





[原创]A predominant hurricane sweeping the world---KFC

发布者: puppy | 发布时间: 2006-1-9 17:41| 查看数: 11311| 评论数: 6|

<p><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="2">"Our food is absolutely safe for people to eat.&nbsp;&nbsp;The chicken has underwent numerous strict processes and it's been heated up under a temperature condition that rises high up to 270 Celsius.&nbsp;&nbsp;So there's no need to worry about any quality problem of our chicken, take it easy and just try it."&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The word comes from the famous KFC's commercial sustainedly aired by TV recently.&nbsp;&nbsp;As we all know influenced by the a serious disaster" Bird Flu" attacking almost South and East Asia countries and areas, China has ordered an official investigation to limit or forbid the exports and imports on cursorily birds especially from the areas heavily affected such countries as Thailand, Viet Nam, Singapore and so on, protecting the safe of peoples' daily life from the threat of bird flue influence.&nbsp;&nbsp;For quite a long time, birds food can almost not be found by consumers in most supermarkets or other shopping center.&nbsp;&nbsp;Even those markets who are specializing in selling birds food have cut down their selling numbers in order to minimize an possible and inevitable loss with the dramatical slowdown of chicken consumption from people.&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems chicken would never be taken as a yummy meal in peoples' daily life.&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems chicken has lost its tempting taste which people always can't help resisting its dominant power before. It seems chicken has been bound up with a horrible evil named" bird flu" who will put anyone into the verge of hell as soon as he takes any tasty chicken.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But this is only our one side idea, not unique and not completely accurate.&nbsp;&nbsp;Such as KFC.&nbsp;&nbsp;These mainly chicken operating chain stores are still seducing people's fragile bellies and prying open a mountain of consumer’s pocket money via their chicken humbug, stock, fires, soup, and of course Coke Cola while other professions who are running by chicken exert themselves to reduce chicken supply or even forbid them in such a chicken allergic period.&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a very interesting phenomenon which is worth paying high attention especially for our local food and beverage services.&nbsp;&nbsp;Is that because the chicken from American is really more delicious than our domestically fed chicken?&nbsp;&nbsp;Is that because consuming in KFC shop, local people will have to be immersed in a rather comfortable and enjoyable feeling that just like being treated at home while they will never get the same feeling that in local fast food store?&nbsp;&nbsp;Is that because there's no any more business space left for domestic developer to apply and take advantage so that they would be able to explore their own profit grasping field?&nbsp;&nbsp;Is that because a critical and picky favor from people has changed image of food in consumer's life habit so that they prefer to put their money into KFC to stuff their stomach with not cheap price?&nbsp;&nbsp;Is that because swept by the wind of pursuing the fashion and popularity, people have changed their viewpoints that it's a kind of enjoyment spending so much time in kitchen to struggle for a variety of green vegetables and dizzy dishes is good idea, shifting to tackling their brunch would be a ideal choice which will not take much of their time.&nbsp;&nbsp;Is that true?<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;As the most powerful country in the world, American's culture, economy, politics, history, entertainment has always been playing and leading role in forming the complicated and changeable world after world war II.&nbsp;&nbsp;Nowadays no other country can put their influence into the almost every corner of the earth like the U.S. does.&nbsp;&nbsp;Just as KFC, on e of the most famous fast food firm which has been operated nearly a century.&nbsp;&nbsperhaps Captain Colonel Harland Sanders would never ecpect to know that a small fast food store coming out from his immediate inspiration eventually develop a tycoon with dominant control in the B&amp;F services, monoplying the world's fast food fields with a large proportion of market share if he is still alive today.&nbsp;&nbsp;Frankly speaking, it seems fast food is specially made for American people.&nbsp;&nbsp;For in such a high modern and civilized developed country, the heavy work and stuffy life rhythm has made people must put most of their time and energy into hectic labor with their mind turning round like a machine.&nbsp;&nbsp;Without exaggeration, even at the time out of work day, their limited time has been squeezed only can be reckoned by seconds.&nbsp;&nbsp;Having a cup of coffee, chitchatting with family, jogging round the backyard, playing internet game, or watching a little time news have become a impassable desire to the local people.&nbsp;&nbsp;Never mind making a prosperous banquet in spare time.&nbsp;&nbsp;Then a move toward consuming in the fast food shop very naturally became the best proper choice among commuters.&nbsp;&nbsp;The popularity pushed and moved back and forth among the KFC freaks rapidly formed a brand new food culture---"Fast Food Culture", not only because its yummy taste and convenience, nor its prominent statue of Caption Sanders standing outside the store with amiable smile and a fringe of a white beard has irresistible temptation to consumers or children.&nbsp;&nbsp;But a result of a gradually forming idea that existing in people's&nbsp;&nbsp;mind of using minimal time to maximum the working efficiency not only in the work time but everything as well in the life.&nbsp;&nbsp;For the whole community is just like&nbsp;&nbsp;a highly operating machine, every enterprise palys each necessary part in order to maintain the machine working well without mistakes, every people then is like a tiny screw fixed on every machine, each screw runs each function so that the entire machine will maintain its good condition.&nbsp;&nbsp;So any failure to operate the machine would hamper its process.&nbsp;&nbsp;Under such a nervous tensed life rhythm, people will have to compact their limited time into every details of daily life.&nbsp;&nbsp;Something that would have been missed should be missed, such as making an elaborate meal.&nbsp;&nbsp;Most of people in the modern society now cherished such an idea.&nbsp;&nbsp;To meet the sustainedly increasing demand of convenient fast food from consumers, KFC keep changing its sales strategies so quickly as to cut its shoes to fit peoples' feet.&nbsp;&nbsp;Consumers found it possible for them to take a not bad meal in KFC shop by eating a hamburg and a few cubes of chicken, coupled with a cup of coke.&nbsp;&nbsp;It's a good choice, saving time used ready to deal with out-of-breath work and enjoying a smooth air, why not?<br/>Quickly and inevitable, KFC has become the substantial power of fast food services and it has deeply rooted in people’s mind with its Captain Sanders smiling image.&nbsp;&nbspeople tend to link the image with KFC and fairly likely to get their purses open in this chain store if they see the lovely statue.<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;American is a invasive nation, don't misunderstand me.&nbsp;&nbsp;This is not meant rudely, I'm referring to their vast aspects transcending its own border has penetrated other countries every corner by their overwhelming diversified culture.&nbsp;&nbsp;And that's the very reason why KFC has so many branch companies and chain stores all over the world.&nbsp;&nbsp;Different people from their country may have a obstacle of conducting a smooth communication with other because of varied language and incredible understanding to things.&nbsp;&nbsp;But you will not be surprised if you find&nbsp;&nbsp;people come from different countries and areas chewing the fried chicken thigh in the hand, talking with different languages and playing special jokes.&nbsp;&nbsp;A white man with bold hair is chatting with his black wife, having a fries covered with a film of tomato jam.&nbsp;&nbsp;A woman with a babushka is asking the counter clerk about the price of the chicken cube.&nbsp;&nbsp;An about 5-year-old kid in yellow color dragging his a piece of his mother’s skirt is groaning" Mum, buy be a bunny toy, otherwise I won't leave".&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, this is KFC, an epitome of slowly and firmly merging world, gathering so many people with the different religion, different, faith, different taste, different favor, different idea in one place with its marvelous magic power.&nbsp;&nbsp;KFC is not only one nation oriented fast food, of course shrewd American business knows quite well how to draw a surge of people consuming in their chain stores.&nbsp;&nbsp;Only a very popular fast food surviving the serious and persistent competition will be taken as a famous brand in people's mind for ever.&nbsp;&nbsp;In order to maintain KFC's freshness, it's making great efforts to localize its products to enable them to be suitable for local people's critising favor while promoting it's new products related to KFC.&nbsp;&nbsp;As to the quality of chicken, KFC also has its own business ways.&nbsp;&nbsp;Each food made from chicken must be fried with fresh oil.&nbsp;&nbsp;A humbug will have to be sold within 4 hours, otherwise it will be cleared into garbage although the hamburg is far from the expiry.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Another factor contributed to help KFC stand in the fierce competition is that any feedback, the positive or the negative, experts or local people, the mature or immature, if only their gave KFC comment with the quality of their chicken will firmly regarded as KFC.&nbsp;&nbsp;At one time, a report released by an authority said there exists high content of sugar and amylum as the ingredient of the KFC's fires, warning people rarely take the fries or refuse it otherwise theirs health will be eventually jarpodized if taking fires too much.&nbsp;&nbsp;KFC responded to the report promptly, having not only been irritated by the research, but not looking down upon it as a minor mishap as one of numerous products so that the problem of fries can be neglected as well.&nbsp;&nbsp;All the fries with high content of sugar and amylum&nbsp;&nbsp;in all the chain stores have been swept immediately.&nbsp;&nbsp;Besides, hencebefore, every eligible ready to be sold have to be experienced strict quality control that investigated by the authority department.&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't imagine if the same thing happen to the domestic fast food enterprise what measures would they take?&nbsp;&nbsp; Will they destroy any ineligible food from the angle of its content that will not make up their mind to throw them although the food is available?&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm not very sure. But all in all, what KFC values is its brand image which has been popular for almost so many years and its unpredictable potential for further business exploration.&nbsp;&nbsp;KFC knows they will never make up for any of their mistakes of principle in competition and market once the brand image is ruined.&nbsp;&nbsp;As concerning that, KFC would rather pay twice or triple as the compensation for their minor mistakes, it's worth doing.&nbsp;&nbsp;KFC is a smart tycoon.<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The world is changing, people is also changing.&nbsp;&nbsp;Anything is not able to escape from the fact the if one thing has been tried for many times, it will lose its original seduction whatever how excellent and how enchanting it is, which we defined it as "aesthetic weariness".&nbsp;&nbsp;KFC is also not exceptional.&nbsp;&nbsp;The intelligent KFC absolutely allow to such things occurring to him.&nbsp;&nbsp;Refocusing its aim of energy, KFC has put much attention to the kids under teenager.&nbsp;&nbsp;For they know kids is a centre of a family.&nbsp;&nbsparents would be pretty volunteer to open their purses to satisfy the little sun in their heart if only by doing so will bring about happiness and bliss to them at whatever expense.&nbsp;&nbsp;Naturally KFC continuously launched its distinctive way of promotion by colorful and glittering toys which is fairly seductive to immature kids.&nbsp;&nbsp;Of course, little money left in the baby's pocket, KFC's lays it' main aim at drawing a large old and new consumers to do a part of creating KFC's huge profit by playing some interesting gimmicks, which would perhaps do nothing to grown up, but rather effective to the kids.&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="3"><font size="2"><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Puppy worte home on Janurary, 9th 2006</font></font></p><p><br/></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="3"><br/></font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-30 17:10:02编辑过]


Quickie 发表于 2006-1-11 07:02:47
Did you know that I refuse to read anything longer than 30secs?
Sorry to tell you this, but I didnt finish reading your.....
Lazy me.. [em04]
mengxxx911 发表于 2006-2-2 19:48:51
Lazy me too~~~~
abc 发表于 2006-2-7 03:19:57
Junk food, I do not like it
tataoo 发表于 2007-9-7 12:11:38
I read it in your Qzone last night,hehe.It's really a diffcult task for me to complete such an article,i mean write one as long as yours.
shenogo 发表于 2007-9-26 07:57:22
original? well.be pleasure to check out....
shenogo 发表于 2007-9-26 08:11:54
jesus...posted by 2006...

check out this one...

MC DONALDS is open for 24/7

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well,i doubt KFC will do the same.and i dont like the chicken flying from U.S. so much.since it tastes no some special.
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