






发布者: mst | 发布时间: 2008-4-29 21:15| 查看数: 2573| 评论数: 4|

A I hear The Golden Palace restaurant is very good.

  A 我听说金王宫饭店非常好。

  B Yes, it's excellent. You should try it. The food is very good.

  B 是的,非常棒。你应该去那里看看。菜做得非常好。

  A Shall we go there this evening?

  A 我们今晚去那里好吗?

  B Good idea. It's a small restaurant. It's best to reserve a table.

  B 好主意。那是一家小餐馆,最好先预订一张桌。

  A OK. I'll phone and book now.

  A 好,我现在就打电话预订。

  B If it's full, we can try tomorrow evening.

  B 如果餐馆满员,我们可以明天晚上去。


ch- 发表于 2008-5-1 10:23:29
It's best to reserve a table.
mst 发表于 2008-5-1 18:30:01
原帖由 ch- 于 2008-5-1 10:23 发表

It's best to reserve a table.

OK. I'll phone and book now.When are you coming there ?
ch- 发表于 2008-5-1 20:23:58
maybe in next Spring, maybe never.

just let nature take its course. nothing urge.
mst 发表于 2008-5-1 22:20:16
原帖由 ch- 于 2008-5-1 20:23 发表

maybe in next Spring, maybe never.

just let nature take its course. nothing urge.

Ok, I will be right here waiting for you la
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