






发布者: July | 发布时间: 2006-1-12 11:39| 查看数: 6136| 评论数: 11|


答案来了(标准答案) I will paint this day with laughter; I will frame this night in song. Never will I labor to be happy; rather will I remain too busy to be sad. I will enjoy today's happiness today. It is not grain to be stored in a box. It is not wine to be saved in a jar. It cannot be saved for the morrow. It must be sown and reaped on the same day and this I will do, henceforth. 我会付钱的,注意自己的短信信箱啊!~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-22 21:55:42编辑过]


July 发表于 2006-1-12 11:46:55
In a recent article in Zaobao, I stressed the importance of maintaining Singapore as a secular state and the separation of politics and religion. Having pondered over the issue of religion again, I will now go a step further to suggest that for Singapore, a small and multi-religious country, to ensure religious and racial harmony, an additional condition needs to be emphasised - national interest should take precedence over religion 英译汉,仍有钱拿。
elvint 发表于 2006-1-15 11:14:55
I will fulfill today with my laugh, light the night with my song. I will never try hard to search my happiness again, but to find it and forget the sadness in everyday busy work.I will enjoy everyday joy, it can not stored as the grain, it can not waited to be more enjoyable as the wine. I don't live for today, i will pay from today and gain from today too.
elvint 发表于 2006-1-15 11:17:01
英语翻译汉语的排比句有什么说法吗? 总感觉我翻译的有些怪怪的.呵呵
July 发表于 2006-1-15 21:01:24
NoNine 发表于 2006-1-18 23:08:15
mickeylee 发表于 2006-1-19 00:42:30
我要用笑声点缀今天,我要用歌声照亮黑夜。我不再苦苦寻觅快乐,我要在繁忙的工作中忘记悲伤。我要享受今天的快乐,它不像粮食可以贮藏,更不似美酒越陈越香。我不是为将来而活。今天播种今天收获。 I want to make my present day full of laughters,make the darkness and silence filled with my sound and singing;I don't try too hard in order to seek my happiness ,at least I have lost myself in my busy work and forget my sorrowd .Unlike the food which can be stored,wine goes better as time passing,I want to enjoy every moment of my life. I don't live for the elusive future,I know i will harvest what i can see today only. 怎么样啊?JULY。可以给我金币了吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-19 0:58:35编辑过]
mickeylee 发表于 2006-1-19 00:48:42
In a recent article in Zaobao, I stressed the importance of maintaining Singapore as a secular state and the separation of politics and religion. Having pondered over the issue of religion again, I will now go a step further to suggest that for Singapore, a small and multi-religious country, to ensure religious and racial harmony, an additional condition needs to be emphasised - national interest should take precedence over religion. 早报上最近的一篇文章,我有强调要保持新加坡作为一个非宗教国家的重要性,政治和宗教是分离开的。当再次提及宗教问题的时候,我会更进一步建议新加坡,这个小而多宗教的国家,要保证宗教和种族的和谐。此外,着重强调一点,国家的利益总是优先宗教的利益。
mickeylee 发表于 2006-1-19 00:50:37
拉拉拉,红包100拿来! 也也也,我发了哦! 哈哈哈
July 发表于 2006-1-22 22:02:33
elvint 看到答案了吗?也许你现在明白了吧.好好努力呀,谢谢参与,你将获得50金钱的参与奖. 客人(61.153.*.*) 又出现了一次这样的情况,你翻译的很不错,可是我要怎样才能把钱给你呢?可是我不知道你是谁啊?郁闷. mickeylee 不错啊,我将给你200钱,注意查看自己的短信信箱啊!~~~
mickeylee 发表于 2006-1-23 22:53:21
July 发表于 2006-1-26 18:28:11
mickeylee 那你的朋友干什么把帖子发成那样了,他应该有个注册名吧?我怎么给他奖励呢?我们这客人是不能回帖的,肯定是当时系统出了毛病了.晕死.
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