





Russia Pushes Deeper Into Georgia Despite Cease-Fire

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-19 17:48| 查看数: 1412| 评论数: 1|

Despite Russia's vow to withdraw its forces from Georgia, implementing a French-brokered cease-fire, there was little evidence of such a pullback on Monday, and some Russian units thrust even deeper into Georgian territory.

Russia's military moves in Georgia, a former Soviet republic and a staunch U.S. ally, raised new doubts as to whether Moscow intends to abide by the cease-fire agreement that ended a short but intense war over the breakaway republic of South Ossetia last week. Russian forces have since fanned throughout Georgia proper, destroying infrastructure in the Black Sea port city of Poti and coming within about 20 miles of the capital, Tbilisi.

A Russian government spokesman in Vladikavkaz said the first small columns of military personnel had begun to withdraw on Sunday. He said the main withdrawal would start on Tuesday. 'It takes a long time to pack up a tank,' he said.

A trip from Vladikavkaz in Russia through South Ossetia to the Georgian town of Gori and back turned up few signs that Russian troops were withdrawing. A correspondent for The Wall Street Journal spotted only 16 troop trucks heading toward Russia. Their tarps were battened down and it was impossible to see who, if anyone, was in the back.

When asked when Russian troops would withdraw, government officials became irritable. Russian Army Capt. Vladimir Ivanov said it was 'a process.' It had taken a long time for them to deploy and it would take them a long time to withdraw, he added.

Late Monday afternoon, a column of Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers, dozens of soldiers sitting atop every vehicle, rumbled up to the town of Igoeti, the farthest line of the Russian advance on the main highway from Gori to Tbilisi. A Russian colonel came out to announce that all Georgian police and civilian vehicles had three minutes to clear out. The column then roared toward the previously unoccupied Georgian village of Lamiskana, one tank shearing off the side of a Georgian police patrol car that tried to block the way.

'We don't see any significant movement of the regular Russian army to north, that is to Russia, but we do see significant maneuvers south, to Georgia,' said Georgia's deputy interior minister, Eka Zghuladze. 'We are still waiting for the pullout.'

The cease-fire agreement, negotiated by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and signed by both sides in the conflict, requires Russian forces to withdraw from Georgia proper, but allows them to maintain a peacekeeping presence in the pro-Russian breakaway enclaves of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and to patrol a security zone along the enclaves' borders pending the arrival of European observers. Plans to dispatch these observers hit a new snag on Monday because Russia indicated it is 'not inclined to accept' the mission, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said.

Russia's deputy head of general staff, Col.-Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn, said at a news conference in Moscow that Russian forces had already started moving out of Georgia proper to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. 'We are talking only about a pullback. I hope you have noticed the nuance: We are not talking about a pullout,' he said.

Inside Georgia, there were signs of solidifying Russian control. In the western Georgian crossroads town of Teklati, a Russian soldier sitting atop an armored personnel carrier said his unit had just escorted a convoy of military trucks and fuel tankers from Abkhazia. The soldier declined to give his name.

Some Russian officers interviewed Monday at forward troop positions said they have been told that President Saakashvili hasn't signed a correct version of the cease-fire agreement, adding modifications that rendered the document invalid.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-19 17:48:55






在被问及俄罗斯部队何时会撤军时,俄政府官员变得烦躁起来。俄罗斯陆军上尉伊万诺夫(Vladimir Ivanov)表示,这需要个过程。他补充说,俄军派兵花了很长时间,撤军自然也需要较长的时间。


格鲁吉亚内务部副部长Eka Zghuladze表示,我们没有看到俄军向北撤军的任何明显行动,但却看到俄军向南进一步深入格境内的大规模行动。我们仍在等待他们撤军。

在法国总统萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)的斡旋下,俄罗斯与格鲁吉亚签署了停火协议。根据协议规定,俄罗斯部队必须从格鲁吉亚境内撤军,但可以在亲俄罗斯的南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹地区留驻一支维和部队,在沿着两个地区边界建立的安全区内巡逻,等待欧洲观察员到来。法国外交部长贝尔纳•库什内(Bernard Kouchner)表示,派遣观察员的计划周一遭遇了新问题,因为俄罗斯表示不准备接受观察小组。

俄罗斯副总参谋长诺戈维岑(Anatoly Nogovitsyn)在莫斯科一个新闻发布会上表示,俄罗斯军队已经开始从格鲁吉亚境内回撤到南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹地区。他表示,我们目前只谈撤回,我希望你们注意到其中的细微差别:我们没说要撤出。


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