





SEC Moves To Pull Plug On US Accounting Standards

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-28 16:42| 查看数: 1524| 评论数: 1|

The Securities and Exchange Commission signaled the demise of U.S. accounting standards, kicking off a process Wednesday that could ultimately require all publicly listed American companies to follow an international model instead.

Introduced in two steps, the shift could eventually cut costs for companies and smooth cross-border investing. At the same time, investors worry it will create confusion, especially during the transition. Others critics worry that the international system offers too much wiggle room for companies, compared with the more precise rules enshrined in U.S. standards.

The SEC's proposal would allow some large multinational companies to report earnings according to international accounting beginning in 2010. The SEC estimates at least 110 U.S. companies would qualify based on their market capitalization, among other factors. The agency also laid out a road map by which all U.S. companies would switch to International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS, beginning in 2014, at the expense of U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the guiding light of accountants for decades.

The proposals will be open for public comment for 60 days and could be finalized later this year.

U.S. corporations gave the news a qualified welcome. Margaret Smyth, controller at aerospace and building-services conglomerate United Technologies Corp., said the possibility of having one set of books around the world, though still years away, would result in 'tremendous savings.' In the short term, Ms. Smyth said the shift would be expensive and added that 'there are some issues that still need to be worked out,' particularly in the realm of tax accounting.

The SEC says the change will help the U.S. to compete globally because many other nations use the international standards or plan to do so. Larger companies, especially those with overseas subsidiaries, have urged the SEC to move in this direction. They hope a single accounting standard will enable U.S. investors to more easily compare a retailer in the U.S. with one in France, for example.

SEC Chairman Christopher Cox noted that 100 countries around the globe use IFRS and two-thirds of U.S. investors currently own securities of foreign companies.

'The increasing world-wide acceptance and U.S. investors' increasing ownership of foreign companies make it plain that if we do nothing and simply let these trends develop, comparability and transparency will decrease for U.S. investors and issuers,' he said.

The proposal marks the capstone of Mr. Cox's push as chairman to lower global barriers for U.S. investors. It also stems from a concern, voiced more loudly before the credit crunch took hold, that Wall Street was losing business to overseas competitors. In particular, some say the New York Stock Exchange and other U.S. exchanges have been a less attractive place for global companies to list their shares because of the distinct U.S. accounting standards.

Mr. Cox will likely step down following the November presidential election and the next administration could have different priorities. But several observers say it's likely the shift to IFRS will still occur.

Skeptics, even those who agree with the concept of a common accounting language, called the SEC's approach wrongheaded. Barbara Roper, director of investor protection at the Consumer Federation of America, said allowing certain U.S. companies to switch ahead of others would 'shift the burden of the translation between the two accounting languages onto investors.'

When companies can choose which standard to use, 'there's every reason to believe . . . they'll choose the language that paints their financials in the rosiest light,' she added.

The U.S. accounting system, which is ingrained in textbooks, business schools and company treasuries, is based on detailed rules, while the international system expects companies to follow broad principles. In practice, the systems differ on smaller matters, such as the timing of when a company should note any change in the value of an investment.

Under U.S. GAAP, for example, research and development costs are generally treated as expenses when they occur. Under the international standards, once a project gets to the development stage the costs are spread out over time. GAAP also provides specific instructions for industries such as oil and insurance. IFRS doesn't.

Jack Ciesielski, an accountant and publisher of the Analyst's Accounting Observer, says accounting under IFRS tends to lead to higher earnings. He examined filings from 137 foreign companies whose shares traded in the U.S. in 2006. That was the final year that U.S. regulators required these companies to translate their books into GAAP from IFRS. Mr. Ciesielski says 63% of the companies reported higher earnings under the international standard, and the median increase was 11.1%.

A move to international standards 'will likely inflate the earnings of U.S. companies and mislead investors,' said Gregory Pai of Paradigm Asset Management in White Plains, N.Y. On the plus side, he noted, the convergence should eventually allow multinationals to save on their accounting bills.

The SEC's road map requires the two bodies that oversee U.S. and international accounting rules narrow the differences.

Kara Scannell / Joanna Slater


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-28 16:47:46






美国公司对这则消息给予了有条件的欢迎。航天及建筑服务集团联合技术公司(United Technologies Corp.)的总审计师玛格丽特•史密斯(Margaret Smyth)说,尽管离最终实施还有数年时间,让全球只有一套准则的可能性会节约大笔费用。她说,短期而言,这种转变会造成昂贵费用,而且也有一些问题亟待解决,尤其是在税务会计领域。


SEC主席考克斯(Christopher Cox)指出,全球有100个国家使用IFRS,三分之二的美国投资者目前持有海外公司的证券。




持怀疑态度的人认为SEC的做法是错误的,其中包括原则上认同统一会计标准的人。美国消费者协会(Consumer Federation of America)投资者保护部门负责人芭芭拉•罗泊尔(Barbara Roper)说,允许一些美国公司提前采用国际标准会将在这两套会计标准之间转换的负担转嫁给投资者。




行业通讯《分析师会计观察》(The Analyst's Accounting Observer)的发行人杰克•西谢尔斯基(Jack Ciesielski)说,IFRS的会计方法可能会算出更高的收益。他研究了137家在美国上市的外国公司2006年提交的会计报告。2006年是美国监管机构要求这些公司将会计报告从IFRS格式转换为GAAP格式的最后一年。西谢尔斯基说,其中63%的公司在国际标准下的收益都提高了,增幅中值为11.1%。

Paradigm Asset Management的Gregory Pai说,转为国际标准可能会虚增美国公司的收益,误导投资者。但好处是,标准的统一最终会让跨国公司节约会计费用。


Kara Scannell / Joanna Slater
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