






发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2010-12-22 18:34| 查看数: 1017| 评论数: 0|

Renting versus Owning

Deciding whether it's best to buy or rent a home isn't an easy decision. There are financial pros and cons (利与弊) to each. Plus, whether or not you want to become a homeowner(n.自己拥有住房者) may depend on your lifestyle, so it's very much a personal choice.

Pros to renting

-You're not required to save up a hefty (adj.繁重的) down payment(首付).

-Renting is normally a short-term commitment (you normally can sign a lease for as little as a few months to a year).

-You are usually free of major maintenance costs and paying property taxes -- your landlord takes care of that.

-You aren't tied down to (束缚于) one place, and can relocate(v.迁移) fairly easily.

Cons to renting

-You may be subject to (..支配) rent increases that you can do little about.

-You might not be able to decorate a home as you like. (You may have to stick with the white walls and beige(adj.米色的) carpeting that your landlord put in.)

-You may be subject to restrictions on pets.

-You could be evicted (v.驱逐) (say, if the landlord decides not to renew your lease, or to sell the home) and may need to seek another place to live.

Pros to buying

-The home is yours, so you have more control over how to decorate it and landscape (v.美化)it.

-Greater stability -- as long as(只要)you can afford the property taxes and your mortgage(n.抵押) payments, you don't have to worry about being evicted.

-Getting to know the neighbors. Because you are likely to stay in a home you own longer than one you rent, you may become more involved in your community.

Cons to buying

-When it comes to maintaining a home, it's all about you. It's up to you to make the repairs when the toilet leaks (v.泄露) or pay the handyman(n.杂务) for the fixes.

-You may have to borrow heavily and pay interest (take out a mortgage) to afford the home. You could lose your house if you can't keep up with your mortgage payments.





















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