






发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2006-1-17 22:23| 查看数: 3503| 评论数: 0|

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<TD class=c04 align=middle height=35>美研究人员发现伟哥能帮助减轻心脏压力</TD></TR>
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  Viagra, used to treat impotence in men, has been found to reduce the harmful effects of stress on the heart, scientists said yesterday.
  The drug was originally designed as a candidate treatment for heart disease before its effect on genital blood vessels was appreciated.
  Now researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore have measured the strength of heart beats in a group of 35 adult volunteer patients in whom stress was induced with the drug dobutamine. This chemical mimics the effects of emotional or physical stress by increasing the force of heartbeats and boosting the flow of blood in the body, which can lead to permanently raised blood pressure.
  The men and women were randomly assigned to two groups, either to be treated with Viagra or a placebo. In those given Viagra, the strength of the heart's contractions was reduced by half, from 150 per cent to 75 per cent.
  Writing in the journal Circulation, Prof David Kass, who led the study, says: "Sildenafil [Viagra] effectively puts a 'brake' on chemical stimulation of the heart. Knowing more about the effects of sildenafil on heart function will allow for safer evaluation of its use as a treatment for heart problems."
  Dr Charmaine Griffiths, of the British Heart Foundation, said: "Viagra has been a real advance in treating impotence.
  "The findings that Viagra affects blood pressure are not surprising - before it was known as a successful treatment for impotence, it was actually being researched for lowering effects on blood pressure.
  "However, if you have a heart condition you should check with your doctor before taking Viagra.
  "Mixing this drug with other heart medicines or taking it if you have angina [heart pain on exercise] without advice from a health professional or GP can be dangerous for heart patients," she said. </FONT></TD></TR>
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<TD class=c07 align=middle height=40><B>美国研究人员发现伟哥能帮助减轻心脏压力<B></B></B></TD></TR>
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  研究过程中, 35名成年志愿者经受药物多巴酚丁胺(dobutamine)引起的压力,而工作人员则测量出他们的心跳力度。多巴酚丁胺这种化学药品通过增加心跳力度以及加速血液在身体中的循环来模拟情绪或身体压力带来的效果。


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