






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-12-1 11:56| 查看数: 1340| 评论数: 0|


  The secret of attractiveness is all in a tilt of the head, it would appear. Research shows we can make ourselves more appealing simply by shifting our facial position. Women are more alluring if they angle their head forwards, so they have to look slightly upwards. In contrast, men become more masculine if they tilt their head back and look slightly down their nose.


  According to husband and wife research team Dr Darren Burke and Dr Danielle Sulikowski, this is all due to height differences between men and women. Dr Burke, a senior psychology lecturer at the University of Newcastle in Australia, said: ‘Human facial attractiveness from an evolutionary perspective has been extensively studied.‘But, although the influence of feminine and masculine features is relatively well-known, there is a gap in our knowledge as to what is considered masculine and feminine about facial features.

  研究者总结,男性与女性通过“改变姿势”来散发魅力其实是因为两者身高的不同而决定的。心理学家Dr Burke说:“观看者视角决定彼此的印象已经作为一个课题深入探讨过了,然而通过视角来表现男性和女性的面部特征来作为一个新课题,尚且需要时间来论证。”

  ‘The research found the way we angle our faces affects our attractiveness to the opposite sex.’ Dr Sulikowski told the scientific journal Evolutionary Psychology the findings offered some clues to help unravel ‘the mysteries of mateship rituals’. Further research is now planned to see if people subconsciously tilt their faces when flirting. She added: ‘These findings contribute enormously to our understanding of the role of facial attractiveness in evolution.’



  tilt vi. 倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击

  alluring adj. 诱惑的,诱人的;迷人的,吸引人的


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