






发布者: ch- | 发布时间: 2008-2-7 18:31| 查看数: 3810| 评论数: 13|


day and night
vs. night and day

德恩奈 vs. 奈恩德


(day and night的音译)产品广告,如德恩奈三效牙膏,德恩奈儿童牙膏,德恩奈漱口水等。

一九九九年九月四日联合报笫33页有「一周一成语」,也以day and night(中文译作「夜以继日」)为例,并造句:

Mary knitted day and night to finish the sweater before her mother's birthday.在母亲生日前,玛利夜以继日的完成了这件毛衣。(杨长江)

2000年一月七日中国邮报 (China Post) 头版有一则新闻报导:James Soong (宋楚瑜) and his running mate Chang Chau-hsiung (张昭雄) also extended gratitude to some 6000 volunteers who had worked day and night binding the petitions(连署书).

美国克林顿总统在电视演讲中不只一次地说过day and night.英国首相布莱尔在2000年二月三日正午12:05在CNN 谈话中也说过day and night.但在页556,Rewey Belle Inglis等着Adventures in American Literature中,作者在介绍美国着名散文作家及诗人爱默生的一篇名为Compensation(补偿)的散文时说:The idea of balance in human life ﹣

night and day, good and evil, action and repose ﹣ was a favorite of his.

在页700,A Complete Dictionary of English Phrases (Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1925)中的例句:The earth moves night and day.

另在页472,Dictionary of Current English Idioms(Tokyo: Kenkyusha Limited, 1975)中的例句:. . . as night follows day.

在以上文句及两本字典中均用night and day, 为甚么?

day and night口语,非正式英文(informal English); night and day是文语,

正式英文 (formal English)。正如中文中有「夜以继日」(night and day) 及「日以继夜」(day and night)一样。「夜以继日」是成语,而「日以继夜」是误用。后来以讹传讹,而成了我们平日脱口而出的「日以继夜」


ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:32:27

at weekends vs. on weekends

at weekendson weekends都是在周末。周是指周六及周日。两者不同的是

at weekends 是英国用法(British usage) ,而on weekends是美国用法(American usage).


What do you do at weekends? What do you do on weekends? (周末你都做什么?)

What do you do at the weekend? What do you do on the weekend?(周末你都做什么?)
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:32:58

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness on earth.


To love and to be loved 不是复合主词(compound subject)吗? 为甚么用单数 is?


To love and to be loved 形式上看来是复数,但是它们表达的是一个意念(one idea)

 那就是「相爱」。如果译为「爱与被爱是世间最大的幸福」,看来是复数;但如果译为「相爱是世间最大的幸福」,不就是单数了吗? 况且单方面的爱不可能是世间最大的幸福,不是吗? 所以是单数。再看两个类似的例句:

 1. Early to bed


early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (one idea)

  --Benjamin Franklin睡得早,起得早(两者合一),身体好,赚钱多,头脑好。

  早睡晚起可以身体好,赚钱多,头脑好吗?晚睡早起可以身体好,赚钱多, 头脑好吗? 都不可以。


 2. All work


no play makes Jack a dull boy. (one idea)



 3. Patience



is necessary for success.(one idea)

  patience是忍耐, perseverance是坚持。忍耐与坚持乃成功之本 。

  形式上看来是复数,但是它们表达的是一个意念(one idea)那就是「坚忍」。
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:33:11



A.英文中删节号称为triple dots(三点),而非中文中的六点。

 英文中删节号只用于引号内,例句:She said, “I have to take many courses; such as

 Chinese, English, Grammar, Conversation . . . .” 如删节号在句后,再加原句中句尾的标点符号。另英文删节号不等于中文中「等等」。英文中「等等」用etc.(即拉丁字et cetera 的略写)。

 中文中的删节号用六点,同时也可以用来表示「等等」。但如果用了六点之后,再用「等等」,那也不对,例如:. . . . . . 等等。
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:33:40






 可使知之。」及「民可,使由之;不可,使知之。」 中文中的句点(句号)是我们

 创出来的,用圆圈(。),而英文是用一点( . )。它的英文名称是period 或 full stop.



 例如: I have studied English for many years。
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:33:59

in danger vs. dangerous

Q. in danger与dangerous 有何不同?

A.in danger 是在危险中,dangerous是危险的。

 例如:He is in danger.他身处险境。

 He is dangerous.他是危险人物。

 另 out of danger 是脱险。

 例如:He is out of danger.他已脱险。
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:34:32

rainy season vs. raining season

Q. rainy season与raining season有何不同?


rainy season是正确的,raining season 是错误的。

 英法语法中的分词(participle)跟动名词(gerund)都是在原形动词后加 ”ing”。只有在它们后面加一个名词时,方能确定何者为分词何者为动名词。

 例如:sleeping baby(睡觉中的婴儿)中的sleeping是分词。

= a baby that is sleeping.分词的主要功能是形容词。

sleeping car(卧车)中的 sleeping是动名词。=a car for sleeping. 动名词的主要功能是名词。但在sleeping car 中作形容词 用。

raining season 是错误的,它不等于 a season for raining, 因为人力不能将一个季节指定为雨季。但是fasting month(斋戒月) = a month for fasting 是对的,因为人力可以将一个月份指定为斋戒月。

其他如 sleeping bag = bag for sleeping,drinking water = water for drinking,walking stick = stick for walking, spending

money = money for spending, running shoes = shoes for running, hunting accident=accident in hunting, 都是动名词作形容词用。
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:34:59

out of the question vs. out of question

out of the question=impossible(不可能的)

Example: Their trip is out of the question: they have no money.

out of question---without any doubt, without question(无疑地),

现在己不用这个片语,而用without question 替换。

John is, without question, one of the best students in my class.
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:35:10

success story vs.successful story

Taiwan success story的意思是台湾成功的故事, 说明台湾是如何成功的。

Taiwan successful story的意思是有一个台湾的故事,它的内容精彩,情节动人,写作技巧精湛,可说是一篇非常成功的故事。

例如: It is our teacher’s success story which he often tells us.

例如: It is a successful story which our teacher wrote years ago.
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:35:40

whichvs.in which


1.主词:This is the house which/that has three bedrooms.

2.受词:This is the house which/that I bought three months ago.

in which 做副词用= where

副词: This is the house in which I lived for three years. (加强句)

This is the house where I lived for three years.

This is the house which I lived in for three years.

This is the house that I lived in for three years. (口语)

This is the house in

that I lived for three years. (误)

ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:36:11

Taipei City Government

City Government vs.

Taipei City Hall

City Hall

2000年6月14日晚上十点至十一点的有线电视TVBS-N整点新闻中,最后一则有台北市政府大楼背景资料片。片中市府大楼上的中文是「台北市政府」,英文是 “Taipei City Government.” 自从马英九市长上任以后,电视新闻中见到市府大楼上的英文不再是“Taipei City Government”而是 “Taipei City Hall.” 这才是正确的,当晚的背景资料片应该是旧片,因为“Taipei City Government”是机构名称,是平面的;“Taipei City Hall” 是建筑物名称,是立体的。

例如:I have applied to Taipei City Government for a job. (我已向台北市政府申请一份工作)

例如:I went to Taipei City Hall yesterday morning. (昨天早晨我去了一趟台北市政府
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:36:44

alma mater vs. mother school

母校是用拉丁文alma mater(小写)或Alma Mater(大写)。虽然英文有mother tongue(母语) mother country(祖国),但没有mother school. 可用old school表示母校。
ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:37:03

at any time vs. anytime

1. at any time---是前置词片语,作副词用

例如:You may come at any time.

2. anytime---是副词

例如:You may come anytime

ch- 发表于 2008-2-7 18:37:23

result in vs. result from

1.result in-导致

例如:The traffic accident resulted in his injury.

2.result from-由于

例如:His injury resulted from the traffic accident.
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