






发布者: rowe0525 | 发布时间: 2008-8-14 14:35| 查看数: 1874| 评论数: 0|


1.A:did you enjoy the baseball game?

B:I'll say.but i must say it was a little bit long.

I'll say.是的,程度不如i totally agree with you.

2.A:is this the pan you were looking for?

B:not really,but it'll do.(也行)

3.A:how long will these radios be on sale?

B:as long as supplies last.(卖完为止)

4.A:what time is the train from Chicago due in?

B:it's running a little behind schedule.(有些晚点)

5.A:would you please turn the radio up a little?

B:sorry,that's as loud as it goes.这已是最大声了。


this clock isn't going.这钟不走了.

how is it going?事情进展如何?

the story goes that……据说……

this book goes on this shelf.这本书归于这个书架。

6.let's put Stone in charge of our new products,sales is right up his alley.

right up one's alley拿手好戏,擅长之处

7.A:what's wrong with Suson?

B:i don't know.she seems a little reserved today.(沉默)

8.A:what do you think of the new chinese resturaunt in Austin?

B:i guess it's better than nothing.有总比没有好。

9.when i was first married i didn't have a job,and we had to live from hand to mouth.有上顿没下顿的生活。

10.it's a rea drag.真累赘。

11.i'm usuallly hard up(经济拮据,缺钱花) myself at this time of the month.

12.A:how was the debate?

B:it was one-sided,to say the least.in the end,doctor Brown didn't have a leg to stand on.(毫无根据)

又如:let them sue us if they want to,they don't have a leg to stand on.

13.you can stay if you want,but keep out of my hair.不要打扰我

14.i'm in a hurry now,so tell me the story in a nutshell.简明扼要的

15.i'm talking off the top of my head(即席的,毫无准备的,but i don't think our canpany's production capacity is large enough to process such an order.

16.A;what do you think about the subway systam?

B:well,my experience is very good.

17.look,isn't he a terrific guy?

terrific=very good

18.authough the board of the diretors tried to keep him,Dr.morris quit his position in May.


19.be quiet,kids, i can't hear myself think.我要走神了。

20A:you had a call from bob,and you're supposed to call him back.

Bh, no,he drove me out of my mind.让人发疯!


drive sb. up the wall;

drive sb. nuts;

drive sb.crazy


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