





i will spend my the spring holiday for enfamily!

发布者: keyman | 发布时间: 2006-1-15 15:32| 查看数: 5234| 评论数: 2|

 holiday is here ,i want to go home and have a happy with my parents ! but i kown i have go back  school for study ,especially for enlish ,i only have a year  for my learning in college,it is soon for me ,i determined it would take the holiday in studing in school , i think i will  have a happy ,wondful spring holiday ! i hope i can  do more communication with every one in the enfamily!  I would like to wish everyone  a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future. <BR ><BR >


Quickie 发表于 2006-1-16 08:07:26
<B>i will spend my the spring holiday for enfamily!</B>
<FONT color=#ff0000 size=5>I will spend my <FONT color=#ff0000 size=3><STRONG>Spring Festival</STRONG></FONT> with emfamily!</FONT>
holiday is here ,i want to go home and have a happy with my parents ! but i kown i have go back  school
<FONT color=#ff0000>The Spring Festival is here. I wanted to go home and have a happy time with my parents! But I know I will </FONT>
for study ,especially for enlish ,i only have a year  for my learning in college,it is soon for me ,i
<FONT color=#ff0000>have to stay in school to study especially in English. This has been my first year in college, therefore I decided to stay in school to study during the holidays.</FONT>
determined it would take the holiday in studing in school , i think i will  have a happy ,wondful spring
<FONT color=#ff0000>I think I will have a happy and woderful Spring Festival communicating with everyone at the enfamily!</FONT>
holiday ! i hope i can  do more communication with every one in the enfamily!  I would like to wish
<FONT color=#ff0000>I would like to wish everyone at enfamily a joyful new year with happiness and good futurn.</FONT>
everyone  a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.

* It is getting hard for me to suggest my correction since I some times do not understand what you are trying to say. [em07] But I will try my best.
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