





Sony Launches New TVs In Effort To Boost Mkt Share

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-8-29 07:49| 查看数: 1502| 评论数: 1|

Sony Corp. unveiled new flat-screen LCD televisions that are thinner and display sharper images than before as it gears up for what is expected to be another tough holiday season.

The consumer electronics maker Thursday said it will release globally four high-end series of larger-screen TVs that are between 40 inches and 55 inches in the next couple of months.

Sony, which has been losing money in televisions since it missed the industry's transition from traditional sets to flat-screen TVs years ago, is under pressure to turn the business profitable this year. And analysts expect the crucial holiday season to continue to be tough: While LCD television sales continue to grow strongly as more consumers upgrade their sets, the increase is mainly being driven by low-end models, where price competition is most fierce.

In the April-to-June quarter, Sony's television market share declined slightly to 12.5%, according to Texas-based industry research firm DisplaySearch, while its South Korean rival Samsung Electronics Co. increased its share by 2 percentage points to 22.8%.

Sony Thursday said that it was on track to sell 17 million LCD TVs this year, 60% more than last year.

The company plans to market each of the four series for different purposes. The ZX1 series, for example, is only 9.9 millimeters thick and is wireless for consumers who care about the aesthetics of the TV in a room.

The W1 series better captures fast-paced action for sports lovers, while the most expensive XR1 series contains some of its most advanced technology to display crisp images.

The company didn't say whether these televisions, priced between Y290,000 and Y750,000 in Japan, are profitable, though it has been taking steps to cut overall manufacturing costs.

Sony said it is taking a two-pronged strategy of selling mass-market models that are more affordable and higher-end large-screen televisions, packed with more features. But how much it can increase sales of the higher-end models is still unclear. Demand for larger and higher-priced televisions have also been weaker than the industry hoped as consumers have become more cautious due to worries about an economic slowdown.

Sony officials reiterated at a press conference in Tokyo that demand for LCD televisions remains strong despite the slowdown in the global economy. But President Ryoji Chubachi separately told reporters in Singapore Thursday that he is concerned 'consumers' buying power is decreasing.'

Yukari Iwatani Kane


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-8-29 07:49:26





得克萨斯行业研究机构DisplaySearch的数据显示,4-6月当季,索尼的电视机市场份额小幅降至12.5%,而其韩国竞争对手三星电子(Samsung Electronics)的市场份额上升了两个百分点,至22.8%。






索尼管理人士在东京的新闻发布会上重申,尽管全球经济放缓,液晶电视机的需求仍保持强劲。不过该公司总裁中钵良治(Ryoji Chubachi)周四在新加坡向记者表示,他担心消费者的购买力在下降。

Yukari Iwatani Kane
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