





[原创] Americans' iron stomach

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2006-1-20 11:28| 查看数: 10023| 评论数: 3|

<STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#ee1169 size=4>If you visit U.S.A, and taking a chance to dine at a restaurant, you'll find an interesting thing. The servers there will bring each of you a glass of ice water before you really order anything.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#ee1169 size=4>You may be curious to know: Is it a Sprite or mineral water? No, you're completely wrong. It's tap water with ice cubes.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#ee1169 size=4>Americans are crazy about ice water. No matter it's winter or summer, they drink ice water all year round. Why? I don't know. It's just one of their likes. Didn't you notice that in many American movies, as soon as people woke up, they just take out one cold milk bottle from the frige and drink it as is. Can you immagine in the cold winter morning, your first drink is a cold milk or water from the refrigerator? I bet you already have a freezing feeling from inside of your body. Haha... That's Americans. People with iron stomach.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#ee1169 size=4>What? Do they drink anything warm? Sure, one of their favorite drinks is coffee. Tea (in tea bags) is also welcomed by some Americans but not as popular as coffee at all. What? Warm plain water for American? You'd better kill them before giving them our popular drink: warm plain water without any flavor.  </FONT></STRONG>


Quickie 发表于 2006-1-20 11:32:23
Yes, ice water is what serve first, and they will order ice cold COKE later.
pineapple 发表于 2006-1-20 11:48:17
<STRONG>Let me say something about China</STRONG>
<STRONG>Chinese tea enjoys more than 4000 years of history.It was introduced into Japan by Buddihist monk and in the 16th century was introduced into Europe by a Portuguese missionary.</STRONG>
TheYeti 发表于 2006-1-20 13:40:30
It is a matter of habit. Once you get used to it, you are used to it.
I guess the cultural difference must have been behind the incident I found myself in in Wuhan a few years ago. I was travelling with a group of Canadians (Senior Tour Canada)(i) and our Yangtze cruise ship met with an accident (an electric cable fell on the boat, smashing the navigation gear), and we had to be bused into Wuhan. The hotel had to hassle to set up accomodation and supper. In their haste, they sent in some totally untrain staff to take care of the influx of guests(ii) from the cruise ship. One member of the tour asked for water, and the waiter brought him hot water. The line of communication fails to work, and I had to use my broken mandarin(iii) to explain to the waiter that when a North America asked for water, he/she means cold water.
(i)Hee...hee...I was the youngest male "senior" in that group. Several members are over 75. (ii) In case someone protests, hotel customers are referred to as guests. (iii) I am a Cantonese speaker. My mandarin (now known as poutonhua is not even passable.)
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