





History of Christmas

发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2006-1-3 15:21| 查看数: 3856| 评论数: 0|

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<TD class=main_ArticleTitle style="WORD-BREAK: break-all" colSpan=2 height=40>History of Christmas</TD></TR>
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<  align=center><IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092914133.jpg" border=0>
< >Christmas is a Christian holiday that has been celebrated for centuries in honor of the birth of Christ ([基督教]救世主(特指耶稣基督)). It is traditionally celebrated on December 25, soon after the shortest day of the year, which is usually around December 22. <BR>
<  align=center><IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092724791.jpg" border=0>
<P >This is the darkest day; the day with the least amount of sunlight. Ancient cultures recognized the short, winter days and the increasing darkness and, therefore, held festivals (节日) shortly after this darkest day. <BR>
<P  align=center><IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092737423.jpg" border=0>
<P >Romans put lights in their windows to call back the sun, and Germanic peoples decorated evergreen trees because they were a sign that the sun would soon return. Parts of both ancient traditions have become a part of modern Christmas celebrations (庆祝) today. <BR>
<P  align=center><IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092758702.jpg" border=0><o:p></o:p>
<P ><o:p></o:p>
<P >As Christianity spread throughout the world, Christmas celebrations were slowly adapted and reinterpreted by different cultures. People noticed the parallel between the celebration of Christ's birth and the changing season, and eventually (最终) began adopting and reinterpreting the symbols used by their pagan neighbors. Lights and lamps became symbols (象征) of Christ as the light of the world. The lush greens of evergreens, holly and mistletoe were used to symbolize the life that Christ brought. Over time, Christian symbols such as stars and angels were given prominence in adorning evergreen trees. <BR>
<P  align=center><IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092821583.jpg" border=0><o:p></o:p>
<P ><o:p></o:p>
<P >Several Christmas traditions were based on the story of Christ's birth according to the Bible. People began giving gifts to one another for Christmas because the Three Wise Men, or Three Kings, traveled a long distance to bring gifts to the newborn baby Jesus. Similarly, the tradition of adorning the top of a Christmas tree with a star can be traced to the Bible (《圣经》) as well. <BR>
<P  align=center><IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092839272.gif" border=0>
<P >Scripture says that the Three Wise Men came from the east following a bright star. It was the star that guided them to the baby Jesus, the light of the world. Thus, tradition brought stars to the top of Christmas trees to welcome Christ into people's lives. <IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092928397.jpg" border=0><BR>
<P  align=center><IMG src="http://www.englishvod.net/Article/UploadFiles/200512/20051223092853834.jpg" border=0><o:p></o:p></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>


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