






发布者: yucc | 发布时间: 2006-2-11 18:18| 查看数: 10679| 评论数: 2|

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<TD class=e14 vAlign=top width="61%">
69WYiygX.jpg <BR>Romantics hoping to impress their loved one with more than a bunch of
hastily-purchased flowers or a battered box of chocolates were offered an
upmarket but costly alternative.

As February 14 and Saint Valentine's Day approach, one British firm reckons
it has concocted a magical night aimed at winning the heart of the object of
passion: it certainly should given the price tag.

But if the scheme does not pay off, the starry-eyed lover could be paying off
the bill for a very long time, looking rather a stupid Cupid in the process.

This gold-plated procession down Lovers' Lane comes with a 100,000-pound
(145,800-euro, 178,800-dollar) price tag.

The riverside Oxo Tower restaurant in London has devised a lavish, whirlwind
evening of emporium shopping, spas, champagne, restaurants, makeovers, a top
chef, a private ballroom and a band and a private flight to Paris where the
couple can spend a passionate night, if not too exhausted.

So far, several romantics are mulling over buying the golden ticket on
February 14, betting on their partners being hungry.

"We've already had dozens of calls from interested people," said Susannah
Galsworthy, a spokeswoman for the restaurant, which will be given over to the
cheery couple.

Following a dinner of rare and luxurious victuals, the couple will be
presented with a limited edition bottle of vodka, containing two heart-shaped
rubies and loose diamonds, to be poured carefully.

Once in Paris, the cooing couple get two nights in the city of love and a
trip round the Louvre museum before a private jet back to Britain where a
chauffeur awaits.

Nobody has yet come up with the cash, though three weeks remain.<BR><BR><BR>


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yucc 发表于 2006-2-11 18:21:41
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<TD class=e12b><FONT color=#ff9900>Vocabulary:</FONT></TD></TR>


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<TD class=e12>

emporium:a large
retail store or place of business(大百货店,商业中心),句中翻译时把它处理为副词,用以形容人们在商贸中心购物时的行为状态

upmarket:appealing to or designed for high-income consumers;

pay off:to succeed or to make it(成功),注意下句pay off的另一用法

pay off the bill:to clear a debt(偿清债款)

starry-eyed:having a naively enthusiastic, overoptimistic, or romantic view;

makeover:an overall beauty treatment that involves a person's hair style and
cosmetics and clothing, which intends to change or improve a person's

mull over:ponder, think over(考虑)

vodka:an alcoholic liquor(伏特加酒)

loose diamonds: diamonds that are not in earrings or necklaces<BR></TD></TR></TABLE>
流水绯红 发表于 2006-2-20 21:19:33


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<TD class=l15e><FONT>
Romantics hoping to impress their loved one with more than a bunch of hastily-purchased flowers or a battered box of chocolates were offered an upmarket but costly alternative.
  As February 14 and Saint Valentine's Day approach, one British firm reckons it has concocted a magical night aimed at winning the heart of the object of passion: it certainly should given the price tag.
  But if the scheme does not pay off, the starry-eyed lover could be paying off the bill for a very long time, looking rather a stupid Cupid in the process.
  This gold-plated procession down Lovers' Lane comes with a 100,000-pound (145,800-euro, 178,800-dollar) price tag.
  The riverside Oxo Tower restaurant in London has devised a lavish, whirlwind evening of emporium shopping, spas, champagne, restaurants, makeovers, a top chef, a private ballroom and a band and a private flight to Paris where the couple can spend a passionate night, if not too exhausted.
  So far, several romantics are mulling over buying the golden ticket on February 14, betting on their partners being hungry.
  "We've already had dozens of calls from interested people," said Susannah Galsworthy, a spokeswoman for the restaurant, which will be given over to the cheery couple.
  Following a dinner of rare and luxurious victuals, the couple will be presented with a limited edition bottle of vodka, containing two heart-shaped rubies and loose diamonds, to be poured carefully.
  Once in Paris, the cooing couple get two nights in the city of love and a trip round the Louvre museum before a private jet back to Britain where a chauffeur awaits. </FONT></TD></TR>
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<TD class=c07 align=middle height=40><B>情侣们一掷千金打动爱人 只为浪漫情人节?<B></B></B></TD></TR>
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