





DJ China's Central Bank Short Of Capital - NYT

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-5 13:46| 查看数: 1409| 评论数: 1|

The People's Bank of China, the mainland's central bank, has begun discussions with the finance ministry on measures to shore up its capital, the New York Times reported, citing people familiar with the discussions.

The bank has bought around $1 trillion worth of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed debt issued by Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie Mac (FRE), and has been on a buying spree in the U.S. over the past seven years, NYT said.

Conversion rates from the dollar to the strong Chinese currency makes the investment value even smaller, the paper said on its Web site.

The bank's capital, just $3.2 billion, has not grown during the buying spree, despite private warnings from the International Monetary Fund.

The central bank's predicament has several repercussions, says the New York Times story. For one, it makes it less likely that China will allow the yuan to continue rising against the dollar, say central banking experts. This could heighten trade tensions with the United States. The Bush administration and many Democrats in Congress have sought a stronger yuan to reduce the competitiveness of Chinese exports and trim the American trade deficit.

The central bank's difficulties do not, by themselves, pose a threat to the economy, economists agree, says the NYT article. The government has ample resources and is running a budget surplus. Most likely, the finance ministry would simply transfer bonds of other Chinese government agencies to the bank to increase its capital.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-5 13:46:37



《纽约时报》称,中国央行买入了价值约为1万亿美元的美国国债及由联邦国民抵押贷款协会(Fannie Mae, 简称:房利美)和联邦住房贷款抵押公司(Freddie Mac, 简称:房地美)发行的抵押贷款担保债券,并在过去七年间大量买入美国资产。

《纽约时报》在其网站报导称,人民币兑美元汇率升值导致上述投资的价值进一步缩水。尽管国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)私下提出了警告,但在大肆收购美国资产的过程中,中国央行32亿美元的资本没有增长。


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