





[原创]What life style would you choose to live?

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2006-1-6 17:50| 查看数: 9663| 评论数: 7|

<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#3cc472 size=4>Sometimes I really want to escape from the crowded city and live in those green mountains with lovely fresh air to breathe every day and night.  Doing things less complicated, less face changing social communications and less pressure from losing a job and other things we think precious sounds so attractive a life to me. But if you ask me that if I can bear a life without TV, computer, mobile, car, KTV, restaurant and so on.......  It would be so hard for me to say: No, I don't want them all.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#3cc472 size=4>Now I'd like to know your opinions and your stories, please share with all of us.....</FONT>
[此贴子已经被Cactus于2006-1-8 13:58:47编辑过]


RealKevin 发表于 2006-1-6 19:12:16
a life with a pretty outside and smart&amp;kind hearted inside girl...[em02]
Cactus 发表于 2006-1-8 13:57:41
<FONT size=4></FONT>
<FONT size=4>As you have pointed out that many city dwellers have got so used to modern city life with advanced infrastructures and entertainments, it's almost impossible to return to the primitive life. </FONT>
<FONT size=4>I always dream of hustle life in metropolis. So this is why I have been here, in our capital Peking. I pretty enjoy my stay here, though there must be something unbearable as the other side of the coin, say, traffic jams, awful weather, polluted air, etc. </FONT>
<FONT size=4>The fact is that we cannot own everything to make things perfect. The choice is made on the basis of what you really want more. The quietness, simplity, more natural environment or the noises, complexity, and more advanced surroundings. Personally, I will choose the latter, and forget the former. </FONT>
puppy 发表于 2006-1-9 18:38:55
<FONT face=Arial size=4>esto,</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial size=4>    Give me a choice between the placid primitive life and modern society life full of competiton and uncertain element.  I prefer the latter for the world always step forware with the rhythm of human's civilization.  There will no be no untroubled life like an oasis going as you imgined without any disturbance.  For you have the obligation and responsibilities to communicate with everything that will be met with now and in the future.</FONT>
Quickie 发表于 2006-1-11 06:59:18
My answer is too easy, as you all know already....
I like to live in a place where I could see tons of PPMMs
yucc 发表于 2006-1-13 01:06:33
The primitive society was cannot go back.  Work time earnest work.   Rest time relax, the now social work pressure such is heartily big.   Each individual spirit all stretches tightly.  
Rests, looks for one  quite lonesome and quiet environment, has a look the book, listens to  the music..... Truly is the good choice.
Do not have to let  society adapt you, but adapts the society.  Our principal said.
芥末膏 发表于 2006-1-17 17:59:56
<FONT face="Wide Latin" color=#3d11ee size=4><STRONG>Did someone say don't let world control you, we could change the world?</STRONG></FONT>
<FONT face="Wide Latin" color=#3d11ee size=4><STRONG>So why can't we change our life and our world?  </STRONG></FONT>
Quickie 发表于 2006-1-17 18:37:54
I don't want to change the world too much, for one I don't want to go back and NOT have the interenet. I live on the interenet and I depend too much on the interenet. [em04]
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