






发布者: 权萍有我 | 发布时间: 2008-1-21 02:39| 查看数: 3213| 评论数: 9|


Test Seventeen???


这种虚拟式用在suggest, demand, insist, move, order, propose, recommend, require, request等动词之后的that?分句中。例如:?

In many countries, the law requires that everyone carry an identification card at all times.?

The dean recommended that she be assigned to do the most complicated job.?

She insisted that she go to the south for her holiday.??


anger, rage, fury, indignation, resentment, wrath?














She reproached her husband in great anger.她十分气愤地责骂丈夫。?

He broke the flower pot in his rage.他一怒之下摔碎了花盆。?

She flew into a fury when nobody would lend her any money.没人肯借她钱,她便勃然大怒。?

The news roused great public indignation.这条消息激怒了公众。?

I was full of hatred and resentment for the severe criticism.我对所受的严厉批评感到愤恨和不满。?

The Grapes of Wrath was written by John Steinbeck.《愤怒的葡萄》一书是约翰•斯坦贝克写的。


权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:39:38



1. ?____? the flood, the ship had reached its destination on time.?

A. In case ofB. In spite of?

C. Because ofD. But for?

2. Xenon has a number of applications, ?____? may be mentioned its use in flash lamps for high speed photography.?

A. among whichB. whichC. and whichD. each of which?

3. Take an umbrella with you in case of ?____?.?

A. it rainsB. the rainC. rainD. raining?

4. The University of Georgia,?____? in 1785, was the first state?supported University in the United States.?

A. charteredB. was chartered ?

C. it was charteredD. to be chartered?

5. ?____? that is found is valuable.?

A. Not every pearl B. Every pearl that is not ?

C. It is not every pearl D.When not every pearl?

6. A historical novel may do more than mirror history; ?____?future events.?

A. even influencingB. it may even influence?

C. may even influence D.that it may even influence?

7. ?____?, glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.?

A. When well fitted B. Well fitted when?

C. Well fitted ifD. If well fitted when?

8. I’ll certainly work all next week except when it ?____?.?

A. will be rainingB. would rain?

C. will rainD. is raining?

9. I suppose you are not going today, ?____???

A. are youB. do youC. aren’t youD. don’t you?

10. The size of the audience,?____? we had expected, was well over one thousand.?

A. whomB. whoC. asD. that?

11. Even before he got to the chemist’s he had lost the ?____?for the medicine, and had to go back to the doctor to get another one.

A. receiptB. remedyC. recipeD. prescription?

12. Before I noticed a differece, I had thoughtthe machines were ?______?.?

A. equivalentB. artificialC. identicalD. occasional

13. Robert is reliable, you can ?____?.?

A. count onB. count forC. count upD. count out?

14. For weeks after, I would see a girl on the street who ?____?my daughter and hope in my heart that it was Jane.?

A. identifiedB. imitatedC. resembledD. liberated?

15. Modern technology and science have produced a ?____?of new materials and new ways ofusing old materials.

A. wealthB. willC. rewardD. realm?

16. There is evidence that such differences do ?____?intelligence as measured by tests.?

A. infectB. effectC. affectD. direct?

17. In some small villages in England, tourists can become ?____?because they do not know that street names are posted on the side of buildings, rather than on signs as they are in the U.S.?

A. explicitB. rationalC. perplexedD. positive?

18. Your nationality is not ?____? when choosing a career, but your ability to speak the language is.?

A. relatedB. responsibleC. relevantD. reciprocal?

19. His interesting lecture ?____? my interest in history.?

A. revealedB. revolvedC. retortedD. revived?

20. I was shocked at observing the alteration of her ?____?.?

A. appearancesB. aspectsC. outlinesD. looks?

21. A carpenter can work best when he uses the ?____?tools.?

A. fitB. suitableC. properD. appropriate?

22. We ?____?him out of going on such a dangerous journey.?

A. arguedB. discussedC. debatedD. disputed?

23. All ads are intended to be ?____?, but they can stir up interest and curiosity in varying ways, through humour, information and so on.?

A. provocativeB. cooperative ?

C. effectiveD. comparative?

24. No one’s face is perfectly ?____? . For example, one eye is often slightly higher than the other.?

A. similarB. subtleC. balancedD. symmetrical?

25. My brother’s habit of giving advice without being asked makes him seem ?____?.?

A. presumptuousB. premature?

C. presumptive D. predominant
权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:40:05


ch- 发表于 2008-2-14 08:41:19
thank u, pingping.
xcl80225 发表于 2009-1-14 04:43:49
kankan a
ziyelin 发表于 2009-1-23 22:03:36
thank you
Crystal.zr 发表于 2009-2-2 18:53:39
xtfcujj 发表于 2009-2-2 22:34:38
wenyh888 发表于 2009-2-20 17:05:33
sonia4310 发表于 2009-6-13 20:45:58
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