





你想环游世界吗?Have you ever dreamt of traveling around the world?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-12-28 07:41| 查看数: 7027| 评论数: 23|


janejin786565 发表于 2011-1-11 14:00:57
A friend of mine said if I visit there only myself it would meet many troble. so I want to know if has anybody want to travel with me?
shaali 发表于 2011-1-11 16:00:07
inot only always had dreamt oftralveling around the world, but also dreamt of traveling aroundall part of our country.I want to go Hainan to see a real coco and pick up some coconuts by myself.I also want to travel Xinjiang province,and to test the local sweet pear in Korla.However ,i like Beijing much more,for it havea lot of well-kown landscape spots, i had ever go to the Great Wall with my friend .When we are on it, i had a deep thought of about one famous wisdom that he who had never been to the Great Wall is not a ture man.
jasonyou 发表于 2011-1-15 15:24:19
yes, that's a great idea, I love travel, and achieve it step by step
lengyan1975 发表于 2011-2-20 15:44:10
I have dreamd of traveling around the world.Though I have neither time nor money,I want to do it in my left life.
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