





behind blue eyes

发布者: 海伦 | 发布时间: 2007-11-30 12:30| 查看数: 2147| 评论数: 2|

An' no one knows what it's like 没人懂得那滋味
To be hated 被憎恨
To be fated 被宣判
To telling only lies 满口都谎言

But my dreams 但我的梦
They aren't as empty 不空虚
As my cO-N-Science seems to be 不同于我表面无良心
I have hours, only lonely 我有大把时间, 只是孤寂
My love is vengeance 我爱复仇
That's never free 从不自由

No one knows what it's like 没人懂得那滋味
To feel these feelin's 去感受这些感受
Like I do 如同我
Now I blame you 是你的错

No one bites back as hard 没有谁的回咬比我更凶
On their anger 愤怒中
None of my pain an' woe 我的痛与悲
Can show through 无从渲泄

[Chorus: Repeat]
Discover L-I-M-P... Say it... Discover...[x4]

No one knows what it's like 没人懂得那滋味
To be mistreated 被虐待
To be defeated 被击败
Behind blue eyes 在蓝眼后面

And no one knows how to say 没人懂得怎么说
That they're sorry 说他们抱歉
An' don't worry 说别担心
I'm not telling lies 我不编谎言

[Chorus: Repeat]

No one knows what it's like 没人懂得那滋味
To be the bad man 去使坏
To be the sad man 去忧伤
Behind blue eyes 在蓝眼后面


椰风树影 发表于 2007-11-30 13:12:01
What a sad song.
wireless 发表于 2007-11-30 14:37:52
good guitar play
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