






发布者: katrina1 | 发布时间: 2008-6-2 21:29| 查看数: 2741| 评论数: 1|














价值观是一种内心尺度,它凌驾于整个人性当中,支配着人的行为、态度、观察、信念、理解等,支配着人认识世界、明白事物对自己的意义和自我了解、自我定向、自我设计等;也为人自认为正当的行为提供充足的理由。我们这里考察的职业价值观,在于探讨人们在职业选择和职业生活中,在众多的价值取向里,优先考虑哪种价值。 价值观具有下列特性:(l)价值观是因人而异的。由于每个人的先天条件和后天环境不同,人生经历也不尽相同,每个人的价值观的形成会受到不同的影响,因此,每个人都有自己的价值观和价值观体系。在同样的客观条件下,具有不同价值观和价值观体系的人,其动机模式不同,产生的行为也不同。 (2)价值观是相对稳定的。价值观是人们思想认识的深层基础,它形成了人们的世界观和人生观。它是随着人们认知能力的发展,在环境、教育的影响下,逐步培养而成的。 人们的价值观一旦形成,便是相对稳定的,具有持久性。 (3)价值观在特定的环境下又是可以改变的。由于环境的改变、经验的积累、知识的增长,人们的价值观有可能发生变化。



katrina1 发表于 2008-6-2 21:30:24
2.1The definition of value

The view of values is people’s fundamental thoughts about value , including the understanding of the substance ,composition and standard of value. It is those different understandings that form different views of value. Under the direction of respective values, everyone shapes up different value orientations and seeks after what he thinks to be the most valuable. The content of value is very rich, which can be generally divided into material and spiritual values, as well as comprehensive, complex value, such as the value of human (or the value of life); it is of utmost importance for a person's development to establish the correct values and a scientific and rational value Orientation.

2.2The contents of value

Most scholars believe that the value is the product of the life practice and cultural accumulation of certain main subject(such as nationalities, classes, ranks, individuals and so on);and it is the reflection of real value movement in people’s mind, while it becomes the criterions and principles for people to evaluate things and size up figures; values is the existence of a system, of which there are distinction between deep and surface structures, while the former reflects the cultural mentality and thinking set the main subjects with relative stability and intractable and the latter is more flexible, to meet the changing realities of life through some changes and variations in standard , and to maintain the stability and consistency of the deep structure, which can be correspondingly transmuted through the profound social change or revolution only.

As for the specific structure of values, scholars have such views as follows:

The first is that the values of justice profits mainly constituted by the concept and the rationale of a German, justice issues, including the benefits and benefit private interests, spiritual and material life of the relationship, the justifications for the issue to include life and desire, integrity and life The question of the relationship, and Germany is the issue of integrity and ability, dependable Germany or dependable power relations. These areas are the areas of traditional Chinese philosophy, but are now integrated into the era of content, so the provisions of values, can be better achieved with the traditional docking. The second point of view, through in-depth analysis and synthesis that values mainly by the historical position of the main personal sense of social order and beliefs, social norms, awareness, awareness of the value of practice (sense of purpose and means), a value-based awareness, including How to treat people with their individual and group life and death, body and heart, social honor and dignity of the individual shows such as the personal sense of historical position, equality, freedom, justice and other concepts show that the concept of social order, the official position of power supremacy, First money, such as the comprehensive development of value-based awareness of the show. The five elements of mutual respect between organically linked to a perceived "value coordinate system."

There is also a view that values include the target system, means systems, system rules and constraints, these four aspects of each other, and each posed by a variety of factors.

Several views between the above-mentioned principles, there is no differences between the difference only lies in focusing on the broad perspective and the depth and breadth. In comparison, the second view more in-depth, comprehensive, with strong theoretical explanation, convincing and potential applications.

2.3 The core values and basic forms:

On the core values, a point of view (usually the ethics of the profession some scholars) that the concept of individual and collective, such as individualism and collectivism.

In another view, people's real interests and the status of themselves limit their values. Here the interests of not only material benefits, including political and spiritual interests. People's thinking and behavior are all around the interests of the rotation, only to the interests of in-depth and interests, people can truly understand the differences in values and confrontation, so the interests of both values, is fundamental to its core.

The third perspective is integrated nature that the former two are included in the "main location": the value of the principal of whom he is, how he grasped their status, interests and mission, their social relations with others, is all the essence and core values. "Why the issue is a fundamental issue."

This view is mainly between the general analysis of the depth and level the difference, there is no substantive differences.

On the basic values of the form, there are no more commencing discussions and arguments. From positive to compare the current system of on and have a considerable impact on the argument that the concept of values as a form of the value of awareness-Changbiaoxianwei people on the life of the fundamental values and beliefs, beliefs, ideals and concepts such as the sum. Faith, beliefs and ideals, certain values are usually the most basic form of expression.

2.4 The impact of values

Values not only affect the behavior of individuals, groups also affect the behavior .and conduct throughout the organization. In the same conditions, for the same things, different people of different values, will behavior in different ways. In the same units, some people focus on achievements, some people value money reward, it was also attaches importance to the status of power, and this is because of their different values. The same rules and regulations, if two people's values contrary, it will take exactly the opposite of conduct, organizations will achieve the goal of playing an entirely different role.

Values is a heart-scale, it overrides the whole of humanity, dominate people's behaviors, attitudes, observation, faith, understanding, and so on, dominate the people of the world, understand the meaning of things on their own and self-understanding, self-directed, self-design, etc. ; People also believe that the proper behavior to provide adequate reasons. Here we study the professional values, is to explore people's career choices and career in life and in many values, which give priority to value. Values have the following characteristics: (l) the values vary from person to person. Since each person's innate and acquired environmental conditions of different life experiences vary, each person's values will be the formation of different effects, so everyone has their own values and value systems. In the same objective conditions, with different values and value systems of people, different patterns of their motivation, the acts are also different. (2) Values are relatively stable. Values of people's are basis of the deep understanding and it formed a people's world outlook and outlook on life. It is with the people cognitive development, the environment, education under the influence, and gradually from the train. Once the formation of people's values, is relatively stable, with persistent. (3) Values in a particular environment and can be changed.If the environment changes, the experience accumulatesand the knowledge grow, people’s values and are subject to change.

Values are supporting the spiritual pillar of human life, human behavior is determined by the orientation of the people decided what kind of mentality and the will to create their new life, so it has for human life, guided fundamental significance.
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