





环球商务 口袋英语100句(4)

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-7-20 14:06| 查看数: 2047| 评论数: 0|

61. We are experienced in marketing products similar to yours and quite familiar with customers‘ need.我们在销售类似你们的产品方面很有经验,很熟悉顾客的需求。

62. We have good connections with all the leading importers and wholesalers in our country.我们与我国所有的主要进口商、批发商有着密切的联系。

63. You are driving a hard bargain.你固执己见,不肯让步。

64. Very often in a campaign, two or more media are used together.一般情况下,在广告宣传过程中,常常是两种或更多的媒体一起使用。

65. We should get to know who are the audience for the selected advertising media.我们应该了解对于(我们)选定的广告媒介哪些人是真正的听众。

66. We approach the retailers directly, without any middleman.我们直接和零售商打交道,不经过任何中间人。

67. Before fixing our prices, we have to know what your service charges will be.在我们定价之前,我们的了解你们将收取多少服务费用。

68. My biggest concern now is business promotion. Can you give me some tips?


69. Would you like to leave a message for Mr. Smith?


70. I‘m sorry, Mr. Smith is speaking on another line. Will you wait?


71. Well, if you leave your name and number, I‘ll tell him to call you back when he is free.那么,您留下您的姓名和电话号码,我会告诉他让他有空时给您回电话。

72. I‘ll get in touch with him and call you back later.我会与他联系,过一会儿给您回电话。

71.He is not available now.她现在不在。

72. Please tell me how to format a floppy disk. I use Windows 98.请告诉我如何把磁盘格式化。我使用的是视窗98操作系统。

73.If you install more memory, you can use it fairly well.如果增加内存的话,你的电脑就还可以用。

74.E-mail seems to have reformed the organization of companies.电子邮件似乎已经改变了公司的组织形式。

75.Since opened our homepage one week ago, our access number has grown to over one thousand.自一星期前我们有了自己的网页以来,上去浏览的人数已经超过1000人了。

76. The most remarkable difference of the Internet from TV and video is that it is “interactive”, that is, it allows two-way communication.互联网和电视、录影带最明显的不同在于它是“互动的”,也就是说它允许双向沟通。

77. The number of people who quit their jobs and begin SOHOs should increase more and more.为了从事SOHO而辞去在公司的工作的人数应该会越来越多。

78. We have pleasure insending you our catalogue, which gives full information about our various products.所寄我方目录,提供了各类产品的详细情况。

79. We have large quantity of …。 in stock.我方可大量供应……现货。

80.Payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable, divisible and transferable L/C without recourse for the full amount.付款方式为保兑的、不可撤销的、可分割的、可转让的、无权追索的全部金额即期信用证支付。


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