






发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2007-11-21 13:03| 查看数: 4206| 评论数: 4|



daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-21 13:03:59
EDWARD GREEN: That' s good to hear, thank you. 爱德华.格林:很高兴听到你这么说,谢谢。

I feel I' ve learned a lot here in the last six months. 我感觉在过去的6个月里,我在这里学到了很多。

Obviously six months ago I couldn' t have negotiated a large deal with Eronmart...but now I can. 很明显,6个月前我根本不可能和Eronmart谈成这么大的生意 ……但现在我可以了。

DON BRADLEY: Let' s be open here, Edward. 堂.布拉德利:我们还是有话直说吧,爱德华。

Are we talking about salary? 我们要谈的是不是薪水?

EDWARD GREEN: It' s not just a question of money Don. 爱德华.格林:堂,不只是钱的问题。

I want to look at the whole package. 我想要的是整个薪酬体系。

It' s salary, performance-related bonus, a company charge card, an expense account, a car, and a more responsible position. 包括薪水、绩效奖金、一张公司签帐卡、一个公款支付帐户、一辆车和一个更加重要的职位。

DON BRADLEY: I think we should sit down, don' t you? 堂.布拉德利:我想我们还是坐下来谈,好吗?

MS WONG: I am very happy that we have been able to overcome the difficulties. 黄女士:我很高兴我们可以克服困难。

I think our negotiations have been very successful and as a result we are in a position to move forward with his project. 我认为我们的谈判很成功,所以我们可以继续跟进这个项目。

CLIVE HARRIS: I would like to thank Sally Wong for her outstanding contribution to this project. 克莱夫.哈里斯:我要感谢萨利.黄对这个项目所做出的贡献。

DEREK JONES: Here, here. 德里克.琼斯:同感,同感。

CLIVE HARRIS: She has worked very hard to find a solution to what seemed an impossible problem. 克莱夫.哈里斯:她非常努力地寻找一个似乎不可能解决难题的解决办法。

MS WONG: Thank you. I think the Mark 2 is a very exciting concept.


Perhaps we should spend some time summarizing and clarifying what we have agreed... 或许我们该花些时间来总结和确认一下我们所达成的事情…… DON BRADLEY: Edward, if you insist on the car then I can' t offer you such a large salary increase,


and we' ll have to find some compromise on the performance-related bonus. 并且我们要在绩效奖金这方面找到双方都接受的方式。

EDWARD GREEN: I think I am worth the salary. 爱德华.格林:我认为,我是值得拿这份薪水的。

DON BRADLEY: I' m prepared to offer you a larger bonus, but if you accept that, then you have to accept a smaller salary increase.


EDWARD GREEN: Could you be more precise? 爱德华.格林:你能不能更精确一点儿?

DON BRADLEY: If you accept a fifteen percent increase in salary then I can add an extra five percent on that bonus figure.

堂.布拉德利:如果你接受薪水增加15%,我就可以在奖金数上再额外增加5%。 That represents a forty percent increase next year. 这就表示明年会有40%的增加。

If you make your targets. 如果你完成业务目标。

EDWARD GREEN: Okay, if you make that a seventeen percent salary increase, I think we can reach agreement. 爱德华.格林:好的,如果薪水增加17%,我想我们就可以达成一致了。

DON BRADLEY: Okay. 堂.布拉德利:好的。

CLIVE HARRIS: Sally, we very much appreciate your efforts to make this product possible.


I have a small token of our gratitude which I would like you to have. 我有一点小礼物表达我们的谢意,请你接受。

MS WONG: This is very kind of you. 黄女士:你太好了。

EDWARD GREEN: Which just leaves the matter of the car. 爱德华.格林:这就是说只剩下车的问题了。

DON BRADLEY: But Edward, I said the salary increase was conditional on you making a concession on the car. 堂.布拉德利:但是爱德华,我说过了薪水增加是以你在车的方面做出妥协为条件的。

EDWARD GREEN: I' ll accept a smaller car. 爱德华.格林:我可以接受小点的车。

DON BRADLEY: Alright. 堂.布拉德利:好吧。

Now let' s go through these points once more. 现在我们再过一遍这些要点。

Clive is going to kill me. 克莱夫会杀了我的。

Where did you learn to negotiate, Edward? 爱德华,你是在哪儿学的谈判技巧啊?

EDWARD GREEN: You taught me everything I know, Don. 爱德华.格林:堂,我所有的都是你教的啊。

JENNY ROSS: Good night Geraldine. 詹妮.罗斯:杰拉尔丁,再见。

GERALDINE: Good night. 杰拉尔丁:再见。
kan55 发表于 2007-12-11 10:29:22
Cloud1900 发表于 2008-4-2 16:09:49
thanks 楼主

木土土 发表于 2008-4-3 15:18:49
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