






发布者: 权萍有我 | 发布时间: 2008-1-21 02:53| 查看数: 4174| 评论数: 10|


Test Twenty?Four???


character, personality, nature, temperament, individuality?













She is a woman of strong character. 她是个性格坚强的女人。?

Love had to be a give?and?take, each respecting the other’s personality.爱既包含奉献也包含索取,彼此应尊重对方的人格。?

It’s not her nature to be rude; she’s polite by nature.她的天性不是粗鲁无礼,而是彬彬有礼。

Many actors have excitable temperament.许多演员性情容易激动。?

Dress expresses the wearer’s individuality.衣着反映人的个性。


权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:54:09



1. My train arrives inShenyang at seven o’clock tomorrow. The plane I would like to take from there ?____? by then.?

A. would leave B. will have left ?

C. has leftD. had left?

2. ?____? the building did he realize that there was danger everywhere in it.?

A. Upon enteringB. When he entered?

C. Only after enteringD. After he had entered?

3. He will do anything for us except ?____? us his oxen.?

A. lendingB. will lendC. lendD. has lent?

4. The suspect at last admitted ?____? the stolen goods but he denied ?____? them.?

A. receiving...sellingB. to receive...selling?

C. receiving...to sellD. to receive...to sell?

5. How close parents are to their children ?____? a strong influence on the character of the children.?

A. haveB. hasC. having D. to have?

6. ?____? on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.?

A. If walkingB. Walking?

C. While walkingD. When one is walking?

7. Professor Smith’s dedication to ?____? earned him the respect of both his colleagues and students.?

A. being taught B. be taught?

C. teach D. teaching?

8. If only I ?____? what you wanted!?

A. knewB. knowC. had knownD. have known?

9. He was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ?____? to the outside world.?

A. to be lostB. lostC. losingD. having lost?

10. I’d rather that they ?____? during the bad weather, but they insist that they must return home today.?

A. don’t travelB. didn’t travel?

C. shouldn’t travelD. not travel?

11. The manager gave her his ?____? that her complaint would be investigated.?

A. consentB. conceptionC. assuranceD. insurance?

12. It has always been the ?____? of this company to promote existing staff to senior positions.?

A. procedureB. policyC. processD. prime?

13. When he graduated from high school he got his ?____?.?

A. diplomatB. certificateC. degreeD identity?

14. These varied racial groups have learned to live together in peace and ?____?, setting an example well worth following.?

A. harmonyB. graceC. rhythmD. relief?

15. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ?____? the curiosity and creativity of children.?

A. stimulateB. spareC. seekD. secure?

16. In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe ?____? Europe into a great war.

A. imposedB. pitchedC. insertedD. plunged?

17. What are your ?____? for judging a bottle of wine??

A. regulationsB. rules?

C. premisesD. criteria?

18. To help students understand how we see, teachers often draw a(n) ?______? between an eye and a camera.

A. contrastB. analogyC. imageD. substitute?

19. Whereas sudden great disasters are instantaneous, others, such as droughts, are ?____?.?

A. cumulativeB. formidable ?

C. eternalD. prospective?

20. We are always ready to ?____? our motherland from any foreign aggression.?

A. defendB. protectC. guardD. shield?

21. The train has been?____? by an accident.?

A. delayedB. postponedC. put offD. relayed?

22. Can you ?____? any smell of the gaswhich is escaping??

A. discoverB. detectC. findD. spot?

23. A(n) ?____? annoyance of bus terminals is the abundance of exhaust fumes.?

A. instantaneousB. regular?

C. inherentD. extensive?

24. They have no idea of the ?____?rich in mineral springs.?

A. localityB. locationC. situationD. site?

25. When Tasuma first came to the U.S. from Japan, he wasn’t sure he could ?____? into American culture, but after a few months, he felt at home here.?

A. absorbB. transformC. digestD. assimilate?
权萍有我 发表于 2008-1-21 02:54:42


ch- 发表于 2008-2-26 18:35:30

Thank you very much. Pingping.

Thank you very much. Pingping.
xcl80225 发表于 2009-1-14 04:55:50
kankan a
ziyelin 发表于 2009-1-16 21:19:30
lai lo
Crystal.zr 发表于 2009-2-2 19:05:26
thank you
风╬oοHui◇ 发表于 2009-3-20 13:59:21
nancyjuan 发表于 2009-3-29 17:56:43
thanks so much
shuiliushang 发表于 2009-4-3 14:11:08
piao guo...
sonia4310 发表于 2009-6-13 22:11:48
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