





The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》精讲

发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2007-12-6 13:13| 查看数: 2844| 评论数: 6|



Michael: Let's cover thetalking points again, Your Eminence. Many call Opus Dei a brainwashing cult. Others, an ultraconservative Christian secret society.

Bishop: We are a simple Catholic church.

Michael: Simple? With a brand-new $47-million headquarters in Manhattan.

Bishop: Our followers are generous, should we apologize for that?

Michael: Perhaps a less defensive tack, Your Eminence. The press continue to be harsh with us.

Bishop: We are not Cafeteria Catholics. We don't pick and choose which rules to follow. We follow doctrine. Rigorously.

Michael: Does doctrine necessarily include vows of chastity, tithing and atonement for sins through self-flagellation and the cilice?

Bishop: Many of our followers are married. Many of them have families. Only a small proportion choose to live ascetic lives in the cloisters of our residential halls. But we are all united in God’s work around the world. Surely that is an admirable way to lead one’s life.

Michael: Why are some media referring to Opus Dei as “God’s mafia”?

Bishop: Obviously, some people fear what they don't understand. And because the war finally draws to a close.

Michael: Bishop, we need to stay on message.

Bishop: That will be all, Michael, thank you.


1. Talking point

论据,尤指“有利的”论据。Something, such as an especially persuasive point, that helps to support an argument or a discussion.

这个片段是主教在练习接受采访的说辞。所以才有“Let's cover the talking points again”。

2. Tithes

指的是“什一税”,即 the tenth part of agricultural produce or personal income set apart as an offering to God or for works of mercy, or the same amount regarded as an obligation or tax for the support of the church, priesthood, or the like.

3. Cilice

A small metal chain with inwardly-pointing spikes. 这是一种苦修的天主教徒所使用的一种工具,一种金属链条,由多个带铁钩的金属环串起来。

4. Draw to a close

这个片语的意思是“渐近结束”,例如: Campaigns draw to a close.

5. Stay on the message

To “stay on message” is to be persistent in getting your point across. When you stay on message, you don't allow yourself to be distracted from your purpose.

It is also used in British English to mean following the party or corporate line of thinking, e.g. Politicians are urged to stay on message.


Opus Dei vs Cafeteria Catholic

1. Opus Dei

Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei

Opus Dei, Roman Catholic organization, particularly influential in Spain, officially the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei. Opus Dei was founded in 1928 by a wealthy lawyer turned priest, José María Escrivá de Balaguer y Albás, who objected to the liberal, secular atmosphere at the Univ. of Madrid. As a Catholic institution, it emphasizes that ordinary Christians can achieve holiness and change society for the better through how they live their everyday lives. Opus Dei gained national importance in Spain after the civil war, when it received support from goverment of Francisco Franco. In the 1950s and 60s it replaced the Falange as the most important conservative political and religious force in Spain. Its influence there, however, has waned since the early 1970s.

Receiving increased support from the Vatican since the late 1970s, the organization has grown to more than 85,000 members in more than 80 countries. In 1950 the Vatican recognized it as a secular institute; in 1982 it was given the status of “personal prelature.” Its membership is now, therefore, considered a separate diocese with its own bishop.

Believing that a Catholic can lead a holy life without taking religious vows, lay members pledge to serve God in worldly vocations; roughly a third of the members live communally and celibately in Opus Dei centers. The movement seeks to promote traditional Catholic values and teaching and to oppose liberalism and immorality, and is noted for its emphasis on preaching to government officials, professionals, intellectuals, and business executives. Opus Dei has been controversial among some Catholics because of its secretive nature, its emphasis on discipline, its conservatism, and its historical association with the Franco regime in Spain. This controversy became pronounced in 1992 when the Vatican, under John Paul II, beatified Escrivá; Escrivá was canonized in 2002.

Monsignor Javier Echevarria, the current Prelate of Opus Dei

需要说明的是,在《达•芬奇密码》中,许多关于Opus Dei 的描写是错误的。For example, the major villain in The Da Vinci Code is a monk who is member of Opus Dei — but in reality there are no monks in Opus Dei. The Da Vinci Code implies that Opus Dei is the Pope's personal prelature — but the term "personal prelature" does not refer to a special relationship to the Pope: It means an institution in which the jurisdiction of the prelate is not linked to a geographic territory but over persons, wherever they be. Nonetheless, Brown claims that his portrayal of Opus Dei was based on interviews with members and ex-members, and books about Opus Dei. An Opus Dei spokesman questions this claim.

2. Cafeteria Catholic

The term Cafeteria Catholic (also à la carte Catholic or CINO = "Catholic In Name Only") is a pejorative or an insulting characterization and is used to describe people who dissent from certain teachings of the Roman Catholic Church while maintaining an identity as Catholics. These people are said to view the Church much like a "cafeteria", where one picks and chooses only those items that appeal to them. The term is typically applied to those who blatently dissent from selected Catholic moral teaching on issues such as abortion, contraception, premarital sex, and homosexuality. The term is less frequently applied to those who dissent from other Catholic moral teaching on issues such as social justice, capital punishment, or just war. Groups labeled as such include Call to Action, FutureChurch, DignityUSA, and Catholics for a Free Choice. Some of those who employ the term in their vocabulary accuse those who view the term pejoratively of believing dissent from the constant teaching of the Church to be a form of devoutness.

It should be noted that the epithet is not created, used, or endorsed by official church teaching.



1. 伊拉克和谈将在芬兰结束。

2. 使用一些能帮你“加强重点”的技巧。


daisy95071 发表于 2007-12-6 13:15:30

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之二)



Sophie: Do you have a message from Sauniere?

Robert: What are you talking about?

Sophie: Crazy old man.

Robert: You have me confused with someone else. I was asked to come here and consult. So--

Sophie: No. you are sous surveillance cache.

Robert: Yes, and—what?

Sophie: Bring the suspect to the crime scene and hope he incriminates himself.

Robert: Suspect?

Sophie: Check your jacket pocket. Just look. GPS tracking dot. Accurate within two feet anywhere on the globe. The agent who picked you up slipped it into your jacket in case you tried to run. We have you on a little leash, Professor.

Robert: Why would I try to run? I didn't do anything.

Sophie: So, what do you think about the fourth line of text Fache wiped clean before you arrived? He brought you here to force a confession, Professor Langdon.

Man: He's still in there? What's he doing?

Sophie: Fache isn't even looking for other suspects, okay? He is sure you're guilty. When did Sauniere contact you? Today?

Robert: Yes, yes.

Sophie: What time? What time?

Robert: At 3. Three. Around 3. Three.

Sophie: The gallery alarm was triggered at 8. You were—

Robert: I was giving a lecture.

Sophie: At 9. You had the privacy light on in your hotel room until 8:30, right? We call Fache "the Bull." Once he starts, he doesn't stop. He can arrest you and detain you for months while he builds a case. And by then whatever Sauniere wanted you to tell me will be useless.

Robert: Stop it! Just stop! Who are you? What are you talking about? Tell you what?

Sophie: Maybe who really killed him. The Fibonacci sequence. I believe Sauniere wrote it so his investigation would include cryptographers.

Robert: That’s quite a leap, isn’t it?

Sophie: No. And the letters. "P.S."

Robert: P.S., postscript.

Sophie: "Princess Sophie." Yeah. Silly, I know. But I was only a girl when I lived with him. Jacques Sauniere was my grandfather. Apparently, it was his dying wish that we meet. If you help me understand why, I will get you to your embassy, where we cannot arrest you.

Robert: Fache was never gonna let me just stroll out of here, was he?

Sophie: No. If we are to get away from here, we must find another way.

Robert: What exactly do you propose?


1. You have me confused with someone else.

这里的 confuse someone with someone 的意思是“把某人误当作某人,分不清某人和某人”,例如:John confused Linda with someone else.

2. Slip into

Slip into 的本意是指“匆忙穿上衣服”,例如:She slipped into her nightdress.

而在这里的 slip something into 则是指“偷偷地将东西放进……”,例如:The thief slipped the swag into his pocket.

3. On leash

Leash 指的是“拴狗(动物)的皮带,绳索”,例如:Dogs have to be taught to walk nicely on a leash.

Leash 引申为“控制和束缚”,当 Sophie 说 We have you on a little leash 的时候,意思就是“我们用这个小东西掌握你的行踪”。

4. Build a case

在这里的意思是“立案”,例如:Investigators were trying to build a case yesterday against a handful of suspects.


Fibonacci sequence 斐波那契数列

“斐波那契数列”的发明者,是意大利数学家列昂纳多•斐波那契(Leonardo Fibonacci,生于公元1170年,籍贯是比萨,卒于1240年后)。他还被人称作“比萨的列昂纳多Leonardo of Pisa”。


Leonardo Fibonacci introduced to Europe and popularized the Hindu-Arabic number system (also called the decimal system十进位数字系统). He contributed greatly to number theory, and during his life published many important texts, including Liber abbaci 《珠算原理》(1202), Practica geometriae 《实用几何》(1220) and Liber quadratorum 《象限仪书》(1225).

He is also known for the Fibonacci Series (Fibonacci sequence), a numerical series found frequently in the natural world. Beginning with two 1's, each new term is generated as the sum of the previous two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … The 13th-century mathematician Leonardo of Pisa (c. 1170 – after 1240), also known as Fibonacci, discovered the sequence but did not explore its uses, which have turned out to be wide and various. For example, the number of petals in most types of flowers and numbers involved in branching and seed-formation patterns come from the Fibonacci sequence. The ratio of any two successive terms approaches the value of the golden ratio as the terms become large.







1. Apparently, it was his dying wish that we meet. If you help me understand why, I will get you to your embassy, where we cannot arrest you.

2. Fache was never gonna let me just stroll out of here, was he?

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之一)考考你 参考答案

1. 伊拉克和谈将在芬兰结束。

Iraq peace talks draw to a close in Finland.

2. 使用一些能帮你“加强重点”的技巧。

Use techniques that will help you "stay on message."
daisy95071 发表于 2007-12-6 13:16:40

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之三)



Sophie: Yes.

Andre Vernet: Understood. Keys are often passed on and first-time users are sometimes uncertain of protocol. Keys are essentially numbered Swiss accounts. Often willed through generations. Is it yours, mademoiselle? The shortest safety-deposit-box lease is 50 years.

Sophie: And what's your longest account?

Andre Vernet: Quite a bit longer. Technologies change, keys are updated. But our accounts date back to the beginning of banking itself. Once the computer confirms your key, enter your account number and your box is retrieved. The room is yours, as long as you like.

Sophie: What if I lost track of my account number? How might I recover it?

Andre Vernet: I’m afraid each key is paired with a 10-digit number, known only to the account bearer. I hope you manage to remember it. A single wrong entry disables the system.

Sophie: Ten.

Robert: Ten. Your grandfather's Fibonacci sequence. Scrambled, unscrambled?

Sophie: Unscrambled.

Robert: It’s your key.

Sophie: Funny, I don't even like history. I’ve never seen much good come from looking to the past.

Robert: Moment of truth. My God. I don't believe this. A rose. The rose was a symbol for the Holy Grail.

Andre Vernet: Forgive the intrusion. I’m afraid the police arrived more quickly than I anticipated. You must follow me, please. For your own safety.

Sophie: You knew they were coming?

Andre Vernet: My guard alerted me to your status when you arrived. Yours is one of our oldest and highest-level accounts. It includes a safe-passage clause.

Robert: Safe passage?

Andre Vernet: If you would step inside, please. Time is of the essence.

Robert: In there?

Andre Vernet: Hey, is there a problem?

Fache: (French) Good evening, sir. Police.

Andre Vernet: (French) I just drive from here to Zurich. Not French, English?

Fache: English?

Andre Vernet: Yes.

Fache: OK. We are looking for two criminals.

Andre Vernet: You came to the right place. They're all criminals here.

Fache: Would you mind opening the hold?

Andre Vernet: Please. You think they trust us, the wages I get paid?

Fache: You don't have keys to your own truck?

Andre Vernet: It’s armored. Keys get sent to the destination. You mind? I’m on a schedule here.

Fache: And do all the drivers wear a Rolex?

Andre Vernet: What? This piece of shit. Forty euros in Barbes. Yours for 35.

Fache: No, no, no.

Andre Vernet: Thirty.

Fache: It’s okay, it's okay.

Andre Vernet: Come on, 30, eh?

Fache: I said, no! Move along!


1. How might I recover it?

“我怎样才能找回(密码)?”Recover 有“恢复,收回,取回”的意思,下次当你想说“我怎么能找回……”时不妨试试这句话。

2. Moment of truth

这个片语的意思是“A critical or decisive time, at which one is put to the ultimate test关键性或决定性的时刻”,例如:Now that all the bills are in, we've come to the moment of truth--can we afford to live here or not?


3. Alert to

Alert 作动词有“警告”的意思,当要“警告某人某事”的时候,通常和to 连用,例如:

The doctor alerted me to the dangers of smoking.

4. Piece of Shit

Shit 是个不可数名词,所以通常都是说 a piece of shit 或者 a pile of shit。因为 shit 通常都是废物,没用的东西(其实可以用作肥料的),所以,piece of shit 也常常用来表示“废物,废人,贱人”等等,例如:He's a piece of shit.

如果要另外加上形容词修饰the piece of shit的话,就要加在piece前面:He's a useless piece of shit. 他是个没用的废人。

5. Move along

这个动词短语表示的是“向前移动”的意思,用在祈使语气中,有命令的意味,例如我们常在战争片中听到军官们喊“Move along”,差不多就是“走,行动”的意思。


Holy Grail —— 迷样圣杯


A portion of the Arthurian cycle of romance, of late origin, embodying a number of tales dealing with the search for a certain vessel of great sanctity called the "Grail" or "Graal." Versions of the story are numerous, the most celebrated of them being the Conte del Graal, the Grand St. Graal, Sir Percyvalle, Quete del St. Graal, and Guyot, but there are also many others. These overlap in many respects, but the standard form of the story may perhaps be found in the Grand St. Graal, one of the latest versions, which dates from the thirteenth century.

It tells how Joseph of Arimathea employed a dish used at the Last Supper to catch the blood of the Redeemer, which flowed from his body before his burial. The wanderings of Joseph are then described. He leads a band to Britain, where he is cast into prison, but is delivered by Evelach or Mordrains, who is instructed by Christ to assist him. Mordrains builds a monastery where the Grail is housed. Brons, Joseph's brother-in-law, has a son Alain, who is appointed guardian of the Grail. Alain, having caught a great fish with which he feeds the entire household, is called "the Rich Fisher," which becomes the perpetual title of the Grail keepers. Alain places the Grail in the castle of Corbenic and in time, various knights of King Arthur's court come in quest of the holy vessel. Only the purest of the pure could approach it, and in due time the knight Percival manages to see the marvel.

It is probable that the idea of the Grail originated with early medieval legends of the quest for talismans that conferred great boons upon the finder, for example, the shoes of swiftness, the cloak of invisibility, and the ring of Gyges, and that these stories were interpreted in the light and spirit of medieval Christianity and mysticism.

The legends may be divided into two classes: those that are connected with the quest for certain talismans, of which the Grail is only one, and that deal with the personality of the hero who achieves the quest; and second, those that deal with the nature and history of the talismans.

The Damsel of the Sanct Grael by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

A great deal of controversy has raged around the possible Eastern origin of the Grail legend. Much erudition has been employed to show that Guyot, a Provençal poet who flourished in the middle of the twelfth century, found at Toledo, Spain, an Arabian book by an astrologer, Flegitanis, which contained the Grail story. But the name "Flegitanis" can by no means be an Arabian proper name. It could be the Persian felekedânêh, a combined word which signifies "astrology," and in that case it would be the title of an astrological work. Some believed the legend originated in the mind of Guyot himself, but this conclusion was strongly opposed by the folklorist Alfred Nutt. There is, however, some reason to believe that the story might have been brought from the East by the Knights Templar.

The Grail legend has often been held by various ecclesiastical apologists to support theories that either the Church of England or the Roman Catholic Church has existed since the foundation of the world. From early Christian times the genealogy of these churches has been traced back through the patriarchs to numerous apocryphal persons, although it is not stated whether the religions possessed hierophants in neolithic and paleolithic times, or just how they originated. Such theories, which would logically identify Christianity with the grossest forms of paganism, are confined only to a small group.

The Grail legend was readily embraced by those who saw in it a link between Palestine and England and an argument for the special separate foundation of the Anglican Church by direct emissaries from the Holy Land. Glastonbury was fixed as the headquarters of the Grail immigrants, and the finding of a glass dish in the vicinity of the cathedral there some years ago was held to be confirmation of the story by many of the faithful. The exact date of this vessel was not definitely estimated, but there seemed little reason to suppose that it was more than a few hundred years old.

A new conspiratorial interpretation of the Grail legend is offered in the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982), by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. Their speculation involves suggestions that Jesus did not die on the Cross, but married and had children. His wife, they postulate, fled to the south of France with her family, taking with her the "Royal and Real Blood," the "Sang-real" or Grail of medieval romance. This line will supposedly culminate in a second Messiah, all this being the secret of an order named the Prieure de Sion. Apparently the investigation of this amazing story began with the mystery of Berenger Sauniere, a parish priest at Rennes-le-Château in the Pyrenees, who seemed to have discovered a secret that gave him access to a vast sum of money before his death, under mysterious circumstances, in 1917. That secret involved the history of Rennes-le-Château and its association with the Templars, the Cathars, and the royal bloodline of the Merovingian dynasty. The story has too many jumps in history and logic to ever be researched, and only time will show whether its major claims can be independently substantiated.

Patricia and Lionel Fanthorpe refute the theory of Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln in their 1982 book The Holy Grail Revealed: The Real Secret of Rennes-le-Château.



1. 我怎样才能找回丢失的钱呢?

2. 警察警告我有危险。

3. 现在到了关键时刻:我们是走还是留?

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案

1. Apparently, it was his dying wish that we meet. If you help me understand why, I will get you to your embassy, where we cannot arrest you.


2. Fache was never gonna let me just stroll out of here, was he?

Fache 永远也不会让我从这里溜达出去的,对吧?
daisy95071 发表于 2007-12-6 13:18:28

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之四)



Sophie: It’s on the wrong side.

Robert: Leigh likes all things to be English, including his cars.

Leigh: Robert! Do I owe you money?

Robert: Leigh, my friend, care…care to open up for an old colleague?

Leigh: Of course.

Robert: Thank you.

Leigh: But first, a test of honor. Three questions.

Robert: Fire away.

Leigh: Your first: Shall I serve coffee or tea?

Robert: Tea, of course.

Leigh: Excellent. Second: Milk or lemon?

Sophie: Milk?

Robert: That would depend on the tea.

Leigh: Correct. And now the third and most grave of inquiries. In which year did a Harvard sculler outrow an Oxford man at Henley?

Robert: Surely such a travesty has never occurred.

Leigh: Your heart is true. You may pass. Welcome to Chateau Villette.

Robert: Leigh Teabing has spent his entire life studying the Grail. That thing is one hot tamale.

Sophie: Sorry?

Robert: The cryptex, it’s a hot coal. A hot potato?

Sophie: Ah. So you want to keep our chest close to our cards, yes?

Robert: Very close.

Remy: You are requested to make yourself at home.

Leigh: Robert! And you travel with a maiden, it seems.

Robert: Sir Leigh Teabing, may I present Miss Sophie Neveu. Sophie, Sir Leigh Teabing.

Leigh: (French) It’s an honor to welcome you even though it's late.

Sophie: Thank you for having us. I realize it's quite late.

Leigh: So late, mademoiselle, it's almost early. What a lovely smile you have. Earl grey?

Robert: Lemon.

Leigh: Correct.

Silas: Yes? Chateau Villette. Yes.

Sophie: No.

Leigh: Oh, you must. Remy is from Lyons, but nevertheless he is fantastic with sauces.

Sophie: No, I can’t.

Leigh: A dramatic late-night arrival. Mention of life and death. What can an old cripple do for you, Robert?

Robert: We wanna talk about the Priory of Sion.

Leigh: The keepers? The secret war?

Robert: Sorry for all the mystery. Leigh, I, I, I’m into something here that I cannot understand.

Leigh: You? Really?

Robert: Not without your help.

Leigh: Playing to my vanity, Robert. You should be ashamed.

Robert: Not if it works.

Leigh: There are always four: The Grand Master and the three senechaux make up the primary guardians of the grail.


1. Fire away

Fire away 在这里可不是“射击”的意思,而是指“to begin to talk and continue without slackening好像连珠炮般地讲话”,例如:The reporters fired away at the president.

2. Hot potato

Hot potato, hot coal, hot tamale 这里都指“棘手的问题”,例如:Gun control is a political hot potato.

3. Keep/play your cards close to your chest

这个片语的意思是“to not tell anyone what you plan to do严守秘密”,例如:I never know what Martin's next move will be. He plays his cards close to his chest.

4. Earl Grey

这是一种红茶。This popular black tea was named for Charles Grey, the second earl in his line, who was also prime minister to King William IV in the early 19th century. An amalgamation of Indian and Sri Lankan teas, Earl Grey gets its elusive flavor from oil of bergamot. The Earl is said to have been given the recipe by a Chinese mandarin with whom he was friends.

5. Be into

这个片语也作get into,的意思是“对……深感兴趣;深深卷入……”,例如:She's really into yoga.


Priory of Sion:疑云重重的郇山隐修会

一部《达•芬奇密码》让更多的人开始知道Priory of Sion——郇山隐修会。有关这个教会的历史和人物是众说纷纭。孰真孰假,很难辨清。不过在政教早已分离的今天,既然这些故事仍然流传,我们也就姑妄存之吧。

Prieuré de Sion logo

The Prieuré de Sion, usually rendered in English translation as Priory of Sion (occasionally as 'Priory of Zion'), is an alleged thousand-year-old cabal featured in various conspiracy theories, as well as being listed as a factual ancient mystery religion in the bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. It has been characterized as anything from the most influential secret society in Western history to a modern Rosicrucian-esque (蔷薇十字会员) ludibrium, but, ultimately, has been shown to be a hoax created in 1956 by Pierre Plantard, a pretender to the French throne. Some scholars of esoteric history consider the controversial Sicilian Traditionalist philosopher Julius Evola's (1898-1974) ideas as sources for Pierre Plantard's later claims. The evidence presented in support of its historical existence has not been considered authentic or persuasive by established historians, academics, and universities, and the evidence was later discovered to have been forged and then planted in various locations around France by Plantard and his associates. Nevertheless, many conspiracy theorists insist on the truth of the Priory's role as a powerful secret society.

The alleged Priory “传说”中的郇山隐修会

Leonardo da Vinci, alleged to be the Priory of Sion's 12th Grand Master

The different claims described the Priory of Sion as a secret society that was founded in the 11th century, to protect and preserve a secret involving the bloodline of Jesus Christ. Supposed branches of the priory include: The Knights Templar, the Order of the Rose-Croix (Rosicrucians), Amici, Ormus and the brotherhood of Sion. The Priory allegedly created the medieval order of Knights Templar as its military arm, and had a series of Grand Masters which included such notable (and real) historical figures as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton and Victor Hugo. The existence of the thousand-year-old Priory was supposedly "revealed" in the 1970s, via a series of documentaries and books by writers Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, such as in their 1982 book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, which they claimed was pieced together from evidence in documents which had been found in the French National Library, as well as documents which were supposedly found in the late 1800s, hidden inside a pillar of a small church in southern France. Further attention came to the Priory when it was referred to as a factual society by the 2003 bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code.

The actual Priory “真实”的郇山隐修会

The real Priory of Sion is an association that was founded in 1956, in the French town of Annemasse, as the beginning of a massive hoax.

As with all associations, French law required the association to be registered with the

Pierre Plantard

government. It was registered with its Statutes at the Sub-Prefecture of Saint Julien-en-Genevois, in May 1956, and its registration was noted on 20 July 1956, in the Journal Officiel de la République Française. The founders and signatories are inscribed with their pseudonyms as Pierre Plantard (known as "Chyren"), André Bonhomme (known as "Stanis Bellas"), Jean Delaval, and Armand Defago. The purpose of the association according to its Statutes was entered as, "Études et entraide des membres" ("education and mutual aid of the members"). In practice, the originator of the association and its key protagonist was Pierre Plantard, its General Secretary, although its nominal head ("President") was André Bonhomme. The choice of the name, "Sion" was based on a popular local feature, a hill south of Annemasse in France, known as 'Mont Sion'. "Sion" is also the standard French spelling of "Zion", originally the name of a hill in Jerusalem. It had already been used in the name of previous Catholic organizations, such as the Congregation of Notre-Dame de Sion. The accompanying title, or subtitle to the name was, Chevalerie d'Institutions et Règles Catholiques d'Union Independante et Traditionaliste: this forms the acronym CIRCUIT and translates as "Knighthood of Catholic Rule and Institution and of Independent Traditionalist Union."

The Statutes and Registration Documents of the Priory of Sion were deposited on 7 May 1956, while the first issue of its journal Circuit is dated 27 May 1956 (in total, twelve numbers of the journal appeared). Considering the political instability of the French Fourth Republic, the objectives of the journal were regarded with suspicion by the local authorities. It was indicated as a "Bulletin d'Information et Défense des Droits et de la Liberté des Foyers

HLM" ("News Bulletin for the Defense of the Rights and the Freedom of Council Housing"). Indeed, some of the articles took a political position in the local Council elections. Others attacked and criticized property developers of Annemasse. It also opposed the gentrification of the area. The offices of the Priory of Sion and the journal were at Plantard's council flat.

The articles of the Priory of Sion as indicated in its Statutes also desired the creation of a monastic order, but the activities of the Priory of Sion bore no resemblance whatsoever to the objectives as outlined in its Statutes. Article VII says that its members are expected, "to carry out good deeds, to help the Roman Catholic Church, teach the truth, defend the weak and the oppressed". There is ample evidence that it had several members, as indicated by the numerous articles contained in its journal Circuit, written by a number of different people. Towards the end of 1956 the association had aims to forge links with the local Catholic Church of the area involving a school bus service run by both the Priory of Sion and the church of St Joseph in Annemasse.

The formally registered association was dissolved sometime after October 1956 but intermittently revived for different reasons by Plantard between 1962 and 1993, though in name and on paper only. The Priory of Sion is considered "dormant" by the Sub-Prefecture because it has indicated no activities since 1956. According to French law, subsequent references to the Priory bear no legal relation to that of 1956 and no one other than the original signatories are entitled to use its name in an official capacity. André Bonhomme played no part since 1956. He officially resigned in 1973 when he heard that Plantard was linking his name with the association, so as of last report, there is no one who is currently around who has official permission to use the name.



1. 你还有问题?那好,问吧!

2. 他抛开这个问题,就像丢掉一块烫手的山芋一样。

3. 一旦你退了休,培养一项你一直想尝试的兴趣爱好是非常重要的。

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之三)考考你 参考答案

1. 我怎样才能找回丢失的钱呢?

How could I recover the money I lost?

2. 警察警告我有危险。

The policeman alerted me to the danger.

3. 现在到了关键时刻:我们是走还是留?

Now it’s the moment of truth: should we stay or leave here?
daisy95071 发表于 2007-12-6 13:19:34

The Da Vinci Code《达·芬奇密码》(精讲之五)



Sophie: You're saying the Holy Grail is a person? A woman?

Leigh: And it turns out, she makes an appearance right there.

Sophie: But they are all men.

Leigh: Are they? What about that figure on the right hand of our Lord seated in the place of honor? Flowing red hair. Folded feminine hands. Hint of a bosom. No? It’s called scotoma. The mind sees what it chooses to see.

Sophie: Who is she?

Leigh: My dear, that's Mary Magdalene.

Sophie: The prostitute?

Leigh: She was no such thing. Smeared by the Church in 591 anno Domini, poor dear. Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife.

Robert: This is an old wives' tale.

Leigh: The original one, in fact.

Robert: There's virtually no empirical proof.

Leigh: He knows as well as I do. Now, my dear, the word in French for Holy Grail.

Sophie: Le Sangreal.

Leigh: From the Middle English "Sangreal" of the original Arthurian legend. Now, as two words. Can you translate for our friend?

Sophie: Sang real, it means "royal blood."

Leigh: When the legend speaks of the chalice that held the blood of Christ, it speaks in fact of the female womb that carried Jesus' royal bloodline.

Sophie: But how could Christ have a bloodline, unless--?

Leigh: Mary was pregnant at the time of the Crucifixion. For her own safety and for that of Christ's unborn child, she fled the Holy Land and came to France. And here, it is said, she gave birth to a daughter, Sarah.

Sophie: They know the child's name.

Robert: A little girl.

Leigh: Yes.

Robert: If that were true, it's adding insult to injury.

Sophie: Why?

Robert: The pagans found transcendence through the joining of male to female.

Sophie: People found god through sex?

Robert: In paganism, women were worshiped as a route to heaven but the modern Church has a monopoly on that in salvation through Jesus Christ.

Leigh: And he who keeps the keys to heaven rules the world.

Robert: Women, then, are a huge threat to the Church. The Catholic inquisition soon publishes what may be the most blood-soaked book in human history.

Leigh: The Malleus Maleficarum.

Robert: The Witches' Hammer.

Leigh: It instructed the clergy on how to locate, torture and kill all freethinking women.

Robert: In three centuries of witch hunts, 50, 000 women are captured, burned alive at the stake.

Leigh: Oh, at least that. Some say millions. Imagine, then, Robert, that Christ's throne might live on in a female child. You asked what would be worth killing for. Witness the greatest cover-up in human history. This is the secret that the Priory of Sion has defended for over 20 centuries. They are the guardians of the royal bloodline. The keepers of the proof of our true past. They are the protectors of the living descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

Remy: Sir Leigh?

Leigh: Sometimes I wonder who is serving whom. His sauces are not that fantastic. Yes, can I help you?

Remy: Yes. They're on the news now.

Sophie: Living descendants? Is it possible?

Robert: It’s not impossible.

Leigh: You have not been honest with me. Your pictures are on the television. You are wanted for four murders!

Robert: That's why Vernet said "killing spree."

Leigh: You come into my home, playing on my passions for the Grail.

Robert: That's why he needed you. Sophie.

Leigh: You will leave my house!


1. The place of honor


2. She was no such thing.

这里的no such thing的意思是“没有的事”,我们来看个例子:There's no such thing as a free lunch. 世上没有免费的午餐。

3. Old wives' tale

Old wives’ tale 可以说是个俗语,意思就是“A superstition 迷信,老掉牙的故事/说法”,例如:Toads cause warts? That's an old wives' tale.

4. Holy Land


5. Add insult to injury

这个片语的意思是“Hurt a person's feelings after doing him or her harm; also, make a bad situation worse”,是不是感觉很像我们中文里讲的成语“雪上加霜”,?我们来看个例子: Not only did the club refuse him, but it published a list of the rejected applicants--that's adding insult to injury.

6. On the news

指的是“出现在在广播或电视新闻中”,例如:The Queen is on the news.

7. Play on

这个片语也写作play upon,意思是“Take advantage of or make use of the feelings or weaknesses of another for a desired effect利用……(以达到目的)”,例如:These health care ads are meant to play on our fears.


Mary Magdalene & Malleus Maleficarum:“女巫”从这里开始?

Mary Magdalene的身份和身世一直是个迷。即使在《圣经》中,关于她也有不同的说法。在《达•芬奇密码》的书和电影中,Mary Magdalene 被认为是耶稣的妻子;教会对她的迫害直接引发了旷日持久的“捕猎”女巫事件。

1. Mary Magdalene

The penitent Mary Magdalen, a much reproduced composition by Titian.

Biblical Figure / Religious Figure / Saint

Born: ?

Birthplace: ?

Died: circa 63

Best Known As: Closest female disciple of Jesus of Nazareth

Mary Magdalene is one of several women who followed and "provided for" Jesus of Nazareth during his traveling ministry, according to Christian scriptures. She is also variously portrayed in other ancient texts, medieval legends and modern interpretations as a reformed prostitute, a rich person, a disciple with special gifts and authority, and a model of feminism. Brief direct references to her in the Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, indicate her importance. She is among the women present at Jesus' execution who later discover his empty tomb, and is the first person to whom he appears after his resurrection. Some Christians also identify her with unnamed women elsewhere in the Gospels, such as the "sinner" who anoints him with costly oil, or one caught in adultery whom he saves from stoning. The mother of Jesus is a different Mary.

"Magdalene" means "of Magdala," a fishing village (modern-day Migdal) on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. She is sometimes called "the Magdalene"... The Bible does not say she was a prostitute. All it mentions of her past is that Jesus had cast seven demons out of her... A 2003 novel and 2006 movie, The Da Vinci Code, popularized the theory that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, had children with her, and thus has descendants -- and that the church over the centuries has suppressed this truth... Basilicas in Vezelay and Saint-Maximin, France, both claim to house her remains.

2. Malleus Maleficarum

Cover of the seventh Cologne edition of the Malleus Maleficarum, 1520 (from the University of Sydney Library). It reads "MALLEUS MALEFICARUM, Maleficas, & earum hæresim, ut phramea potentissima conterens" which means literally "The Hammer of Witches, smashing the Witches and their heresies with a mighty spear."

The most authoritative and influential sourcebook for inquisitors, judges, and magistrates in the great witchcraft persecutions from the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. It was written by Heinrich Kramer, leading inquisitors of the Dominican Order; Jacob Sprenger merely attached his name to the sourcebook.

The book brought folklore and speculation about witchcraft and magic together with the new view identifying witchcraft with devil-worship. That identification turned witchcraft into heresy (rather than a pagan faith) and thus the proper concern of the Inquisition. That change of perspective led to the fierce and relentless persecution that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of individuals accused of practicing the religion of witchcraft, as opposed to merely practicing malevolent magic (i.e., sorcery), which had long been illegal.

This work is in three parts. Part I fulminates against the evil of witchcraft, which is characterized as renunciation of the Catholic faith, homage to the Devil, and carnal intercourse with demons. Even disbelief in the existence of witches and witchcraft was declared a grave heresy. Part II details the specific practices of witches. Part III sets forth rules for legal action and conviction of witches.

The antiquary Thomas Wright, in his book Narratives of Sorcery and Magic (2 vols., 1851), stated: "In this celebrated work, the doctrine of witchcraft was first reduced to a regular system, and it was the model and groundwork of all that was written on the subject long after the date which saw its first appearance. Its writers enter largely into the much-disputed question of the nature of demons; set forth the causes which lead them to seduce men in this manner; and show why women are most prone to listen to their proposals, by reasons which prove that the inquisitors had but a mean estimate of the softer sex.

The work went into some 30 editions between 1486 and 1669 and was accepted as authoritative by both Protestant and Catholic witch-hunters. Its narrow-minded superstition and dogmatic legalism undoubtedly resulted in hundreds of cases of cruel tortures and judicial murders.




1. 你以为他是我男朋友?没有的事。

2. 最近的停车场在半英里外,更糟的是,大雨倾盆一般开始下起来了。

3. 她从来都没想过去利用别人的好心。

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之四)

1. 你还有问题?那好,问吧!

You've got more questions? Well, fire away.

2. 他抛开这个问题,就像丢掉一块烫手的山芋一样。

He dropped the topic like a hot potato.

3. 一旦你退了休,培养一项你一直想尝试的兴趣爱好是非常重要的。

Once you retire, it's important to get into some hobby you've always wanted to try.
daisy95071 发表于 2007-12-6 13:21:13

The Da Vinci Code《达·芬奇密码》(精讲之六)



Man: Remember, if we are discovered by the Vatican, we are excommunicated. So should anything go wrong—

Bishop: Yes, I know, I know. This council does not exist. As it never has.

Man: Old friend. Heaven protect you.

Leigh: Keep an eye out for the police. I must say, Robert, I'm quite impressed by the way you withstood my little aeroplane. Did he never tell you? When he was a boy, young Robert fell into a well. How old were you?

Robert: Seven.

Leigh: Treading water all night long, screaming his lungs out to the echoes screaming back. When they found him, he was nearly catatonic.

Young Robert: Help!

Robert: It was a Long time ago.

Leigh: Oh, now, now, Robert. You above all people shouldn’t be one to dismiss the influence of the past.

Robert: Temple Church. I always forget it’s right here.

Leigh: Built 1185 and modern London just sprang up right around it.

Sophie: Tell me, why has the Priory kept the Grail location secret all these years?

Leigh: I don't know. Some say the Priory wait for the heir to reveal himself which is especially odd since Legend suggests he may not know his own true identity.

Robert: Hello?

Sophie: Why do they make them so scary? Oh, it's cold.

Robert: "In London lies a knight a Pope interred." So which tomb has an orb? Those knights with their legs crossed means they’d been to the holy land.

Leigh: Two wear tunics over their armor and two have full-length robes.

Robert: Two are grasping swords.

Leigh: And one--two are praying.

Robert: This one has his arms at his sides.

Leigh: Oh, and this poor fellow has almost disappeared entirely.

Robert: I don't see any orb that ought be on a tomb. "Ought be on his tomb." Are we looking for a missing orb?

Leigh: Maybe.

Robert: These aren't tombs.

Leigh: What? Yes, of course they are.

Robert: No. They're effigies.

Leigh: What?

Robert: Not tombs. There's no bodies here.

Sophie: This place is wrong. Can we go now? We should go.

Robert: Sophie! No!

Silas: Where is the keystone? Do not test me!

Robert: Let her go!

Leigh: Don't you hurt her.

Silas: Give me the keystone! Give it to me!

Robert: Here! Here! Here it is! Here it is. Just let her go, and you and I can-- We'll come to some agreement.

Leigh: Remy.

Robert: Remy. No, no, no. No, put it away. Put it away. They're too close together. You don't have a clear shot.

Remy: Yes, I do.


1. Heaven protect you.

说“愿上帝保佑你”,我们常见到的说法是 God protect you。其实 heaven 也有“上帝,上天”的意思。我们还可以说“Heaven help you! 愿上帝帮助你!”

2. Keep an eye out for

这个片语也写作“keep a sharp lookout for”,意思是“Be watchful for something or someone留心/小心某人某事”,例如:Keep an eye out for the potholes in the road.

如果想要强调语气,可以用 keep a sharp eye out for。

They told him to keep a sharp lookout for the police.

3. Scream one’s lungs out

这个表达法的意思是“大声喊叫,非常响亮的喊叫”,强调“喊得很大声”,例如:The National Day celebrations were a blast, and it was awesome sitting there in the stands and screaming my lungs out, and singing so much that my voice turned hoarse.

用 lung 来表示“喊得响亮”有一个片语,写作 at the top of (one's) lungs,意思就是“尽可能地响亮,非常大声地(喊叫,哭泣等等)”,例如:The babies in the nursery all were crying at the top of their lungs.

4. Spring up

这个片语的意思是“come into existence; take on form or shape 出现,成形”,例如:New buildings are springing up everywhere.

The idea for the book sprang up from a short story.

a love that sprang up from friendship


罗马教廷 Vatican City

Vatican City, independent state (2005 est. pop. 900), 108.7 acres (44 hectares), within the city of Rome, Italy, and the residence of the pope, who is its absolute ruler. Vatican City may be said to correspond politically to the former Papal States, but it was created as a result of the Lateran Treaty of 1929 between Pope Pius XI and King Victor Emmanuel III (negotiated by Cardinal Gasparri and Mussolini), which ended the so-called Roman Question.


The flag of Vatican City

The history of the Vatican as a papal residence dates from the 5th cent., when, after Emperor Constantine I had built the basilica of St. Peter's, Pope Symmachus built a palace nearby. The pope usually resided in the Lateran Palace until the “Babylonian captivity” (14th cent.) in Avignon, France. After the return of the papacy to Rome (1377) the Vatican became the usual residence. The Renaissance popes, principally Sixtus IV, Innocent VIII, Alexander VI, Julius II, Leo X, and Clement VII, were great patrons of the arts, and it was they who began to assemble the great collections and to construct the wonderful galleries. Gregory XIII and Sixtus V spent huge sums on the Vatican and also began the Quirinal, a palace that served as the papal residence from the 17th to the 19th cent., was the Italian royal palace from 1870 to 1946, and is now the home of the president of Italy.

Geographic and Political Extent

Vatican City

The Vatican City is a roughly triangular tract of land within Rome, on the west bank of the Tiber River and west of the Castel Sant'Angelo. In its southeast corner is the piazza of Saint Peter's Church, surrounded by the splendid colonnade. North of the piazza is a quadrangular area containing administrative buildings and the Belvedere Park. West of Belvedere Park are the pontifical palaces, and beyond the palaces lie the Vatican Gardens, which make up half the area of the little state. The Leonine Wall forms the western and southern boundaries.

In the city of Rome are certain important basilicas, churches, and other buildings to which the Italian government extends the rights of extraterritoriality and tax exemption but not papal sovereignty. The basilicas include San Giovanni in Laterno (St. John Lateran), Santa Maria Maggiore (St. Mary Major), and San Paolo fuori le Mura (St. Paul outside the Walls). The palace of San Callisto at the foot of the Janiculum also shares the immunity of the Vatican, as does the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, in the Alban Hills outside Rome.

Vatican City has its own citizenship, issues its own currency and postage stamps, and has its own flag and a large diplomatic corps. It is open to visitors all year, and the pope receives callers in public and private audiences. It has its own newspaper (Osservatore Romano), railroad station, and broadcasting facility (first established by Marconi under Pius XI). The seven Vatican universities, including the Pontifical Gregorian Univ., are located in Rome. The political freedom of the Vatican is guaranteed and protected by Italy.

Civil and Church Government

St. Peter's Square, and the obelisk from the Circus of Nero

The civil government of Vatican City is run by a lay governor and a council, all appointed by and responsible to the pope. The law is the canon law, and the courts are part of the judicial system of the church. The only court special to Vatican City is a court of first instance for civil and criminal cases arising in the city.

The Vatican is above all the seat of the central government of the Roman Catholic Church. Because of the papacy's vast interest in temporal as well as spiritual affairs, an elaborate bureaucracy has been developed over the course of centuries. The pope governs with the College of Cardinals. He may act as he chooses without their consent, but in practice he relies on the cardinals for advice as well as for administration of the church government. The whole administrative body surrounding the pope and responsible to him is called the Curia Romana.

The papal court long had all the characteristics of a royal court, such as elaborate rituals and uniforms, and complex rules of precedence; however, since the reign of Pope John XXIII (1958–63) and the Second Vatican Council, many of the Vatican ceremonies have been greatly simplified. The bodyguard of the pope is the corps of Swiss Guards, founded in the 16th cent. and made up of a small group of Roman Catholic Swiss. Its members wear the splendid Renaissance uniforms designed by Michelangelo.

The Palaces and the Vatican's Treasures

Sistine Chapel

The Vatican palaces are an irregular mass of three-story and four-story buildings, built on long, plain lines and broken by additions and alterations. The papal residence and offices occupy the portion near the colonnade, and the rest is given over to museums and the Vatican Library. The Vatican museums are among the most important in the world; they are the Museo Pio-Clementino, founded in the 18th cent. and containing one of the world's great collections of antiquities; the Chiaramonti Museum, founded in the early 19th cent. and holding a collection of Greek sculptures and Renaissance imitations; the Braccio Nuovo, considered by many to be the most beautiful of all the museums; the Egyptian Museum and the Etruscan Museum, opposite the Braccio Nuovo; and the Pinacoteca Vaticana (opened in 1932), which contains paintings by Giotto, Guercino, Caravaggio, Poussin, and others.

The museums, however, house only part of the Vatican's treasure, for many of the Renaissance and modern paintings are found in the galleries surrounding the various courtyards, such as the Cortile del Belvedere and the Cortile San Damasco. Adjoining the Cortile San Damasco is the building containing the Borgia apartments on the first floor and the Raphael rooms on the second. The works of Raphael and his followers in the building make it one of the most famous artistic monuments in the world. The Vatican Library lies all along the western side of the Giardino della Pigna and Cortile del Belvedere. It is one of the world's richest repositories of ancient and medieval manuscripts in many languages. The principal chapel in the Vatican is the Sistine Chapel, the ceiling of which was painted (1508–12) by Michelangelo.



Robert: Let her go!

Leigh: Don't you hurt her.

Silas: Give me the keystone! Give it to me!

Robert: Here! Here! Here it is! Here it is. Just let her go, and you and I can-- We'll come to some agreement.

Leigh: Remy.

Robert: Remy. No, no, no. No, put it away. Put it away. They're too close

together. You don't have a clear shot.

Remy: Yes, I do.

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之五)考考你 参考答案

1. 你以为他是我男朋友?没有的事。

You think he’s my boyfriend? There’s no such thing.

2. 最近的停车场在半英里外,更糟的是,大雨倾盆一般开始下起来了。

The nearest parking space was half a mile away, and then, to add insult to injury, it began to pour.

3. 她从来都没想过去利用别人的好心。

She would never think of playing on the good nature of others.
wolf7 发表于 2007-12-6 14:27:55
好东东 ,谢谢了!
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