





[原创] The fun days come back !

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2006-1-23 21:30| 查看数: 9965| 评论数: 2|

<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#2222dd size=4><STRONG>In Beijing, the municipal government permits people to play fireworks during this coming Spring Festival. Although there are still limits on when and where people can play it. Isn't that a great decision? </STRONG></FONT>
<STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#2222dd size=4>Back to my younger days, playing fireworks would be the most fun thing to do during Spring Festival. Once getting some pocket money from my parents or their friends, I would rush to the store to buy some crackers or some other kinds. I could play it all myself for several hours out in the dark night of New Year's Eve. But inviting some friends to come play with me would be much more pleasant. I just wished every single munite would stay still and let the joy go nowhere but all around me and my dear friends.</FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#2222dd size=4>Now all the fun comes back this year. Isn't that great? Sure, it also brings back so much good memories back. Cheers! My dear friends. Hope every you has a most enjoyable festival here and there. So let the time roll!</FONT></STRONG>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-23 21:34:40编辑过]


bobo 发表于 2006-1-24 21:08:38
<FONT size=2><EM>It's been quite a long time since I didn't have a pocket full of firecrackers and matches and went wild enjoying myself by making noise everywhere during Spring Festival, and in the evening we could go out to see the pavonine firework show. I did have fun those days, but after several years of ban on firecrakers by our local government I gradually got used to have the quiet Chinese New Year and I was able to take a nap in the noon. Since two years ago, the ban has been removed and it started to become noisy again during the vacation, I can't even put up with it sometimes, it's too turbulent outside to sleep. I guess I lost interest in the burning of crackers and the smell of powder, I think I'll just play moderate crackers this year as usual.</EM></FONT>
Cactus 发表于 2006-2-7 10:08:11
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<FONT size=4>I went out to work on the Lunar New Year's Eve and the followed two days. The firecrackers just brought me unbearable noises, and I really swore that I would never choose these three days to work, or I could not have a good sleep!</FONT><FONT size=4></FONT>
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