





What do you think of the new rules for holidays?

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2008-4-7 11:07| 查看数: 3886| 评论数: 5|

I guess everybody has spent a good tomb-sweeping holiday. What did you do? And where did you go?

The new rules for holidays have split original May golden week holiday into three shorter holidays: Tomb-sweeping, Duan Wu and Mid-autumn. Plus one day for May holiday, we'll have four shorter holidays.

Now I'd like to know if you like the way the new rules go or you still prefer the orginal one. Why do you think so?


yingyujiayuan 发表于 2008-4-9 15:29:53

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like the holiday very much. maybe have nothing to do. at least, i have more than two days to rest. everyday. work for the same thing. feel so tired. so like holiday so much.hope more and more holiday coming.
linc_le 发表于 2008-4-13 16:23:22

happy holiday

First times join encorner ,hope everyone sustain...

I hope more and more holiday ,i may be travell\rest...

[ 本帖最后由 linc_le 于 2008-4-13 16:26 编辑 ]
椰风树影 发表于 2008-4-13 16:54:53
I prefer the new rules.

The increase of holidays gives us an illusion that we have much holidays than before though it's actually not. But I like this feeling. And we can find more reasons to get toghther with our family and friends.

Also, we have expectations for another holiday when this one is over.

Andthere's a reason from my private opinion. Because our school used to take 3 days back at the end of a semester due to the May golden week holiday when the original rules for holidays were still on. But now, it will never happen again.

Last but not least, whatthe hell is the advantage of the May golden week holiday? So many people in the street makes me sick. I don't even want to get out.

So I definitely approve the new rules.
Angel 发表于 2008-4-14 10:40:12
Iprefer to the now holiday.there is a small holiday nearly one month.what a beautiful.when this holiday is over, I won`tbecome so disappointedbecause next holiday will coming soon.just like now ,after a fewdays ,may holiday will coming .it is so nice thing.haha .
芥末膏 发表于 2008-5-19 14:12:01
Hehe...I guess everybody enjoys the new rules for holidays. I myself perfer this kind of holiday, too.

During May holiday, I asked for three days off besides the legal holidays and went on a trip to Yun Nan province. To my surprise, there were not many people around. We had a very relaxing and enjoyable trip for this time.
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