





Have a try!(第四期)

发布者: Sarah | 发布时间: 2006-2-11 21:38| 查看数: 2704| 评论数: 9|

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-11 21:43:33编辑过]


Sarah 发表于 2006-2-11 21:42:14
下面是我听到的(不完整),希望大家积极参加! i have been broken,but i know how to survive
somehow i always keep my dreams alive
but i was prepared for the feeling i would find
the first time that i hug you for the first king to mine
the love that i have been waiting for although years
was holding on to me and
every break and every pray have been answered in the heartbeat
everytime with me,everytime with me
now i only feel ,now i only feel is that true good to truth be true!
every dream that i ever dream is coming true in you
so so connection what surpried
the love that i have been waiting for although years
was holding on to me and
every and every pray have been answered in the heartbeat
everytime with me,everytime with me
now i only feel ,now i only feel is that true good to truth be true!
every dream that i ever dream is coming true in you
NoNine 发表于 2006-2-16 00:26:18
呵呵,有难度,先写到这里,以后再改 i've had a lifetime full of hopes and dreams
??? had i seen true love but it's never what it seems
i've been broken but i know how to survive
somehow i always keep my dreams alive
but i wasn't prepared for the feelings i would find
the first time that i had you for the first king to mine
the loving i've been waiting for all those years
was holding on to me and easing all my fears
every and every pray has been answered in a heartbeating
my spirit would every time we meet
now i only feel is that is so good to be true
every dream is come true in you
so the connection was a wonderful surprise
flying0422 发表于 2006-3-3 20:17:58
wonderful 发表于 2006-3-11 17:58:31
NoNine 发表于 2006-3-12 13:04:57
歌曲已经被删掉了,不好意思 我再在网上找找看
carollyx 发表于 2006-3-17 13:35:55
NoNine 发表于 2006-3-20 12:43:52
NoNine 发表于 2006-3-21 20:41:53
大家踊跃参加啊 可以在欣赏音乐的同时锻炼听力哦 一周后公布歌词
babyblue 发表于 2006-3-22 09:58:37
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