





What Obama's VP Pick Means For Wall Street

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-27 08:13| 查看数: 1642| 评论数: 1|

Barack Obama picked Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate in a 3 a.m. pick Saturday that gave a new meaning to the 'Friday night news dump.'

Biden's foreign-policy experience made him Obama's choice, according to the news reports. But what are Biden's views on the economy, taxes, deal making and Wall Street? Deal Journal took a look.

- Not a fan of hedge funds: In a Democratic primary debate on This Week last year, Biden blamed hedge funds and private-equity funds for the credit crunch: 'We need more transparency, particularly with regard to hedge funds and private equity funds. They are the ones that are causing this thing to go under. And there's no transparency, no accountability. We don't know how deep this problem is.'

- A stable capital-gains tax: Biden voted no to cutting the capital-gains tax rate in 2005 and 2006. Obama favors imposing an income-tax regime on investment profits from private-equity firms and hedge funds that are currently taxed as capital gains. In 2003, the capital-gains tax rate was cut to 15%. Biden believes raising taxes on dividends will raise $195 billion a year.

- Caution, but not rejection, of sovereign-wealth funds: Biden led Senate hearings in June on sovereign-wealth funds and urged caution when accepting investments from the investment arms of foreign countries, particularly very large funds such as Saudi Arabia's planned $900 billion fund and the $200 billion China Investment Corp. Still, he credited SWFs with helping several U.S. banks, including Citigroup, which received a $7.6 billion investment from the Abu Dhabi investment authority: 'From the financial perspective, however, these funds could be an important source of capital in our global economy. Wealth Funds can bring benefits to our economy. They've helped keep our banks afloat in the midst of the subprime mortgage crisis and ensuing credit crunch. They could offer a fresh infusion of capital, fuel employment and stimulate the U.S. industry.' Biden said greater transparency wouldn't make sovereign-wealth funds appear less-threatening to U.S. national security interests, but that 'punitive defensive regulation could be self-defeating, depriving us of potential benefits out of the fear of potential harm.'

- No tax breaks for anyone earning more than $1 million: Sorry, Wall Street. Those deal makers who are still employed will surely pay higher taxes in an Obama-Biden administration. Biden has said he supports the elimination of tax cuts for anyone earning more than $1 million a year; he expects that to raise $85 billion a year for the government.

- Toeing Obama's line on Nafta: In a debate broadcast on National Public Radio in December, Biden said, 'the thing I'm most unsure about, is how you rationalize competition and trade policy. I think that's the single most difficult challenge that I will have as president.' More recently, Biden has supported Obama's view that the North American Free Trade Agreement-which governs $810 billion in trade-should be renegotiated along more favorable lines for the U.S.

- He was saw early on that the credit crunch would get ugly: In that same Democratic primary debate in August 2007, Biden said the then-nascent credit crunch was 'almost as deep in terms of dollars, not liability, as the savings-and-loan crisis.'

Heidi N. Moore


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-27 08:14:19


谓的“周五夜间消息潮”现在有了新含义。上周六凌晨三点,民主党候选人巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在东海岸的支持者在电话里接到消息,奥巴马已选择特拉华州参议员乔•拜登(Joe Biden)为其竞选伙伴。


不欣赏对冲基金。去年在This Week电视节目进行的民主党初选辩论中,拜登指责对冲基金和私人资本投资基金该为信贷紧缩负责。他说,我们需要更大的透明度,尤其是涉及对冲基金和私人资本公司时;他们是信贷紧缩的罪魁祸首之一。这里面缺乏透明度和责任。我们不知道问题究竟有多深。


防范但不拒绝主权财富基金。今年6月份,拜登领导参议院召开了关于主权财富基金的听证会,呼吁政府在接受外国政府下属投资机构的投资时要保持谨慎,尤其是资产规模庞大的主权财富基金,例如沙特阿拉伯筹备中的规模高达9,000亿美元的基金以及有2,000亿美元资产的中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp.)。不过,他对主权财富基金出资援助数家美资银行的做法表示了肯定,其中包括阿布扎比投资局(Abu Dhabi Investment Authority)斥资76亿美元入股花旗集团(Citigroup)的交易。拜登表示,从财务角度来看,这些基金可能成为我们全球经济的重要资本来源。财富基金可以给美国经济带来好处。它们帮助我们的银行度过了次级抵押贷款危机的高峰期以及随后的信贷紧缩。它们可以提供新的资本来源,有助于推动就业,刺激美国产业。拜登还说,提高透明度并不会使主权财富基金对美国国家安全利益的威胁程度下降,但这种惩罚性的防御监管可能会弄巧成拙,使得我们由于担心潜在的损害而失去了可能的获益。


支持奥巴马关于北美自由贸易协议(Nafta)的立场。拜登去年12月在全美公共广播电台(National Public Radio)的一场辩论中表示,我最不确定的事情是你如何将竞争和贸易政策合理化;我认为,如果我当总统,这将是最棘手的一个挑战。最近拜登表示支持奥巴马的观点,认为涉及8,100亿美元贸易额的Nafta应当进行重新商议,做出更多有利于美国的条款。


Heidi N. Moore
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