes to compete.

Charlotte: But that's exploitation!

Samantha: Of men-- which is perfectly legal.

Carrie: Saturday night. In an effort to save money and maybe even pick up a few extra bucks, I invited the girls over for poker.

Charlotte:I'll buy two.

Carrie:I'm in for three.So you advocate a double standard. Women can use their sexuality to get ahead whenever possible, but men should not be allowed to take advantage of it?

Samantha: No. I'm just saying that men and women are equal-opportunity exploiters.

Miranda: Ifold.

Charlotte: What if you sense that someone is giving you a professional advantage because they find you charming?

Miranda: Charming?

Samantha: This I gotta hear.

Charlotte: Well, a few days ago, Neville Morgan, the notoriously reclusive painter paid a visit to the gallery.

Carrie: Neville was making his yearly pilgrimage to Manhattan to check out what was new and hot on the art scene. And he found it--Charlotte. It was only a matter of moments before he invited her to his farm upstate to view his latest work.

Charlotte: So, if I could get him to show at the gallery, it would be an incredible coup. But what if he wants me to, you know.

Carrie: Hold his brush?

Miranda: If he so much as suggests what she's suggesting you give me a call and we'llsue the hell out ofhim. That's the only proper way to trade sex for power.

Samantha: I can't believe what I'm hearing. You're like the Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt.

Miranda: It's Skipper. I told him I was here. He insisted on picking me up, but he's not supposed to be here till 11:00.

Carrie: He's like a sweet little seal pup.

Miranda: That you sometimes want to club. You're an hour early.

Skipper: Oh, I can wait in the hall.

Carrie: No, Skipper, come in.

Miranda: It's all right. I'm leaving anyway. You guys havecleaned me out. Good night, ladies. Charlotte,keep me posted.

Carrie: A couple of hours later, I was looking forward tocalling it an early night, when-- Hello?

Amalita: Carrie, you bitch! What are you doing?

Carrie: Actually I'm getting ready to go to sleep.

Amalita: Why don't you come and join us? We are at Balzac, and there is someone here Iam dying foryou to meet.

Carrie: I'd love to, but I'm really trying tocut back. You know, pinch a few pennies.

Amalita: You are crazy, you know that? Why don't you just come down here and be your fabulous self?

Carrie: The truth was I could barely afford that either. But I rationalized that my new shoes shouldn't be punished just because I can't budget.


1. At someone's disposal

意为"由某人做主,听某人之便,受其管理,由其支配",例如:They put their car at our disposal for our entire stay.

2. Fold

这里的fold 特指玩游戏时的一种行为--收回:在失利时收回(手),如把牌面朝下放在桌上。

上文中Charlotte 提到"I'll buy two.",Carrie 提到" I'm in for three. "均指玩牌时赌的钱数。

3. Sue the hell out of

"Hell" here is simply a swear word used for emphasis. "Sue"指得是"诉讼",意思是"(打官司)让某人输得一败涂地"。

4. Clean out

意思是"to drive out by force",例如:The new CEO tried to get away with cleaning out all employees over the age of 60.

5. Keep me posted

意思是"有消息通知我"。我们在The Queen《女王》中也学过一个同样意思的表达:keep me updated。

6. Call it a night

Call it a day 的意思大家应该都知道吧,就是"Stop a particular activity for the rest of the day",比如快到下课的时候,老师说"Let's call it a day."意思就是"这节课结束了"。同样的,call it a night 的意思就是"to stop something for the rest of the night",例如:One more hand of bridge and then let's call it a night.

7. Be dying for

这个片语的原形是die for,意思是"long for, desire excessively渴望,强烈的希望",例如:I'm dying for some ice cream.

8. Cut back

意思是"Reduce, decrease",例如:They are going to cut back defense spending.


John and Lorena Bobbitt

电影中 Samantha 提到 Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt,这个说法其实大有来历。

John Wayne Bobbitt (born March 23, 1967 in Buffalo, New York) and Lorena Leonor Gallo de Bobbitt (born 1970 in Bucay, Ecuador) were an American couple, married on June 18, 1989, known for a 1993 incident in which Lorena severed John's penis with a kitchen knife.

On the night of June 23, 1993, Lorena Bobbitt chopped off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife as he lay sleeping in their Manassas, Virginia, home. She then drove off with the severed penis and flung it out her car window. Police performed a diligent search and located it, and it was then surgically reattached.

In statements to police, she explained that she had cut off the penis because her husband "raped her" and "wouldn't stop." John contested these accusations by elaborately detailing his allegedly unsuccessful attempts at talking to her the previous night.

Two trials followed this incident. In the first, John faced charges stemming from accusations of assault against Lorena. He was acquitted of this charge in September 1993.

In the second, Lorena was charged with "malicious wounding" of which she was found not guilty in January of 1994 on the basis of expert testimony that she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of her husband's abuse. According to her defense lawyers, on the night of the attack, Lorena's PTSD manifested itself in a form of temporary insanity causing an irresistible impulse to sexually wound her husband. As a result, she could not be held liable for her actions. After the jury issued a verdict of not guilty, Lorena was ordered to spend 45 days in a psychiatric hospital.

Explanations for the incident

One hypotheses for the timing and form of Lorena's attack centers on her testimony of how John has pushed her into an unwanted abortion a year after they had been married, and almost exactly three years before the attack. The theory that this incident was an extreme manifestation of post-abortion trauma was first proposed by David Reardon, Ph.D. In support of this view, Reardon analyzes dozens of facts reported from the trial, three of which are described here. First, Lorena testified that she had experienced flashbacks to the abortion just before picking up the knife used for the attack. Secondly, she testified that she had experienced an anxiety attack and psychosomatic abdominal cramping four days before the attack. Reardon interprets this as evidence that she was experiencing a post-traumatic anniversary reaction, which involves an intensified period of PTSD symptoms. Third, Lorena testified to experiencing fears she would never be able to have children following the abortion. From these and other bits of evidence, Reardon asserts: "It takes no leap of imagination to see how a woman, such as Lorena who, on an unconscious level felt that she had been sexually mutilated by her abortion, would, in a moment of bitter passion, attempt to 'castrate' her husband. Lorena's subconscious decision to limit her attack to his penis, I would suggest, may have reflected an 'eye for an eye' form of justice. He had robbed her of her fertility; she robbed him of his."

Trivia and popular culture

The case created a popular sensation at the time and was a frequent subject of jokes and joking references. It even seemed possible for a while that the Bobbitt name might enter the language.

哈佛法学院是美国最好的法学院之一,Miranda 本身是个律师,Lorena Bobbitt 是涉案女主角。Samantha 把这三者综合起来开了个玩笑。

5. Keep me posted

意思是"有消息通知我"。我们在The Queen《女王》中也学过一个同样意思的表达:keep me updated。

6. Call it a night

Call it a day 的意思大家应该都知道吧,就是"Stop a particular activity for the rest of the day",比如快到下课的时候,老师说"Let's call it a day."意思就是"这节课结束了"。同样的,call it a night 的意思就是"to stop something for the rest of the night",例如:One more hand of bridge and then let's call it a night.

7. Be dying for

这个片语的原形是die for,意思是"long for, desire excessively渴望,强烈的希望",例如:I'm dying for some ice cream.

8. Cut back

意思是"Reduce, decrease",例如:They are going to cut back defense spending.


John and Lorena Bobbitt

电影中 Samantha 提到 Harvard Law Lorena Bobbitt,这个说法其实大有来历。

John Wayne Bobbitt (born March 23, 1967 in Buffalo, New York) and Lorena Leonor Gallo de Bobbitt (born 1970 in Bucay, Ecuador) were an American couple, married on June 18, 1989, known for a 1993 incident in which Lorena severed John's penis with a kitchen knife.

On the night of June 23, 1993, Lorena Bobbitt chopped off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife as he lay sleeping in their Manassas, Virginia, home. She then drove off with the severed penis and flung it out her car window. Police performed a diligent search and located it, and it was then surgically reattached.

In statements to police, she explained that she had cut off the penis because her husband "raped her" and "wouldn't stop." John contested these accusations by elaborately detailing his allegedly unsuccessful attempts at talking to her the previous night.

Two trials followed this incident. In the first, John faced charges stemming from accusations of assault against Lorena. He was acquitted of this charge in September 1993.

In the second, Lorena was charged with "malicious wounding" of which she was found not guilty in January of 1994 on the basis of expert testimony that she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of her husband's abuse. According to her defense lawyers, on the night of the attack, Lorena's PTSD manifested itself in a form of temporary insanity causing an irresistible impulse to sexually wound her husband. As a result, she could not be held liable for her actions. After the jury issued a verdict of not guilty, Lorena was ordered to spend 45 days in a psychiatric hospital.

Explanations for the incident

One hypotheses for the timing and form of Lorena's attack centers on her testimony of how John has pushed her into an unwanted abortion a year after they had been married, and almost exactly three years before the attack. The theory that this incident was an extreme manifestation of post-abortion trauma was first proposed by David Reardon, Ph.D. In support of this view, Reardon analyzes dozens of facts reported from the trial, three of which are described here. First, Lorena testified that she had experienced flashbacks to the abortion just before picking up the knife used for the attack. Secondly, she testified that she had experienced an anxiety attack and psychosomatic abdominal cramping four days before the attack. Reardon interprets this as evidence that she was experiencing a post-traumatic anniversary reaction, which involves an intensified period of PTSD symptoms. Third, Lorena testified to experiencing fears she would never be able to have children following the abortion. From these and other bits of evidence, Reardon asserts: "It takes no leap of imagination to see how a woman, such as Lorena who, on an unconscious level felt that she had been sexually mutilated by her abortion, would, in a moment of bitter passion, attempt to 'castrate' her husband. Lorena's subconscious decision to limit her attack to his penis, I would suggest, may have reflected an 'eye for an eye' form of justice. He had robbed her of her fertility; she robbed him of his."

Trivia and popular culture

The case created a popular sensation at the time and was a frequent subject of jokes and joking references. It even seemed possible for a while that the Bobbitt name might enter the language.

哈佛法学院是美国最好的法学院之一,Miranda 本身是个律师,Lorena Bobbitt 是涉案女主角。Samantha 把这三者综合起来开了个玩笑。
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 16:18:21


Carrie: Mike told me everything that afternoon while I helped him pick out sheets at Bed, Bath & Beyond. So how long have you been seeing her?

Mike: A while.

Carrie: Is this a painful topic?

Mike: No. It's just she's not someone I date openly.

Carrie: Why? Is she married?

Mike: No.

Carrie: Is she a cousin?

Mike: No. Look. The thing is, she's smart, she's been incredibly sweet, and sex is great. She's just not the one Isee myself with.

Carrie: Why not? It was about three months ago. Mike had beendumpedby Fiona Brooks, a cellist for the Philharmonic who he was trying to forget as quickly as possible. They had both loved to cook, and shopping for the week was a Saturday morning ritual. So he was feeling particularly vulnerable when--

Libby: Care to try some aged sheep's milk cheese from the trappists in Alps?

Mike: Thanks. It's good.

Libby: It's made by monks.

Mike: Really?

Libby: Trappist monks. Fresh goat cheese from the Napa Valley.

Mike: It's delicious.

Libby: (French.) It's a triple cream from France.

Carrie: She was one of the only women he'd ever met who he felt he could justbe with. So what's the problem?

Mike: Look. She's not beautiful and we don't have a lot in common. I mean, you know, most of her friends are in dairy. But she's warm and unpretentious and it was the best sex I've ever had in my life.

Carrie: What are you afraid of? What are other people going to think?

Mike: All I know is that she's not the right woman for mein the larger sense, so I keep her a secret.

Carrie: I couldn't decide whether Mike was being shallow or honest but the question nagged me for days. How many of us out there are having great sex with people we're ashamed to introduce to our friends?


1. See oneself with.

意思是 "打算要结婚或是保持长期的恋爱关系",例如:Linda is the girl he sees himself with.

2. Dump

Dump 是 break up 的俗语讲法,两者之间的区别就好像是我们汉语中说的"分手"和"被甩"差不多。例如:Mike was dumped by Fiona. Again.

3. Be with

这里"be with" 意思是"和某人在一起,交往",在这个片段中的意思是"Mike could just be himself around her, he didn't feel like he had to impress her or pretend to be someone else. He could just be himself around her, and she liked him."

举个例子:I think John is the man I'm supposed to be with. 这里的 be with 意思就是 be dating。

4. In the larger sense

在这里和"see oneself with"的意思差不多:He doesn't see himself with her for a long time, or marrying later in life.



乳酪是西餐中必不可少的菜肴。对它,有人爱之如命、不可一日或缺,有人则一闻到味道便逃之夭夭、避之唯恐不及。目前,全世界约有数千种以上的天然乳酪,产地涵盖将近整个欧洲,以及美国、加州、澳洲、纽西兰与日本等地;其中,每个国家都有其代表性的乳酪,如意大利的Gorgonzola、Mascarpone、Ricotta,荷兰的Gouda、Edam,英国的Stilton、Cheddar,瑞士的Emmenthal、Gruyere,德国的Bonifaz、Bavariablu,丹麦的Danadlu、Havarti ……等等。

As Pierre Androuet asserts in his fundamental text Guide du Fromage (Guide to Cheese), a cheese should simply be what it is-its appearance, aroma, texture, and flavor should be characteristic of the variety to which it belongs. But how does one determinate a cheese's "type"? There are innumerable cheeses, and no single, standardized method for grouping them; rather, authorities employ different classification systems.

General characteristics, such as the type of milk (or whey) used or the country of origin, provide a starting point for discussing broad topics; for example, the relative unpopularity of sheep's milk cheese in the United States compared to European countries, or the social implications of cheese consumption in England as opposed to France. More specific classifications-the moisture content of the cheese (hard, semi-hard, soft, or fresh), whether it was made from pasteurized or unpasteurized milk, or the length of aging-may serve scientific inquiries concerned with bacterial development rates in different cheeses.

When cheese is classified by "type," it is grouped by similar characteristics like taste, smell, and appearance. The rind type and the method of production are often used as determining factors. Steven Jenkins describes eight different cheese "families" (including processed cheese) (Cheese Primer, pp. 11-13). These very common categories may help when choosing a cheese at the cheese counter, but a particular cheese may fit into more than one category, or not seem to fit in any.

Fresh cheese 新鲜乳酪. After the formation of curds, the cheese (and also, sometimes, the whey) is usually transferred to plastic tubs and covered. The cheeses are eaten fresh, not ripened, and do not have a rind. Cottage cheese, cream cheese, and feta-a pickled cheese-are some common examples of fresh cheeses. Sometimes fresh Mozzarella is also included in this category because it does not form a rind, but this is problematic because Mozzarella curds are heated and stretched.

Bloomy rind cheese 半成熟乳酪. Also called simply "soft ripened cheese," this category includes cheeses like French Camembert and Brie, which are covered with velvety white molds that ripen the cheese from the outside in.

Washed-rind cheese 洗浸乳酪. These orange, sticky, stinky cheeses are rubbed with a water, brine, or alcohol solution to invite the growth of ripening bacteria and molds on their rinds. Examples include the French Livarot (nicknamed "The Colonel" because it is ringed with raffia stripes) and Alsatian Munster.

Natural rind cheese 自然外壳乳酪. These cheeses are self-sufficient, naturally forming their rinds from air contact. Surface-molded goat cheeses and British Stilton are good examples. British farmhouse cheeses are sometimes included in the natural rind category because their permeable cheesecloth wrapping allows them to develop a thick protective rind. Likewise, Parmigiano-Reggiano and other cheeses are helped to form a rind that still develops largely from air contact.

Blue-veined cheese 蓝纹乳酪. To allow the growth of their distinctive bluish or greenish interior molds, these cheeses are never pressed. They are typically injected with a mold strain, and then pierced to expose the insides to air. They may be wrapped in foil like Italian Gorgonzola or form natural rinds like British Stilton.

Uncooked, pressed cheese. This is a category defined by processing type. These cheeses are pressed to remove whey, but are not cooked.

Cooked, pressed cheese. Cheeses such as Swiss Emmental (sometimes Emmentaler) and Gruyère are cooked and pressed in the processes described above.

Processed cheese 加工乳酪. There is another type of cheese that, because of its overwhelming presence in supermarket refrigerator cases, should not be overlooked. Pasteurized processed cheese is created by heating and mixing a blend of natural cheeses and emulsifiers. These cheeses-American cheese certainly being the best-known in the United States-can retain their flavor and texture qualities in a much broader range of temperature and moisture conditions than can natural cheeses, and for a longer period of time. They are also easy to use in a variety of dishes, and are typically less expensive than natural cheeses. Because the entire product, not just the milk, is pasteurized, and because processed cheeses are often vacuum-packaged, they are uniformly and consistently safe. The nutrient content of processed cheese remains very close to that of natural cheese, although the sodium content may be higher. All of these characteristics make them popular choices not only in the United States but in other countries as well.

Processed cheese food and cheese spread both contain natural cheese and emulsifying agents, but add other ingredients like whey, skim milk, milk powders, or water that raise the moisture content of the product. This causes them to melt or spread more easily. There are also imitation cheese products that contain little or no milk protein. Soy cheese is one example of an imitation cheese product.





1. The thing is, she's smart, she's been incredibly sweet, and sex is great. She's just not the one I see myself with.

2. She was one of the only women he'd ever met who he felt he could just be with.

3. I couldn't decide whether Mike was being shallow or honest but the question nagged me for days.
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-16 16:20:03


Carrie: The island of Manhattan is a cozy village populated by more than seven million fascinating individuals who all behave like they own the sidewalk. But lately it seemed as if the entire city had been magically reduced to only two people--us.Four-hour conversations flew by in a space of 15 minutes and a few days apart felt like weeks.I realize that Einstein's Law of Relativity would have to be amended to include a special set of rules--those to explain the peculiar effects of infatuation. Hello?

Miranda: Hi. I'm trying toget hold ofa Miss Carrie Bradshaw. She used to be a friend of mine.

Carrie: Good morning.

Miranda: Wait. I think I recognize that voice.

Carrie: I can't believe it's been so long. I've been, I've beenmeaningto call you. I've just been-

Miranda: Fucking your brains out?

Carrie: Yeah, well, that's the least of it. You know what? I don't think that I have beenhitthis hard since-now, you know what, I'm not gonna compare it to anything, because everything else has always ended.

Miranda: So will I actually get to see you sometime?

Carrie: Yeah, absolutely. How about tonight?

Miranda: Yeah, tonight will work.

Carrie: All right, so I'll call Charlotte and Samantha and see if they're free, 'cause Big's got this dinner thing, so we know, we don't have any plans anyway. You know--

Miranda: God, would you listen to yourself?

Carrie: Yeah, I know. I've become one of those women we hate.

Miranda: Yes, you have. I can't talk now. I'll call you later. Okay?

Carrie: All right. Bye. As I hung up, I realized I'd committed the cardinal sin--I'd forsaken my girlfriends for my new boyfriend. That night I faced the tribunal.

Miranda: We really weren't that concerned.

Samantha: Just completely hurt and offended.

Charlotte: Actually, you missed a lot.

Miranda: I know. I am trying it-

Carrie: Miranda had worked on a big successful merger. Samantha was obsessed with the idea of a new apartment. And Charlotte--Charlotte was practically engaged. They met the day after Idropped off the edge of the earth. His name was Michael Conway. He was from a good New York family and he absolutely adored Charlotte.

Charlotte: I think this might be it. I think this might be the one.

Samantha: We've met him. He's perfect.


1. Four-hour conversations flew by in a space of 15 minutes and a few days apart felt like weeks.


2. Get hold of

这里的意思是"To communicate with, as by telephone",例如:I tried to get hold of you but the line was busy.

Get hold of 还可以表示"拥有,找到",例如:Where can I get hold of a copy?

3. Mean

这里的mean表示的是"To have as a purpose or an intention; intend"的意思,例如:I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept.

我们常常听到的表达I don't mean to (我不是故意的). 中,mean 也是同样的意思。

4. Hit

这里的hit 可不是"打",Carrie 是借此表示the relationship is very momentous and important to her, and has taken her attention,她"完全陷进去了"。

5. Drop off the edge of the earth

意思差不多相当于"人间蒸发":If you drop off the edge of the earth, it means you disappear from sight. You are no longer active in your former social circles and people you know don't see you around anymore. Maybe you move or just start doing things or something.

打个比方,当你遇到一个很久没见的朋友时,你就可以说:Hey, you've dropped off the edge of the earth lately. Where have you been?


Albert Einstein & The Law of Relativity爱因斯坦和他的相对论

Photographed by Oren J. Turner (1947)

Albert Einstein (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Ger. - died April 18, 1955, Princeton, N.J., U.S.), German-Swiss-U.S. scientist. Born to a Jewish family in Germany, he grew up in Munich, and in 1894 he moved to Aarau, Switz. He attended a technical school in Zürich (graduating in 1900) and during this period renounced his German citizenship; stateless for some years, he became a Swiss citizen in 1901. Einstein became a junior examiner at the Swiss patent office in 1902 and began producing original theoretical work that laid many of the foundations for 20th-century physics. He received his doctorate from the University of Zürich in 1905, the same year he won international fame with the publication of three articles: one on Brownian motion, which he explained in terms of molecular kinetic energy; one on the photoelectric effect, in which he demonstrated the particle nature of light; and one on his special theory of relativity, which included his formulation of the equivalence of mass and energy (E = mc2). Einstein held several professorships before becoming director of Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in 1913. In 1915 he published his general theory of relativity, which was confirmed experimentally during a solar eclipse in 1919 with observations of the deviation of light passing near the Sun. He received a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work on the photoelectric effect, his work on relativity still being controversial. He made important contributions to quantum field theory, and for decades he sought to discover the mathematical relationship between electromagnetism and gravitation, which he believed would be a first step toward discovering the common laws governing the behaviour of everything in the universe, but such a unified field theory eluded him. His theories of relativity and gravitation represented a profound advance over Newtonian physics and revolutionized scientific and philosophical inquiry. He resigned his position at the Prussian Academy when Adolf Hitler came to power and moved to Princeton, N.J., where he joined the Institute for Advanced Study. Though a longtime pacifist, he was instrumental in persuading Pres. Franklin Roosevelt in 1939 to initiate the Manhattan Project for the production of an atomic bomb, a technology his own theories greatly furthered, though he did not work on the project himself. Einstein became a U.S. citizen in 1940 but retained his Swiss citizenship. The most eminent scientist in the world in the postwar years, he declined an offer to become the first prime minister of Israel and became a strong advocate for nuclear disarmament.

The Special Theory of Relativity

Young Albert before the Einsteins moved from Germany to Italy.

The validity of the classical concepts of absolute and independent time and space was challenged by H. A. Lorentz and others. Since absolute motion cannot be confirmed by objective measurement, Einstein suggested that it be discarded from physical reasoning; he explained the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment by means of the special relativity theory, which he enunciated in 1905. This theory accepts the hypothesis that the laws of nature are the same in different moving systems applies also to the propagation of light, so that the measured speed of light is constant for all observers regardless of the motion of the observer or of the source of the light. Einstein deduced from these hypotheses the full logical consequences and reformulated the mathematical equations of physics, basing them in part on equations of H. A. Lorentz by which measurements made in one uniformly moving system can be correlated with measurements in another system if the velocity of one relative to the other is known.

The theory resolves the conflict between Newton's mechanics and Maxwell's electrodynamics by introducing fundamental changes in Newton's theory. In most phenomena of ordinary experience the results obtained from the application of the special theory approximate those based on Newtonian dynamics, but the results deviate greatly for phenomena occurring at velocities approaching the speed of light. In innumerable cases where the results predicted by these theories are incompatible, experimental evidence supports the Einstein theory. Among its assertions and consequences are the propositions that the maximum velocity attainable in the universe is that of light; that mass and energy are equivalent and interchangeable properties (this is spectacularly confirmed by nuclear fission, on which the atomic bomb is based); that objects appear to contract in the direction of motion; that the rate of a moving clock seems to decrease as its velocity increases; that events that appear simultaneous to an observer in one system may not appear simultaneous to an observer in another system; and that, since absolute time is excluded from physical reasoning because it cannot be measured, the results of observers in different systems are equally correct.

The General Theory of Relativity

Max Planck presents Einstein with the Max-Planck medal, Berlin June 28, 1929

Einstein expanded the special theory of relativity into a general theory (completed c.1916) that applies to systems in nonuniform (accelerated) motion as well as to systems in uniform motion. The general theory is principally concerned with the large-scale effects of gravitation and therefore is an essential ingredient in theories of the universe as a whole, or cosmology. The theory recognizes the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass. It asserts that material bodies produce curvatures in space-time that form a gravitational field and that the path of a body in the field is determined by this curvature. The geometry of a given region of space and the motion in the field can be predicted from the equations of the general theory.

Details of the motions of the planet Mercury had long puzzled astronomers; Einstein's computations explained them. He stated that the path of a ray of light is deflected by a gravitational field; observations of starlight passing near the sun, first made by A. S. Eddington during an eclipse of the sun in 1919, confirmed this. He predicted that in a gravitational field spectral lines of substances would be shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. This has been confirmed by observation of light from white dwarf stars. Further confirmation has been obtained in recent years from precision measurements using artificial satellites and the Viking lander on Mars, and from detailed observations of pulsars.





The island of Manhattan is a cozy village populated by more than seven million fascinating individuals who all behave like they own the sidewalk. But lately it seemed as if the entire city had been magically reduced to only two people--us.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之六)考考你 参考答案

1. The thing is, she's smart, she's been incredibly sweet, and sex is great. She's just not the one I see myself with.


2. She was one of the only women he'd ever met who he felt he could just be with.


3. I couldn't decide whether Mike was being shallow or honest but the question nagged me for days.

daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:43:39


Carrie: Five hours later, Charlotte's night was just beginning. She and Jack had just had another fantastic date--dancing for dyslexia.

Jack: So, what do you think of her? Is she hot?

Charlotte: Jack!

Jack: You're right. Maybe she's more your taste.

Charlotte: Stop it.

Woman: Have a light?

Charlotte: Sorry, I don't smoke.

Woman:That's a shame.

Jack: Did you see that? She was flirting with us.

Charlotte: I think she was flirting with you.

Jack: Charlotte, you are such aturn-on, and you have no idea. You'regiving offthis sexual energy all the time. Avibelike, you've got a fire inside of you. She'd be crazy not to be in to you.

Carrie: Who knows whether it was her vodka or her vibe but Charlotte suddenly did feel a little warm.

Charlotte: I think she put her hand on my leg.

Jack: So should I ask her to join us?

Charlotte: Do you think it means I should do it? Have a threesome? Jack says that I have a fire inside me.

Carrie:You tell him they make a cream for that.

Charlotte: I'm serious.

Carrie: I don't know, it's your call, but don't do it just to make Jack happy.

Charlotte: But maybe it would bring us closer.

Carrie: Sweetie, don't you think it's weird that you're thinking of sleeping with someone you don't know to get closer to Jack?

Charlotte: How well do we ever know the people we sleep with?

Carrie: That was the thing about Charlotte. Just when you were about towrite her offas aPark AvenuePollyanna, she'd say something so right on, you'd think she was the Dalai Lama.

Charlotte: Do you think my hair is too shiny today?

Carrie: And then, she'd say something else.

Charlotte: Do you?

Carrie: But the bigger question remained.


1. That's a shame.

相当于"It's a pity.(真遗憾)",可不是"可耻"的意思。

2. Turn-on

在俚语中,turn-on 可以指"Something that causes pleasure or excitement",这里指"引起性欲的人/事物"。

3. Give off

Give off 这个短语大家都不陌生,它做"放出,散发出"的意思解,可以指"发出(蒸汽,光,香味,能量,热,辐射)"等等。例如:The gardenia gives off a very strong fragrance.

4. Vibe

俚语,vibration的简化用法,意思是"感应,共鸣",例如:That place gave me bad vibrations. 那个地方给我一种不好的感觉。

5. You tell him they make a cream for that.

美国有很多抗生素类药是乳霜型的,这里Carrie 把 Charlotte 的fire inside 比作"感染",抗生素类药可以帮助她,

6. Write off

这个片语的本意是"cut off, cancel",但在这里的意思是"to label",Carrie 要把 Charlotte 定性为Park Avenue Pollyanna。

7. Park Avenue

A wide thoroughfare extending north to south on the East Side of Manhattan Island. Traditionally associated with luxurious apartment houses, it is now the location of many high-rise commercial buildings.



Pollyanna is a best-selling 1913 novel by Eleanor H. Porter that is now considered a classic of children's literature. The book was such a success that Porter soon produced a sequel, Pollyanna Grows Up (1915). Eleven more Pollyanna sequels, known as "Glad Books", were later published, most of them written by Elizabeth Borton or Harriet Lummis Smith. Further sequels followed, the most recent of which, Pollyanna Plays the Game by Colleen L. Reece, appeared as recently as the mid-1990s.

Pollyanna tells the story of Pollyanna Whittier, a young girl who goes to live with her wealthy Aunt Polly after her father's death. Pollyanna's philosophy of life centers around what she calls "The Glad Game": she always tries to find something to be glad about in every situation, and to always do without delay whatever she thinks is right. With this philosophy, and her own sunny personality, she brings so much gladness to her aunt's dispirited New England town that she transforms it into a pleasant, healthy place to live. Eventually, however, even Pollyanna's robust optimism is put to the test when she loses the use of her legs in an accident.

The novel's influence

Despite mixed perceptions of its literary merit, Pollyanna has proved to be both enduringly popular and, in unexpected ways, influential.

Through the success of the book, the term "pollyanna" (along with the adjective "pollyannaish" and the noun "Pollyannaism") entered the language to describe someone who is cheerfully optimistic and who maintains a generous attitude toward the motives of other people. It then became by extension (and contrary to the spirit of the book) a derogatory term for a na?ve optimist who always expects people to act decently, despite strong evidence to the contrary.

The word "pollyanna" may also denote a holiday gift exchange more typically known as Secret Santa. This term is used in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas of Pennsylvania. It can instead mean a gift exchange rotation in which several families each give gifts to one other family in the "pollyanna" each year. This is often done when siblings in a large family begin to have children of their own.

Pollyanna is still available in reprint editions. At the height of her popularity, Pollyanna was known as "The Glad Girl", and Parker Brothers even created The Glad Game, a board game based on the book and character. The Glad Game, a type of Parcheesi, was made and sold from 1915 to 1967 in various versions, including: "Pollyanna - The Glad Game"; "Pollyanna - The Great Home Game"; "Pollyanna - Dixie"; and "Pollyanna". The board game was later licensed by Milton Bradley but has been discontinued for many years.



1. The real turn-on is that he is a visionary as well as a scientist.

2. The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun gives off.

3. It gave me a nostalgic vibe.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之七)考考你 参考答案

The island of Manhattan is a cozy village populated by more than seven million fascinating individuals who all behave like they own the sidewalk. But lately it seemed as if the entire city had been magically reduced to only two people--us.

daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:45:12


Carrie: In a city of perfect people, no one was more perfect than Brooke. She was aninterior designerwho only dated A-list guys. For Brooke, every Saturday night was like the senior prom. So, when she got married, we were all dying to see which one had made the cut. Was I the only one who remembered that Brooke once described this man as more boring than exposed brick? It was your average $100,000 wedding. Investment bankers and the women who hate them, classmates from Steiner, Dalton and Brown and us. We looked like The Witches of Eastwick. A wedding this size always has two singles tables. We were at the other one.

Charlotte: Hello.

Bernie: Hi. I'm Bernie Turtletaub, friend of the groom.

Carrie: It was the Turtle. A Manhattan legend known for two things: good investments and bad breath.

Samantha: My feet are killing me.

Carrie: Here. Sit down.

Samantha: I can't. This outfit only works when I'm standing.

Bernie: I think it works either way.

Smantha: You know, I, I think I'm at that table over there.

Bernie: Your friend is gorgeous. What do I have to do to get to know her better? Do you think the pears in this tart are bosc or bartlett?

Miranda: Who cares?

Carrie: Two hours later, we were bored. Supplies were dwindling, and one of our passengers hadjumped ship.

Charlotte: Are we gonna stick around and catch the bouquet?

Miranda: That is so not going to happen.

Bernie: Bosc! They've got to be bosc.

Brooke: Can you believe I finally did it? You're next. Bill's got some great single friends. It's always better to marry someone who loves you more than you love them.

Carrie: People are always telling me things I don't want to hear. But this onecrossed the line. Did I wake you?

Big: Not at all.

Carrie: Question. Why do people get married if they're not in love?

Big: I don't know. Companionship, guilt, political asylum?

Carrie: Why did you get married?

Big: I was a fool in love.

Carrie: That is so sweet.

Big: And then I was a fool in divorce court.

Carrie: Now you're just a fool.

Big: Exactly. Which is why I'm never getting married again.

Carrie: Suddenly, I had to concentrate on breathing. Are you in bed with someone?

Big: No. Are you?

Carrie: Just three slices of wedding cake. You jealous?

Big: That depends. What are your plans for the frosting?

Carrie: Good night.

Big: Good night.

Carrie: But then again, I'm dating a man who will never get married and Miranda is having a meaningful relationship with something that comes in box from Japan. In a city of great expectations, is it time to settle for what you can get? I needed some answers. Later that week, I met Brooke. Just back from her honeymoon, she was all business: the business of marriage.

Brooke: I'd like to return these. Anyway, you can melt them down into one decent gift? His friends.

Carrie: So, how is it being married?

Brooke: It's fabulous. I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted.

Carrie: And that's a good thing.

Brooke: What's that supposed to mean?

Carrie: It's just, I mean, just means you're, you're happy with Allen, right?

Brooke: Yes, I'm happy.

Carrie: Well then I'm happy for you. Hey, listen, I hope I didn't give you the wrong idea. I think Allen's great. I just, I mean, he's incredibly successful.

Brooke: We think we're Carolyn Bessette. One day John-John'sout of the pictureand we're happy just to have some guy who can throw around a frisbee.


1. Interior designer


2. Jump ship

Jump ship 的本意有些类似于我们中文中的"跳槽":if you jump ship, you leave a job or activity suddenly before it is finished, especially to go and work for someone else. 例如:Another advertising agency offered him $1000 to jump ship.

在这个片段中,jump ship 指的是to withdraw support or membership from a group, organization, cause, etc. 例如:Some of the more liberal members have jumped ship.

3. Cross the line

Cross the line 的意思是"to change from being acceptable to being unacceptable"。Carrie 说People are always telling me things I don't want to hear. 虽然不想听,但都还可以接受,可是这一句"让她没法接受"。

我们来看个例子:I thought the jokes crossed the line and were basically embarrassing.

4. Out of the picture

意思是"to not be involved in a situation",例如:With the national government out of the picture, local leaders will have to work out a solution.

这个片语的反义词是in the picture,意思是to be involved in a situation,例如:Strong thunderstorms and heavy rain are in the picture for the Southeast on Monday.


1.The Witches of Eastwick

The Witches of Eastwickis a 1984 novel by John Updike.

The story, set in the fictional Rhode Island town of Eastwick, is based around the magical abilities and personal growth of the witches Alexandra Spofford, Jane Smart, and Sukie Rougemont. Initially their power is minor, but expands to involve the summoning of a devil-like character, Daryl Van Horne. The mysterious Daryl seduces each of the women in turn, teaching them how to further their powers and creating a scandal in the town. The women come to realise that Daryl is corrupting them and the town, and resolve to exile him from their lives.

Literary significance & criticism

Some have expressed concern that the book may be misogynistic, as it seems to reinforce the patriarchal conception of women as witches, and of women requiring a man for personal growth; others believe that the book may be more of a satire of such ideas.

Celebrity Big Brother 2007 contestants Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara were nicknamed the "Bitches of Eastwick" and "Witches of Elstree" by the British media due to their apparent racist bullying of fellow housemate and Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty.

Film, TV or theatrical adaptations

In 1987, the novel was adapted into a film starring Jack Nicholson as Daryl, Cher as Alexandra, Susan Sarandon as Jane and Michelle Pfeiffer as Sukie.

In 2000, the novel was adapted into a stage musical by John Dempsey and Dana P. Rowe.

2.Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy (January 7, 1966 - July 16, 1999), née Carolyn Jeanne Bessette, was the wife of John F. Kennedy, Jr., the son of assassinated United States President John F. Kennedy. She died at age 33, along with her husband and her sister Lauren Bessette, when the private plane that John F. Kennedy, Jr. himself was piloting crashed in the Atlantic Ocean near Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. Their ashes were scattered at sea on July 22, 1999.

Bessette-Kennedy was born in White Plains, Westchester Co., New York, the daughter of William J. Bessette and his then-wife, née Ann Messina. Bessette grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, and graduated from Boston University in 1988. She was voted an "All-Around Beautiful Person" while at school. An occasional model, she eventually became a publicist for fashion designer Calvin Klein in New York City, where she met Kennedy. She and Kennedy married on September 21, 1996 on Cumberland Island, Georgia.

3.John F. Kennedy, Jr., Publisher / Political Relative

Born: 25 November 1960

Birthplace: Washington, D.C.

Died: 16 July 1999 (airplane crash)

Best Known As: JFK's son who also died young

John F. Kennedy, Jr. was the son of President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and the younger brother of Caroline Kennedy. John Jr. appeared as a three-year-old in one of the most famous film clips of the 1960s, saluting his father's casket after the president was assassinated in 1963. As an adult Kennedy studied law and worked for a few years in the Manhattan District Attorney's office; later he founded the political magazine George. JFK Jr. was a famously eligible bachelor before finally marrying the former Carolyn Bessette in 1996. Kennedy, his wife and her sister were all killed in 1999 when a private plane piloted by Kennedy crashed in the Atlantic Ocean near Martha's Vineyard.

Kennedy was born after his father was elected president but before JFK's inauguration... As a boy his popular nickname was "John-John". He died 18 months after a 1997 skiing accident killed his cousin Michael Kennedy. JFK, Jr. was played by Kristoffer Polaha in the 2003 TV movie America's Prince, with Portia de Rossi as wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy.



1. Although most of our employees are satisfied with their jobs, half of them would probably jump ship if something becames available elsewhere.

2. The original star of the TV series jumped ship after the first season.

3. Players had crossed the line by attacking fans on the pitch.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之八)考考你 参考答案

1. The real turn-on is that he is a visionary as well as a scientist.


2. The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun gives off.


3. It gave me a nostalgic vibe.

daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:46:37

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)



Carrie: I think we should go. It's the right thing to do.

Samantha: Give me one good reason.

Okay. You're driving down the road. You see a sign. It says "two-headed snake." Youpull over. Wild Laney is having a baby shower. You pull over.

Samantha:She's got a point. It's the right thing to do. Just imagine how fat she must be.

Carrie: As I penciled in the date, I noticed something missing. In between the Versace show and dinner at Moomba, there it wasn't--my period, four days late. That Saturday, also known as "Seven Days Late", four city girls set off to visit the country mice. Are we there yet?

Miranda: I've already had two of these, so we're gonna be stopping a lot.

Carrie: Hey, nice outfit. Is there gonna be some belly dancing at the shower?

Samantha: Yeah. Right after the gifts.

Carrie: Shit! I totally spaced. I've forgot to buy her a present. How tacky is it to give the mother-to-be a fistful of cash?

Samantha: Oh, don't worry about it. You cango inon mine.

Carrie: You bought a pregnant woman a bottle of Scotch?

Samantha: The invitation saidBYOB.

Miranda: That meant "bring your own baby."

Carrie: What did you get her?

Miranda: Condoms.

Carrie: Seriously, what did you get her?

Miranda: Seriously. They're pastel.

Charlotte: Hey, guys! Wait, wait! Hey, guys, wait for me!

Samantha: Oh, my God!

Miranda: Look at the size of that thing. We could drive that to Connecticut.

Carrie: I'm putting my name on that card.

Samantha: All right. Go, go, go, go. Does anybody know how to drive?

Charlotte: I just have to tell you your home is beautiful.

Laney: Thank you. I know it's a big change. But at some point, you have to get serious andsettle down. I mean, life is not a Jacqueline Susann novel--four friends looking for life and love in the big city.

Charlotte: Stop it! You are not going to clean up at your own shower.

Woman: Yeah, relax, 'cause once little Todd or Shayla comes around, you'll never stop cleaning up.

Charlotte: Shayla? Did you say Shayla?

Woman: It's so unique, isn't it?

Charlotte: It's so my name!

Woman: I thought your name was Charlotte.

Charlotte: No, it's not my name. It's my name, my secret baby name that I made up when I was 11 years old for my daughter when I had her. I told you. Don't tell me you don't remember.

Laney: No, I'm sorry, I really don't.

Carrie: A complete lie. She remembered. We all remembered. Charlotte had made us all swear never to use it.

Laney: Anyway, I think my husband heard it somewhere else.

Charlotte: Really? Where? Because I didn't tell him.

Laney: I can't believe you're freaking out over a name.

Woman: I mean you're not even pregnant.

Charlotte:That's not the point!

Samantha: What's going on?

Charlotte: She stole my baby name.

Samantha: You bitch! Let's go.


1. Pull over

意思是"将车泊到路边",例如:The police officer told the driver to pull over.

2. She's got a point.

这里的意思是"她说的有道理"。片段中的"That's not the point."意为"这不是重点"。总之,point在很多场合都有很多用法,要多多揣摩。

3. Go in

这里的go in 意思是"Join others in some venture",例如:He went in with the others to buy her a present.


影片中Miranda 说这个缩写的意思是"bring your own baby",实际上这个缩写常用来代表 bring your own booze / bottle。国外流行的一种聚会方式,就是去参加的时候自己带酒,难怪Samantha要理解错了。

5. Settle down

这里指的是"Begin living a stable, orderly life开始过一种稳定的、有规律的生活",也常用来指"结婚",通常人们认为结婚才会稳定。例如:After traveling all over the world for years, he decided to settle down in his home town.


Jacqueline Susann

Jacqueline Susann (August 20, 1918, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - September 21, 1974, New York City) was an American author known for her mass-appeal novels. Her most notable work was Valley of the Dolls, a book that broke sales records and spawned a movie and a TV series.

At school, Susann was a lazy student, but she scored a 140 on a fifth-grade IQ test. Writing was always something she was praised for, but Susann was determined to become an actress. After she graduated from high school, her mother wanted her to become a teacher, but she moved to New York to pursue her original dream.

Arriving in New York City she got bit parts in movies, plays (such as The Women), and commercials. After marrying Irving Mansfield, a press agent on April 2, 1939, she began to get better jobs. She was placed in news columns, and soon was a regular on The Morey Amsterdam Show. She then got a spot in the Broadway show A Lady Says Yes starring Carole Landis and Jack Albertson. In 1955, she acquired her poodle Josephine and a contract to be the fashion commentator for SchiffliLace on Night Time, New York which ran 1-7 a.m. weeknights. She wrote, starred in, and produced two live commercials every night. She continued as the "Schiffli Girl" until 1961.

She tried writing a show business/drug exposé that she was going to call The Pink Dolls, but instead she wrote her first successful book, Every Night, Josephine! which was based on her experiences with her poodle, whom she sometimes dressed up in outfits to match her own. Although the book was widely viewed as a novelty, it sold well enough for her to publish her second book, Valley of the Dolls.

The book was an instant smash, and broke many sales records (at around 19 million copies, it has been cited as the best-selling novel ever.) The book also served as a cultural touchstone; though some peopleconsidered Susann's writing style to be loud, bombastic and brash (an assessment Susann herself would have agreed with) and the subject matter inappropriate, the mixture of soap-opera style storytelling with bold, non-traditional characters - a model, a singer and a bombshell actress - reaped huge sales. It may have also been successful because some of the story was a roman á clef - the character Neely O'Hara was said to be loosely based on Judy Garland, while the character of Broadway legend Helen Lawson appeared to be a take on Ethel Merman, and starlet Jennifer North on Carole Landis. In the subsequent movie, she played a reporter at the scene of Jennifer's suicide.

Once she was famous, Mansfield devoted himself to supporting and helping her, acting as her agent. Susann went on to publish several more novels, all in a similar vein to "Dolls".





Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之九)考考你 参考答案

1. Although most of our employees are satisfied with their jobs, half of them would probably jump ship if something becames available elsewhere.


2. The original star of the TV series jumped ship after the first season.


3. Players had crossed the line by attacking fans on the pitch.

daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:47:36

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十一)



Carrie: I saw the Met is opening a new Goya exhibit. Do you want to go this Saturday?

Big: Sure. Could you get me some more duck sauce, please?

Carrie: I most certainly can. Oh, and we have to stop and see the Renoirs. I love the Renoirs.

Big: OK.

Carrie: There's a moment in every relationship where romancegives way toreality.

Big: You know-- You know what? I'm exhausted. You mind if we just call it a night? Okay?

Carrie: Sure.

Big: Good night.

Carrie: Night. That was the first night we slept together and didn't make love. By the middle of the next week, it was three timesin a rowand I was beginning to worry.

Miranda: Three times? Try three months.

Carrie: No.

Miranda: Yes. Now would be a good time to wipe that horrified look off your face.

Carrie: I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm sorry, I just-- I didn't know. Where have I been?

Miranda: You've been having sex. I've been at Blockbuster renting videos. It's tragic. I'm like two rentals away from a free pound a Gummy Bears.

Carrie: Relax. You're just in adry spell.

Miranda: I can't believe you said that. You're all freaked out about three times. I'm talking three months.

Carrie: That's different. Not doing it when you're with someone means much more than not doing it when you're not with someone.

Miranda: What are you worried about? I thought you said everything felt really comfortable and great.

Carrie: Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get. Even in the plow position, I could count on Samantha for amazing sexual clarity.

Siddhartha: Very good. Let's move on todownward facing dog.

Samantha: With him, I could do itevery hour on the hour.

Carrie: Do you think it means something if Big and I are sleeping together but we're not sleeping together?

Samantha: The truth?

Carrie: When have I ever wanted that? Yeah. Okay, tell me.

Samantha: I think there's trouble. I mean sex is a barometer for what's going on in the relationship.

Carrie: I wasn't going to tell you this, but... I farted.

Samantha: Then move your mat away.

Carrie: Not now. I did it in front of Big.

Samantha: Huge mistake.

Carrie: You think? It wasn't a choice. I'm human. It happened.

Samantha: No, honey, you're a woman, and men don't like women to be human. We aren't supposed to fart, douche, use tampons or have hair in places we shouldn't. I mean, hell, a guy once broke up with me because I missed abikini wax.

Carrie: I knew it. This is a watershed relationship moment I'm never gonna be able to erase.

Samantha: Sure you will. Just go over there and fuck his brains out and he'll forget all about it. Men aren't that complicated. They're kind of like plants.


1. Give way to

Give way to 这个片语有几个常用的意思:

1) Yield the right of way; also, relinquish ascendancy,例如:The cars must give way to the parade.

2) Yield to urging or demand,例如:At the last minute he gave way and avoided a filibuster.

3) Abandon oneself, lose self-control,例如:She gave way to hysteria.

2. In a row


Students stand hand in hand in a row.

This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained.

3. Gummy bears 一种德国品牌的糖果

4. Dry spell

本意是指"长时间的干燥天气,干旱期",引申为"a period of little or no productivity or activity, low income, etc."在两性关系中,它可以表示某一方正处在"情感干旱期"或者是"情感饥渴期"。

5. Downward facing dog 瑜伽中的"下犬式"。

6. Every hour on the hour

这个片语的意思是:every time the clock's big hand reaches twelve 每小时零分,引申为"时时刻刻",例如:The bus passes by the house every hour on the hour.

7. Bikini waxing

将比基尼部位的毛发消除。又称为 Full Brazilian Wax, Full Bikini Wax,FBW,eBodyWax。


1. 画家 Goya

Born: 30 March 1746

Birthplace: Fuendetodos, Zaragoza, Spain

Died: 16 April 1828

Best Known As: Spanish painter of Maya Nude

Name at birth: Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes

The Nude Maja, ca. 1800.

Goya is considered the 18th Century's foremost painter and etcher of Spanish culture, known for his realistic scenes of battles, bullfights and human corruption. Goya lived during a time of upheaval in Spain that included war with France, the Inquisition, the rule of Napoleon's brother, Joseph, as the King of Spain and, finally, the reign of the Spanish King Ferdinand VII. Experts proclaim these events -- and Goya's deafness as a result of an illness in 1793 -- as central to understanding Goya's work, which frequently depicts human misery in a satiric and sometimes nightmarish fashion. From the 1770s he was a royal court painter for Charles III and Charles IV, and when Bonaparte took the throne in 1809, Goya swore fealty to the new king. When the crown was restored to Spain's Ferdinand VII (1814), Goya, in spite of his earlier allegiance to the French king, was reinstated as royal painter. After 1824 he lived in self-imposed exile in Bordeaux until his death, reportedly because of political differences with Ferdinand. Over his long career he created hundreds of paintings, etchings, and lithographs, among them Maya Clothed and Maya Nude (1798-1800); Caprichos (1799-82); The Second of May 1808 and The Third of May 1808 (1814); Disasters of War

The Family of Charles IV, 1800. Théophile Gautier described the figures as looking like "the corner baker and his wife after they won the lottery".

(1810-20); and The Black Paintings (1820-23). Although he left behind no followers of note, his work influenced artists of the 19th and 20th centuries (especially Picasso), and Goya is sometimes called "the Father of Modern Art."

2. Renoir 家族

The name Renoir refers to more than one person.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir (February 25 1841 - December 3 1919), a pre-eminent French painter.

Pierre Renoir (March 21, 1885 - March 11, 1952), an actor and son of Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

Jean Renoir (September 15 1894 - February 12 1979), a film director and son of Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

Claude Renoir (December 4, 1914 - September 5, 1993), a cinematographer and son of Pierre Renoir.

Alain Renoir, an emeritus professor of comparative literature at the University of California at Berkeley, son of Jean Renoir.

Pierre R. Renoir (born 1958), French-born Canadian painter and great-grandson of Pierre-Auguste Renoir.



1. 老板们同意工人们加薪的要求。

2. 这只队队一连五次取得胜利。

3. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲之十)考考你 参考答案


We pulled over to watch the sunset.


Her parents wished she would settle down and raise a family.
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:50:54

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十二)



Carrie: Miranda suddenly realized she was dating "Catholic Guy." So you think the water serves as a retro baptism kind of thing?

Miranda: Beats me. If I'd known he was Catholic, I never would've gone out with him in the first place. They should make them wear a sign.

Carrie: Single people in New York rarely ask about their dates' religious backgrounds for the same reason they don't ask the number of former sex partners: too scary.

Miranda: I mean, he's a rational, logical guy in every respect but this.

Carrie: Clean. You forgot clean. He's a clean guy.

Miranda: Leave it to me to find the only religious guy left in Manhattan.

Carrie: New York is a city filled with places to worship. But it recentlydawned onme the only time I ever heard anyone mention going into one was for a singles mixer. Are relationships the religion of the '90s? Having been raised in the church of "be nice to people and don't talk with your mouth full", I decided to check out some more traditional religious types in their natural habitat. As I watched people leaving church, I was amazed at how they looked. Valentino, Escada, Oscar de la Renta. What is it about God and fashion that go so well together? And suddenly, there he was wearing Armani on Sunday. Mr. Big. I admit it was kind of a shock. Up until that moment, I thought he only believed in the Yankees. Hello there, churchgoer.

Big: Hi. What are you doing here?

Carrie: Research. I'm doing a column on closet Presbyterians. You know any?

Big: Actually, I'm an atheist, but don't tell the minister.

Carrie: Who's the mystery woman?

Big: My mother. I take her to church every Sunday.

Carrie: Really? I'm so loving that. How come you never told me?

Big: Well, you write every Sunday, so--

Carrie: So every Sunday-- church.

Big: Right. You know I've got 20 minutes before my racquetball game. Why don't we have a cup of coffee?

Carrie: I can't. I'm on deadline and this cappuccino justkicked in, so--

Big: So?

Carrie: Bye. God bless. It was one of those awkward relationship moments where you feel like you know nothing about the person you thought you knew everything about.

Miranda: He goes to church with his mother? That can't be good.

Charlotte: Don't listen to her. A man who cares about mother makes a wonderful husband.

Carrie: I think it's sweet.

Miranda: Sure. All religions are sweet until you get to that shower-after-sex phase.

Charlotte: Oh my God, is he still doing that?

Miranda: Please. It's amazing he has any skin left.

Carrie: Have you tried taking a shower with him?

Miranda: No. I'm afraid he'll pull out garlic and a cross.

Charlotte: So, which church does his mother go to?

Carrie: Park Avenue Presbyterian.

Charlotte: Good church. It's one of the best on the East Side.

Carrie: What, are you rating churches? Is there a Zagat guide for that?

Miranda: Four stars, great bread, disappointing wine selection.

Carrie: The thing is, I'm dying to meet his mother. Can you imagine?

Charlotte:Getting on the good side ofhis mother is likeclosing the deal.


1. Dawn on

这个片语也写作dawn upon,意思是"Become evident or understood, to become suddenly clear to (a person)被理解,明白(真相)",例如:It finally dawned on him that he was expected to call them.

2. Kick in

这里的kick in 的意思是"Begin to operate",Carrie 的意思是She just started feeling the effects of the coffee,她已经在喝咖啡了。我们来看个例子:Finally the motor kicked in and we could get started.

3. Get on the good side of

这个片语的意思是"get the favor of 得到……欢心,受宠",例如:Lily has got on the good side of her boyfriend's mother.

4. Close the deal



1. Zagat Survey

Zagat Survey是美国颇具公信力的一个评比调查报告。在Zagat榜上有名,对营业单位算是一种认可;对顾客而言,也算是一种优良推荐。

Zagat Survey was established by Tim and Nina Zagat in 1979 as a way to collect and correlate the ratings of restaurants by diners. For their first guide, covering New York City, the Zagats surveyed their friends. As of 2005, the Zagat Survey included 70 cities, with reviews based on the input of 250,000 individuals reporting over the years. In addition to restaurants, Zagat guides rate hotels, nightlife and shopping, music, movies, theater and golf. The guides are sold in book form, as software for personal digital assistants and mobile phones, and by paid subscription on the Web. Car manufacturer Honda included Zagat information in the GPS-based navigation systems in some of their models available in the United States, including the Acura MDX and Honda Accord.

The ratings are on a 30-point scale, covering food, decor, service, and cost. In addition to numeric scores, the survey also includes a short descriptive paragraph that incorporates reviewers' comments about the restaurant.

2. 美国精神--Yankees

Traditionally Yankee was most often used to refer to a New Englander (in which case it may suggest Puritanism and thrifty values), but today refers to anyone coming from a state north of the Mason-Dixon line, with a specific focus still on New England. However, within New England itself, the term refers more specifically to old-stock New Englanders of English descent. The term WASP, in use since the 1960s, refers by definition to all Protestants of English ancestry, including Yankees and Southerners, though its meaning is often extended to refer to any Protestant white American.

Harkness Tower at Yale

Yankees 重视教育,勤勉,奋斗不息。可以说Yankee在很大程度上是美国精神的代表。Education was always a high priority as typified by Harvard College (1636), Boston Latin School (1635) and Yale College (1701), as well as early advanced schools of law, medicine, theology and engineering. The Yankees pioneered the free public school and, under the leadership of Horace Mann designed a system of public schools and teacher training colleges that formed the national model copied eventually by all the states. By the late 19th century Yankees were creating the first American universities, including Harvard and Yale. Prep schools such as St. Paul's, Phillips Andover, Phillips Exeter, Choate and Groton, continue to play a leading role in educating the wealthiest families.

In religion New England Yankees originally followed the Puritan tradition as expressed in Congregational churches, but after 1750 many became Episcopalians, Methodists, Baptists or Unitarians. The 17th century straight-laced moralism portrayed by novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne faded in the 18th century. The First Great Awakening (under Jonathan Edwards) in the mid-18th century and the Second Great Awakening in the early 19th century (under Charles Grandison Finney) emphasized personal piety, revivals, and devotion to civic duty. Theologically Arminianism replaced the original Calvinism. Horace Bushnell introduced the idea of Christian nurture, whereby children would be brought to religion without revivals.

After 1800 the Yankees (along with the Quakers) spearheaded most reform movements, including abolition, temperance, women's rights and women's education. Emma Willard and Mary Lyons pioneered in the higher education of women, while Yankees comprised most of the reformers who went South during Reconstruction in the 1860s to educate the Freedmen.

In the 21st century the systematic Yankee ways had permeated the entire society through education. Although many observers from the 1880s onward predicted that Yankee politicians would be no match for new generations of ethnic politicians, the presence of Yankees at the top tier of politics in the 21st century was typified by Presidents George H. W. Bush, Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean and Democratic presidential nominee Senator John Forbes Kerry, scion of the old colonial Forbes family.



1. 到中午的时候我才意识到没吃早饭。

2. 温度达到华氏80度后才可以使用空调。

3. 这个学生得到老师的喜爱。

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十一)考考你 参考答案

1. 老板们同意了工人们加薪的要求。

The owners gave way to workers' demands for a pay increase.

2. 这只队伍一连五次取得胜利。

The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row.

3. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。

The London bus departs every hour on the hour.
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:52:17

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十三)



Carrie: When you live on a tiny island like Manhattan, the odds of bumping into the one who broke your heart are incredibly high. The odds of bumping into him when you look like shit are even higher. After a break-up, certain streets, locations... even times of day are off-limits. The city becomes a deserted battlefield loaded with emotional land mines. You have to be very careful where you step or you could be blown to pieces.

Miranda: Get your coat on, Anne Frank, we're going out.

Carrie: I'm really not in the mood.

Miranda: Coat on. Body out.

Carrie: Where are we going?

Miranda: It's a surprise.

Carrie: OK, but only if it's nowhere I can run into him.

Miranda: Just when exactly do you think you're gonna be getting out of this hostage situation? What? Am I wrong?

Charlotte: Don't listen to her, Carrie, it's only been a month. It takes half the total time you went out with someone to get over them.

Carrie: I always like a good math solution to any love problem.

Charlotte: It's the break-up rule. You and Big only went out for a year. So that means she's got five more months to get over him.

Miranda: No, you got to cut your losses and get back in the game. When Eric and I broke up, Igot over him right away.

Carrie: I don't really remember it being like that.

Charlotte: What? Eric who?

Miranda: Eric, asshole I dated a couple of years ago.

Charlotte: Oh, that Eric.

Carrie: Miranda used to call Eric the love of her life until he left her for another woman. Now, she almost never mentioned him.

Charlotte: You can't push yourself into feeling good. The only way to get over somebody is to feel really bad, to cry to your girlfriends and then to replay what you hated about him over and over in your head all day.

Carrie: Yeah. That sounds about right.

Miranda: You're way too dressed up for where we're going.

Carrie: Well, you know I'll risk overdressed vs. the chance of meeting Big looking the way I feel.

Miranda: Oh, God. It seems the first meeting is the worst, you never know how to act.

Carrie: Then there's the vomiting.

Miranda: C'mon! Show us what you got. Last year this guy was Mr. September. He hit like, ten home runs in nine days. Ball! Good eye! Good eye! Way to watch them. He batted 373. He drove in 47 runs. His on-base percentage was.410.

Carrie: As Miranda went on about the new Yankee's stats, I couldn't help wondering about my own. Ten years playing in New York. Countless dates. Five real relationships. One serious. All ending in break-ups. If I were a ballplayer, I'd be batting... whatever really bad is.


1. Bump into

这个片语的意思和run into 差不多,意思是"Encounter, meet by chance",例如:While I was downtown, I bumped into George.

2. In the mood

"有心情做某事",例如:I'm in the mood for a good long walk.

3. Cut one's losses

意思是"Withdraw from a losing situation赶紧脱手免受损失",例如:They decided to close down the unprofitable branch and cut their losses. cut one's losses

4. Get over

这里的意思是"to recover from",既可以表示从疾病中恢复,也可以表示从影响心态、精神的事情恢复过来。例如:I just got over the flu.

5. Dress up

这个片语的意思是"Wear formal or elaborate clothes",就是"盛装"了,我们来看个例子: I love to dress up for a party.

6. Mr. September

September is when the playoffs start in baseball. Mr. September is a baseball player who performs strongly during the playoffs.

7. Home run


8. Ball

Ball 在这里做动词用,表示"投球"。

9. Good eye

It means a player is gifted at the sport - he sees the ball coming well and catches and hits it. He has good eye-hand coordination.

10. Bat击球

11. Drive使(跑垒)得分


Anne Frank——亲历纳粹统治下的生活

Frank, Anne, 1929-45, German diarist, b. Frankfurt as Anneliese Marie Frank. In order to escape Nazi persecution, her family emigrated (1933) to Amsterdam, where her father Otto became a business owner. After the Nazis occupied the Netherlands, her family (along with several other Jews) hid for just over two years (1942-44) in a "secret annex" that was part of her father's office and warehouse building. During those years, Anne kept a diary characterized by poignancy, insight, humor, touching naiveté, and sometimes tart observation. The family was betrayed to the Germans in 1944, and at 15 Anne died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Anne's diary was discovered by one of the family's helpers and after the war was given to her father, the only immediate family member to survive the Holocaust. Edited by him, The Diary of a Young Girl (1947) became an international bestseller and has been translated into English (1952) and 66 other languages. It was also adapted into a play (1955) and a film (1959). A critical edition was published in 1986, and a complete edition, containing almost a third more material, appeared in 1995 on the 50th anniversary of her death. Anne Frank also wrote stories, fables, and essays, which were published in 1959. The Franks' Amsterdam hiding place is now a museum, there is a foundation established by her father, and institutions devoted to her exist in New York, Berlin, London, and other cities.

Annie Frank 生活在一个隐蔽的小屋里,Miranda 用来比喻Carrie 把自己关在家中不出去。



1. 昨天我遇到一个老朋友。

2. 我没心情争论什么。

3. 我希望孩子们能赶快从父母离婚的影响中解脱出来。

4. 他们盛装打扮,参加复活节游行。
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:53:51

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十四)



Carrie: That night, I took Susan Sharon to meet the new male in Charlotte's life. True to form, he was already falling far short of her high expectations.

Charlotte: He did it a minute ago.

Carrie: He was inconsistent...

Charlotte: Get the ball, Henry.

Carrie: ...selfishly stubborn, and hopelessly codependent.

Charlotte: Isn't he smart?

Susan: We shouldn't stay long. I want to be back at your apartment if Richard calls.

Carrie: Really? Aren't you leaving him?

Susan: I am. But if he calls, I want to be there and tell him I won't talk to him.

Charlotte: That's really passive aggressive. You should only speak to him if you have something specific to say.

Susan: Do you believe I married a prick?

Carrie: You didn't know he was a prick.

Susan: I just can't believe that prick hasn't called. Although, he does have this sweet side. You know, you just don't know him very well. Do you think I do the right thing, Henry? Or should I give him another chance--

Charlotte: He's a dog, not an oracle.

Carrie: The next morning, I woke up to an unsettling birthday surprise. Coming. Oh.

Man: Sign here.

Carrie: Thank you.

Carrie: My God.

Samantha: "Best wishes on your birthday."

Carrie: It's from Big.

Samantha: What kind of flowers?

Carrie: Roses, red. Big. Expensive. What do you think it means?

Miranda: It means rip up the card.

Samantha: And watch out for the thorns.

Charlotte: No, no, no, this is the grand gesture.

Miranda: The grand gesture?

Charlotte: Yeah. You know, if you break up with someone, and he just disappears from your life altogether, although it wasn't meant to be. But if they make a powerful declaration of their love, then you really have to reconsider.

Miranda: You think a dozen roses and a card that says "Best wishes" qualifies as a grand gesture?

Charlotte: Well, yeah, you know men. They can never say, "I was wrong." They just send flowers.

Miranda: Yeah, well, sometimes a rose is just a rose.

Samantha: And jewelry, that's another story.

Charlotte: Henry, no. Henry, no, not the purse.

Carrie: You know, I really don't need this on my birthday. Really, what does this mean, the ball's in my court or something? I don't want to play games.

Charlotte: This is not the grand gesture. This is the vague gesture which is truly worse than no gesture at all.

Carrie: I realized that just because we were no longer together didn't mean I couldn’t be polite.

Big: Yeah.

Carrie: Hey, it's me. Carrie.

Big: Hey, how are you doing?

Carrie: Great. Great. Listen, I just wanted to call and thank you for the flowers. That was thoughtful of you.

Big: Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, you know, my, my secretary had it on her calendar, so I, you know...

Carrie: Oh, so your secretary sent them?

Big: Oh, I sent the flowers, my secretary alerted me to the day.

Carrie: That was very thoughtful of her and you for sending them.

Big: So you're welcome. What are you doing on the big day?

Carrie: Oh, well, er, Stanford's arranged this party down at Layla, you know that Moroccan restaurant. You should come. The instant the words popped out of my mouth, I regretted them.

Big: Er, well, I, I made some plan already.

Carrie: Or not. I mean, just forget it.

Big: I could, maybe stop by later.

Carrie: Oh. Fine. I mean, whatever.

Big: Ah, I may bring someone.

Carrie: Well, yeah. Ah, come and, and bring that person and maybe I'll see you later, and thank you again for the thoughtful flowers. I couldn't believe it. I had just invited my ex and his date to my birthday party. As if getting older wasn't traumatic enough.


1. Fall short of

这个片语的意思是“不足,达不到,不符合”,例如:His skills fell short of the required standard.

片段中的fall far short of 则是指“远远达不到”。

2. The ball's in my court

When the ball is in your court, it means the situation is your responsibility, that you are the one who has to make the next move. 意思就是“下一步怎么做由你决断”。

3. Play games

Play games 的本意是“敷衍塞责,欺骗”,例如:Don't play games with me--I want an honest answer.

在这个片段中,play games 是字面上的意思,Carrie 的意思是“我不想玩游戏”。

4. Big day

The “big day” can refer to any day which is important to you personally. 比如生日啦,结婚纪念日啦,等等。










Telling a friend to leave her husband is something you just don't do. If she does break up with him, it's your fault. If she doesn't break up with him, she knows that you think she should and therefore, can't speak to you again. Other way, you're screwed.

Practically all the relationships I know are based on a foundation of lies and mutually except delusion.



Miranda: You think a dozen roses and a card that says "Best wishes" qualifies as a grand gesture?

Charlotte: Well, yeah, you know men. They can never say, "I was wrong." They just send flowers.

Miranda: Yeah, well, sometimes a rose is just a rose.

Samantha: And jewelry, that's another story.
daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 09:55:30

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十五)



Carrie: Unlike Miranda, I wasn't ready to accept that all single men were freaks. I was so optimistic that I had actually agreed to go on my first blind date in two years. P.J. was a very successful independent movie producer. His documentary on endangered seagulls had just aired to excellent reviews on PBS. So, documentary films. That must be fun.

P.J.: Well, let's be realistic. I'm only doing this docu bullshit to earn a rep. You know, I may ultimately want to parlay into the action movie arena. I want to make money. I'm not afraid to say it. OK? I love money. I'd sell toilet bowls if it'd make me a millionaire.

Carrie: What about the seagulls?

P.J.: Fuck the seagulls.

Carrie: Step right up, folks. Two vodkas and a $12 pasta buys your admission to see The Man With No Soul. Observe, if you dare, this chilling sight. Bachelor Number Two seemed promising. Just so you know, I can't see a movie without popcorn.

Man: I'm a Junior Mints kind of guy. This relationship is probably doomed. You want to lean a little closer? Maybe hear our entire conversation? Hey, here’s a better idea. Why don't you and your fucking girlfriend just sit on our laps during the movie? Then you won't miss a fucking word, dick!

Carrie: Ladies and gentlemen, stand far away from The Man With Two Faces. They say the third time's the charm. Max was a broker who made two million on bonds last year. We had a great dinner in Little Italy. Not only did Max have two million, he also appeared to have a lending library in his pants. Parents, please keep the kiddies away from the cage of The Man Who Steals Cheap Used Books for No Reason.


1. Independent movie producer: 独立电影制作人。

2. Public Broadcasting Service: (美国)公共广播公司

3. Documentary film, documentary 记录片

Documentary film is a broad category of visual expression that is based on the attempt, in one fashion or another, to "document" reality. Although "documentary film" originally referred to movies shot on film stock, it has subsequently expanded to include video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video or made for a television series. Documentary, as it applies here, works to identify a "filmmaking practice, a cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" that is continually evolving and is without clear boundaries.

4. Parlay into

Parlay 的本意是“谈判”,这里则指“成功地利用To maneuver (an asset) to great advantage”,例如:John parlayed some small investments into a large fortune. 约翰成功地把一些小投资转变为一项大资产。

5. Earn a rep

Rep 这里是 reputation 的简写。这里我们又学到一个表达法,记住“赚得名声”就可以用earn a rep 来表达。例如:All he wants to get is to earn a rep and make a lot of money.

6. Action movie

也叫做 action film,既是我们中文中说的“动作片”。关于电影类型和分级更详细的介绍,请参看:“电影分级”怎么说 (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/2007-01/30/content_796448.htm

7. Junior Mints

Junior Mints are a candy currently produced by Tootsie Roll Industries. They are small rounds of mint filling inside of a dark chocolate coating, sold packaged in varying amounts from a single serving fun size to a much larger 3.5 servings for movie theaters. Junior Mints are sold in many venues, but are particularly popular in movie theatres. This is mainly because that is where they originated.

这个男人的意思是说他有在看电影时吃糖的习惯,就如同Carrie 在看电影时一定要吃爆米花一样。

8. This relationship is probably doomed.


9. Lending library

Lending library is a library from which books may be borrowed or rented for a minimal fee. 也叫做 circulating library.



独立电影,英文中叫做independent film。独立电影在国外有着长久的历史,在国内2000年后才开始引起主流的注意。而今天,只要你有一部数码相机,就可以自己拍电影。

An independent film, or indie film, is usually a low-budget film that is produced by a small movie studio. Additionally, the term is used to describe less commercially-driven art films which differ markedly from the norms of plot-driven, mainstream classical Hollywood cinema. These films are often produced by subsidiaries of larger studios, such as Sony Pictures Classics, as long as less than half of its budget comes from a major movie studio. In 2005, about 15% of the U.S. domestic box office revenue was from independent studios. Independent films are often distinguishable by their content or style. The writer or director's original authorial intent or personal creative vision is usually maintained in the final film.

The independent film scene's development in the 1990s and 2000s has been stimulated by a range of factors, including the development of affordable High Definition digital video cameras that can rival 35 mm film quality and easy-to-use computer editing software and the increasing visibility of independent film festivals such as the Sundance Film Festival. 出名的独立电影有《杯酒人生》,《阳光小美女》等等。

The roots of independent film can be traced back to when the early pioneer filmmakers in the 1900s who resisted the control of the company called the Motion Picture Patents Company and the Edison trusts. Independent filmmakers built their own cameras and moved to Southern California where they laid the foundations of the American film industry as well as the Hollywood studio. The

studio system eventually became so powerful that some filmmakers once again sought independence as a result. Independent filmmakers around the world have created a diverse range of filmmaking styles that symbolize their own unique cultures and subcultures such as experimental film and underground film. Some independent filmmakers use digital video techniques. While most of the US film industry is located in Los Angeles, one-third of all independent films in the US are produced in New York City.

Until the advent of digital alternatives, the cost of professional film equipment and stock was a major obstacle to independent filmmakers who wanted to make their own films. The cost of 35mm film is outpacing inflation: in 2002 alone, film negative costs were up 23%, according to Variety. Studio-quality filming typically required expensive lighting and post-production facilities.

But the advent of consumer camcorders in 1985, and more importantly, the arrival of high-resolution digital video in the early 1990s, have since lowered the technology barrier to movie production considerably. Both production and post-production costs have been significantly lowered; today, the hardware and software for post-production can be installed in a commodity-based personal computer. Technologies such as DVD, FireWire connections and professional-level non-linear editing system software make movie-making relatively inexpensive.

The first independent film released on HD DVD was One Six Right on November 1, 2006



P.J.: Well, let's be realistic. I'm only doing this docu bullshit to earn a rep. You know, I may ultimately want to parlay into the action movie arena. I want to make money. I'm not afraid to say it. OK? I love money. I'd sell toilet bowls if it'd make me a millionaire.

Carrie: What about the seagulls?

P.J.: Fuck the seagulls.

Carrie: Step right up, folks. Two vodkas and a $12 pasta buys your admission to see The Man With No Soul.

Sex and the City《欲望城市》(精讲十四)考考你 参考答案

Miranda: You think a dozen roses and a card that says "Best wishes" qualifies as a grand gesture?


Charlotte: Well, yeah, you know men. They can never say, "I was wrong." They just send flowers.


Miranda: Yeah, well, sometimes a rose is just a rose.


Samantha: And jewelry, that's another story.

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