






发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2006-1-13 17:00| 查看数: 8723| 评论数: 1|

Dear James,<BR><BR>We've met in Canton fair for 97th. I am interested in to import some of your products.<BR>However I need to have some samples for reevaulate the fabrics and to get the right prices on the custom taxes. If you can send me the fabrics which are listed below i will really appreciate it. <BR><BR>Thank you in advance,<BR><BR>Svs Tekstil,<BR><BR>Serdar Sevinc<BR><BR>s: Unfortuanetly i haven't got all the code numbers for the products, so i will just write the type of the fabrics. Also you should have my business card, but incase my address is at the bottom of the page.<BR><BR>Fabrics:<BR>Embroidery Voile Code # TX-1 <BR>%50 Polyester %50 Naylon Embroideried Organza Code # MSN 18-1 If its possible in differnt colors<BR>%50 Polyester %50 Naylon Embroideried Organza Code # MSN-15If it is possible in different colors<BR>%100 Polyester Embroidery Voile Code # TX-6<BR><BR>It is very important for me to see the colors of organza which has different color yarn. For example, black yarn to red, or black yarn to blue, or black yarn to yellow.<BR><BR><BR><BR>My address is;<BR><BR>SVS Tekstil<BR>Yeni Yalova Yolu BUTTIM Is Merkezi<BR>A Blok Kat 4 No: 1040 <BR>Osmangazi Bursa / Turkey<BR>


Dear James,<BR>Thank you for your E mail. i hope you will prepare the samples soon. I can pay for the shipment thats no problem, but i don't have an express account number.I have never heard of such an account number. I don't know how we can work it out, however i need the samples as soon as possible before the season starts here. Please direct me about the shipment. Because of the time issue for only this time i may ask you to pay for the shipment.Please let me know how we can work it out.<BR><BR>Sincerely Yours,<BR><BR>SVS Tekstil,<BR>Serdar Sevinc<BR><BR>----- &amp;Ouml;zgün &#304;leti -----<BR>Kimden : "james jiang" <BR>G&amp;ouml;nderme tarihi : 29/04/2005 5:10<BR>Konu : RE: Svs Tekstil, Turkey<BR><BR>Dear Tekstil<BR>Thanks for your Email. Sample is no problem, I'll prepare for you soon. But<BR>my company do business in this way with new client, we give sample free, you<BR>pay the express fee. if we started business, we would pay all the fee our<BR>side. So pls let me know your Account for express.<BR>Your prompt reply is appreciated<BR>Yours sincerecely<BR>James.<BR><BR>

<DIV class=postcolor>Dear James,<BR>I am sorry that &#305;t took me so long to reply, that because &#305; was out of town for couple days. I w&#305;ll w&#305;re the money to your account by monday. I don't remember &#305;f &#305; ment&#305;oned but &#305; also need the sample of embro&#305;dery tafta. It &#305;s very &#305;mportant. Also &#305; am expect&#305;ng the good pr&#305;ce l&#305;st.Talk to you soon.<BR><BR>S&#305;ncerely Yours,<BR>SVS Tekstil<BR>Serdar Sev&#305;nc</DIV>
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Dear James,<BR><BR>Today I went to the bank to wire the money to your account, however i end up not doing it. Thats because it costs me $48 to wire $35 to China. For this time i am going to ask you to pay for the shipment. It is very important for me to receive the samples by the end of this month.Please reply to my request as soon as possible. <BR><BR>Thank you in advance,<BR><BR>Svs Tekstil,<BR><BR>Serdar Sevinc <BR>
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<DIV class=postcolor>Dear James,<BR>As &#305; need the samples by the end of th&#305;s month, &#305; am go&#305;ng to f&#305;gure out a way for you to send &#305;t to me. Please make the fabr&#305;c samples ready. Most probably &#305; w&#305;ll open an express account or &#305; can use western un&#305;on. Please &#305;nform me about western Un&#305;on and &#305; w&#305;re the money. Th&#305;s way &#305; don't need to pay extra money.<BR><BR>Thank you &#305;n advance,<BR>Svs Tekst&#305;l<BR>Serdar Sev&#305;nc<BR><!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_485325--></DIV><BR>
<DIV class=postcolor>Dear Tekstil:<BR>All samples will be ready this morning, few hours later. But could you kindly explain what is Western Union? This is the first time we meet. Better open an express account, so it's no problem for me to understand. But I still hope you explain the Western Union, so next time I'll know what it is. Thanks very much.<BR>Yours sincerely<BR>James<BR><BR>-----邮件原件-----<BR>发件人: <BR>发送时间: 2005年5月10日 22:37<BR>收件人: James Jiang<BR>主题: Ynt: &amp;ccedil; &amp;aring;¤ : RE: Ynt: RE: Ynt: RE: Svs Tekstil, Turkey<BR><BR>Dear James,<BR>As &#305; need the samples by the end of th&#305;s month, &#305; am go&#305;ng to f&#305;gure out a way for you to send &#305;t to me. Please make the fabr&#305;c samples ready. Most probably &#305; w&#305;ll open an express account or &#305; can use western un&#305;on. Please &#305;nform me about western Un&#305;on and &#305; w&#305;re the money. Th&#305;s way &#305; don't need to pay extra money.<BR><BR>Thank you &#305;n advance,<BR>Svs Tekst&#305;l<BR>Serdar Sev&#305;nc<BR><BR>
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<DIV class=postcolor>Dear Tekstil:<BR>Thanks for your cooperation, and your kindly explanation. Everything is ready, Waiting for your account number. But for the matter of Embroidery Taffeta, it's not our business. We don't have the sample sorry, but if you're interested in it very much, I can introduce one factory to you. But I has responsibility for this factory's credit. Cause I'm not familiar too much to this factory, and just for our friendship, provide you information. <BR>Yours sincerely<BR>James<BR><BR>-----邮件原件-----<BR>发件人: <BR>发送时间: 2005年5月11日 22:58<BR>收件人: James Jiang<BR>主题: : Svs Tekstil, Turkey<BR><BR>Dear James,<BR>Western Un&#305;on &#305;s a company to w&#305;re money. &#305;t &#305;s org&#305;nally Amer&#305;can company<BR>but you can w&#305;re money w&#305;th western un&#305;on anywhere &#305;n the world. Anyway I<BR>w&#305;ll open an express account an w&#305;ll let you know my account number. Thank<BR>you for prepar&#305;ng the samples.<BR><BR>Svs Tekst&#305;l,<BR>Serdar Sev&#305;nc<BR><BR>S: D&#305;d you also prepare embro&#305;dery tafta sample? If not could you please<BR>&#305;nclude &#305;t as well.<BR></DIV>
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<DIV class=postcolor>Dear Tekstil:<BR>What happened to open Bank Account for Express? I've not heard from you for several days. Now is already 5.17, I hope sample will not dely. Pls reply me soon. Thanks.<BR>Yours sincerely<BR>James<BR><BR>
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<DIV class=postcolor>Dear Tekstil:<BR><BR>Thanks for your prompt reply. <BR><BR>We have TNT. And I will send sample tomorrow morning, Chinese Beijing time, cause now is already 00:00 in China, I can’t send it right now. <BR><BR>Yours sincerely<BR><BR>James</DIV>
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<DIV class=postcolor>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR><BR>发件人: svstekstil <BR>发送时间: 2005年5月16日 20:08<BR>收件人: James Jiang<BR>主题: Svs Tekstil, Turkey<BR><BR><BR><BR>Dear James,<BR><BR>I am sorry &#305;t took me a little wh&#305;le to wr&#305;te you back. I w&#305;ll g&#305;ve you my cous&#305;ns TNT account number. I hope you guys have TNT &#305;n Ch&#305;na. It &#305;s the same th&#305;ng l&#305;ke fedex or UPS. All you need to do &#305;s g&#305;ve the account number and you don't have to pay for the sh&#305;pment.It &#305;s go&#305;ng to be charged to our account. <BR><BR>TNT account Informat&#305;on:<BR><BR>Ales Brode<BR><BR>Account number *********<BR><BR>I hope to hear from you soon.<BR><BR>Svs Tekst&#305;l,<BR><BR>Serdar Sev&#305;nc<BR><BR></DIV>
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<DIV class=postcolor>Dear Tekst&#305;l:<BR>Thanks for you reply anyway, the sample will ship today, and you’ll receive 2,3 days. I hope it’s not delayed.<BR>I also hope our business can start soon, and look forward to meeting you in Shaoxing.<BR>Yours sincerely<BR>James.<BR><BR>________________________________________<BR>发件人: svstekstil <BR>发送时间: 2005年5月24日 18:58<BR>收件人: James Jiang<BR>主题: Ynt: Top Urgent&amp;acirc;


fantasy 发表于 2006-1-16 09:56:21
so many ,i am reading ,but i will complete it by 3times.
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