






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-12-11 07:41| 查看数: 2308| 评论数: 5|

To peep and be peeped, which one could you accept?

MSN和QQ签名、开心和人人的状态栏、个人博客、微博,我们忽然之间好像多了很多展示自己状态和心情的空间。某一天的某一个签名可能会招来朋友们一通狂轰滥炸,或者爱心泛滥的劝慰。这大概就是peep culture(窥探文化)一个最明显的现象吧。

Peep culture is a play on pop culture, the term was coined by Toronto writer and social commentator Hal Niedzviecki. It refers to a culture in which many people write about or display — and other people to take pleasure in reading or watching — the minutiae of their daily lives.

“窥探文化(peep culture)”这个表达是对流行文化(pop culture)这个短语的一种恶搞,是由多伦多作家兼社会评论家哈尔?涅兹维奇首创的。“窥探文化”指的是很多人描写和展示自己生活中的一些细节,然后其他人以阅读或观看这些东西为乐趣的一种文化。

Mr. Niedzviecki believes many people welcome surveillance because the collapse of community has left them feeling disconnected and alone. Surveillance, he says, is part of the shift from pop culture to what he calls peep culture.


It’s a tell-all, show-all phenomenon of the digital age, people are eager to post their innermost thoughts on blogs and social networking sites for all to read. This also has social consequences, such as diminishing the overall concern about privacy. One big problem is the tendency of “oversharing,” or giving out too much personal information both online and offline.


To peep and be peeped, which one could you accept?





R-Tracy 发表于 2010-12-11 10:49:53
When I've got negative energy, I will show my innermost thoughts and feelings on my blog, for the purpose of releasing my deperate and painful emotions. Since, With my net name on it, nobody online knowswho I am, I don't care who will read my blog, nor do I care what they think about me. It's just a way to set myself free. At the same time, I like reading those blogs where the writers express their deepest thoughts and feelings, especially aboutaffection, friendship, and love. I feel I get so close to the writers when reading their blogs.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


anro 发表于 2010-12-11 19:16:25
I can't accept both them.


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
katy006688 + 10


凯旋城 发表于 2010-12-11 20:04:39
本帖最后由 凯旋城 于 2010-12-11 20:14 编辑

everyone needs to relieve his feelings from time to time, and many people more or less like peering at other's secrets. this is human nature.

the internet offers us a platform where people can not only show their innermost thoughts but also share other's feelings. these areexchanges between people , perhaps not face to face, but heart to heart.

after releasing their own thoughts or sharing other's feelings, people will feel more relaxing and begin to deal with problems in the real world more optimistically and positively.

certainly there are negtive aspects as to the internet . i think that is so complicated a problem which is beyond my knowledgethat i 'm not able to discuss it further.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


四季花开 发表于 2010-12-17 15:25:20
mengruyuan 发表于 2011-1-14 08:44:52
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