





怎样把粗花呢穿出时尚 How to Wear Tweed and Stay Cool

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-12-21 23:04| 查看数: 1887| 评论数: 0|

Q: Ah, tweed, the fabric of aristocratic fox hunts and stuffy professors. And now, suddenly as fashionable in Asia's urban jungles as it is on Europe's country estates. But how can you incorporate the fabric into a modern male wardrobe?

A: Along with plaid, that other traditional outdoor fabric associated with cooler weather, tweed has made a strong appearence this season in both jackets and pants. Still, you're cautious, even trepidatious, of wearing it out of fear of becoming, well, tweedy?

Nonsense. First of all, know that today's tweed is not the dour fabric of years gone by. Slightly softer and thinner, the modern take on tweed isn't the itchy fabric that our ancestors used to wear. Even the tweediest of tweed makers ─ Harris Tweed Scotland Ltd., one of the three mills whose Harris Tweed is certified by the U.K. government ─ launched a lightweight tweed in September. Within the first two weeks, the company's run of 5,000 jackets in the new fabric were completely sold out.

The Scottish tweed maker is surprised that its staple is now the height of fashion. 'We see now, walking down the high street, so many people in tweed,' said Lydia Walton, director of public relations at Harris Tweed Scotland. 'It was snowballing for a couple of years, but this year, it's been huge. I don't really know why.'

The tip is to match the tweed to the occasion. If you're going to the country or spending time outdoors, choose tweed in earthy tones, such as the Hamish design in green and brown checks. Dress it with a white shirt, jeans and a pair of brown brogues or boots. For urban settings, you are better off with darker colors, such as a black and white herringbone check. This style in a jacket goes well with grey flannel trousers and a dark-colored shirt.

Of course, these are merely guidlines. Tweed fashion, like all fashion, differs in various parts of the world. 'In Italy, they'll wear the Hamish design with pencil trousers and pointy shoes ─ not what we see here in the U.K.,' said Ms. Walton.

If there's one rule to adhere to, it would be this: Never pair your tweed jacket with tweed pants, especially if they match. A tweed suit? Not even for the driest of academic conferences. 'Once you wear a tweed suit, you look slightly mad,' she said. We tend to agree.


Getty Images温暖粗花呢时尚搭之明星示范答:跟格子呢料──另一种适于寒冷天气的传统户外衣料──一样,粗花呢也已经强势进入今季时尚,在上衣和裤子当中都有表现。不过,真要穿着它上街,你还是有点儿犹豫,甚至还有点儿担心,担心别人说你随便,对吧?

大可不必。首先,你得知道,今天的粗花呢已经不像以前那样粗糙厚重了。现在的粗花呢比以前软,也比以前薄,不再是前人穿着的那种扎人料子。苏格兰海力司粗花呢公司(Harris Tweed Scotland Ltd)是最最正宗的粗花呢制造商之一,得到英国政府认证的海力司粗花呢(Harris Tweed)厂商共有三家,该公司就是其中之一。即便是他们也在9月推出了一种轻便的粗花呢。上市的头两个星期,该公司用这种料子制作的5,000件外套就已经销售一空。

看到自家的常规商品突然站到了时尚的巅峰,这家苏格兰粗花呢厂商大感惊奇。该公司公关总监莉迪亚•沃顿(Lydia Walton)说,“我们已经看到,繁华的大街上到处都是穿着粗花呢的人。前两年当中,粗花呢的风尚一直呈现着一种滚雪球般的缓慢发展趋势,今年却突然间变成了大雪崩。我也不太清楚这是什么原因。”





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