





你有以貌取人过嘛?Have you ever judged a person by his appearance?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-12-6 07:34| 查看数: 3911| 评论数: 8|


As is known to all, it is important to have a good first impression, which may play a key role in the success of the interview. We can understand very well the importance of the first impression in life since we would like to make friends with others or not repel against contacting them when we believe in the stranger’s first impression. However, we can know a person after having gotten contact with them again; we sometimes judge a person through his appearance or making mistakes about his first impression because the one whose appearance is normal may be funny, humorous or ready to help others, which may not reveal from the first impression.


My dear friends, have you ever judged a person by appearance?




gggccc 发表于 2010-12-6 11:34:07
I rarely do that.i think ,the appearance of one person notonly includes his appearance, but also the deeper spiritual expression,So should be more emphasis on its deep-seated internal performanc


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


毒蝎座 发表于 2010-12-6 11:41:48
凯旋城 发表于 2010-12-6 12:05:22
本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2010-12-6 17:04 编辑

we always say that we should never judge a person only by his or her appearance. but in fact we humanbeings have not evolvedto be so sensible or reasonable. many people judge others by their appearances more or less. eg. lots of jobs require that you be tall and good-looking enough.

it s said that in Dubai, many people have gone under the knife to make them look better. they would rather live in a small house and lead a simple lifein order to save enough money to beautify themselves . they spend much money changing their looks so as to meet their companies' requirement on appearances. those companies attach much importance on their personel's appearances and believe that appearances of employees represent a company's image.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


凯旋城 发表于 2010-12-6 12:25:41
本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2010-12-6 15:17 编辑

what can we do? to complain? i think we 'd better adjust ourselves to the society. pay more attention to our appearances and try to make us look better. in a sense, this reflects one's respect to others.

but i dont mean every one needs to go under the knife. after all we don't live completely for others .not every job needs good appearances and not everyone has the obssession for cosmetic surgery. why not let it be? even if we haven't good looks, we have other advantages that make ourselves respected or loved. it is the internal beauty that makes people more attractive.


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
dickarray + 10 .


huowa222 发表于 2010-12-6 19:25:03
本帖最后由 huowa222 于 2010-12-6 19:30 编辑

how to make good first impression in public? sensible behavior and decent dress are signaficant factors we should notice. that is what we are able to make up ourselves out of appearance. supposed that you had a charming appearance, whats more, you would be more appealing,charming. as we know, a born good- looking face entails fortunewe possess.its couple years since the concept of beauty economic was bring up, we should never deny that, to some extend, beauty is productive andgenerate wealth. dont you see all those entertainment industry stars who are rolling money, fully luxury brand dressedwere born a fasinating face?

as eye is the window of our soul, appearance is the word.for many years, our nation has been trying to build a deligent, friendly, brave image to other countries.so appearance can not be overstressed.

i usually judge a person by appearance first, but will never make a conclusion on him.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
dickarray + 20 .


Yokiyuan 发表于 2010-12-8 10:36:49
To tell the truth. Sometimes a person's appearance, good or bad, will also related to a person's first success and failures of the key. Although people verbally say a person surface how, actually everybody rangaimei? In the life I think everybody also may have seen such or similar examples of this.....


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
dickarray + 20 .


R-Tracy 发表于 2010-12-9 10:47:21
Due to my job, I learn not to judge a person by his or her appearance. Usually I would have a good first impression of others, even though they didn't behave themselves when we first met. If someone did leave me a bad impression, I would excuse him or her by thinking he or she might be in bad mood that day. Still I would make friends with them and give them another chance.Only after they prove to be the guys I don't like do I repel against contacting them again.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
dickarray + 20 .


dickarray 发表于 2010-12-11 05:54:53
They say that "never judge a book by its cover."Well, this is definitely true.However, first impression is also very important.

I've interviewed job candidates as part of my job, and I can tell you, I wouldn't consider too highly of a candidate if he or she is sloppy looking.So, yes, I've definitely judged a person by his or her appearance, but that isn't the only thing I look at.
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