





Risky Business: Decolletage At a Work Dinner

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-5 14:28| 查看数: 2742| 评论数: 1|

When Michele Royalty wore a simple black strapless gown to a black-tie business dinner for her pharmaceutical company, she says, 'I saw the CEO's eyes drop to my cleavage.'

'Once a CEO is startled by seeing your cleavage, an image is set in his mind that is not going to disappear,' says Ms. Royalty, who recently retired as an executive at the company. 'I never wore that type of dress again.'

Events like awards dinners and client cocktails can blur workplace rules -- including office dress codes. And since it's harder for men to embarrass themselves with evening wear, it's often women who reveal too much, leaving their clients or colleagues with indelible memories. The results can range from slight discomfort to a huge misunderstanding.

'What happens when the sun goes down is people go crazy,' says Patty Fox, a stylist and fashion coordinator for the Academy Awards. She says she gives businesswomen the same advice she gives movie stars: Don't step outside the bounds of your personal style, even for a special occasion.

Gail Graham, executive vice president of marketing for Fidelity Investments, watched a respected co-worker alter her colleagues' impressions of her at a recent business dinner. She 'showed up in a dress that was practically backless and showed cleavage,' says Ms. Graham, who later heard male colleagues talking about the woman -- days after the event. 'It became the story about her. You want the story to be about you and your accomplishments.'

'There's no greater crime' for a businesswoman, Ms. Graham adds, with just a smidgen of hyperbole, 'than to show cleavage.'

While avoiding displays of decolletage may sound obvious, getting the look right isn't as easy as people think. What some women see as fashion-forward can often come across as sexy in a business environment.

Women face mixed messages about what they should wear to evening events. Ubiquitous photos of decolletage-revealing celebrities and models photographed on red carpets and runways do their part to encourage faux pas. The super-short skirt lengths, low necklines and body-hugging silhouettes marketed in stores these days often conjure up the image of a trophy wife rather than an executive. Eveningwear is practically synonymous with sexy.

So it's a good bet that many professional women have made the same mistake I once did of showing too much skin at a business dinner. A male guest complimented my backless dress that evening. But evidently, the dress I had thought was evening-appropriate struck him as something worn to impress; later he coyly suggested I was romantically interested in another unmarried male guest -- something that wasn't at all true.

Because women and power have an awkward relationship in our culture, dress is a particular pitfall for female executives. People aren't knocked off-kilter when a young office assistant shows up in a revealing dress. But when it's the CEO -- or Hillary Clinton -- it's a different story.

'If my attorney bills out at $1,000 an hour, I want them to look like a lawyer, not a celebrity,' says Jonathan Fitzgarrald, director of marketing for Greenberg Glusker, a Los Angeles law firm.

It's not just a matter of image; sometimes, there can be real trouble. Lisa Goldstein, an attorney and founder of consulting firm Rainmaker Trainers in Philadelphia, says that during a client dinner with spouses, a head of a law firm was propositioned by her male client and his wife. The client 'suggested that they swing together,' says Ms. Goldstein, who was informally consulted on how to recover the professional-client relationship. The lawyer felt that her revealing evening dress had set the wrong tone, sending 'signals that were misinterpreted,' says Ms. Goldstein.

Any rational person should know better than to proposition his attorney. But the reason there are dress codes is to limit the signals that could go awry -- including ones that evoke the irrational.

I suspect these are lessons that our grandmothers could have explained without consulting a neuropsychiatrist. But Louann Brizendine, a prominent brain researcher and author of 'The Female Brain,' reassures us that human behavior isn't going to rise above responding to revealing clothing anytime soon.

Our brains are hard-wired. The cortex in the back of our brains, Dr. Brizendine says, scans the environment looking for fertile mates. Complicating relations between the sexes, the part of the brain known as the 'area for sexual pursuit' is two times larger in men than in women.

Exposed skin speaks louder than annual revenue growth, even to a CEO. 'What if the men in your office changed for dinner and came bare-chested?' asks Dr. Brizendine.

Jonscott Turco, a psychologist and consultant with Partners In Human Resources International, says he would prefer not to see women in revealing clothes at business events. 'They're thinking it's an empowering thing that they can be sexy and professional,' he says, 'but guys don't see it that way. If she's dressed sexy, that's all they see.'

Christina Binkley


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-5 14:29:45


在一家制药公司举办的正式商务晚宴上,米歇尔·罗埃德(Michelle Royalty)身穿一套黑色无肩带礼服出现在同事面前,结果如何呢?她回忆说,“我看见CEO的眼光一直落到我的乳沟里。”



“当太阳落山时,人们常常会头脑发热,”帕蒂·福克斯(Patty Fox)说。她是奥斯卡颁奖典礼的造型师兼时尚协调员。她说,她给商场女性的建议与她给明星们的建议完全一样:不要跳出你个人的着装风格,即使是在特殊场合。

盖尔·格雷厄姆(Gail Graham)是富达投资(Fidelity Investment)负责行销的执行副总裁。他亲眼目睹了一位受人尊敬的同事在最近的一次商务晚宴上是如何颠覆了众人印象的。这位同事“穿了一件后背几乎完全裸露的礼服,胸部的乳沟也显露了出来,”格雷厄姆说。他后来听到其他男同事谈论这位女士──尽管已经过去了不少时日。“人们说到她,就会提起这件事。人们一般会希望别人谈论的是自己的能力和成绩。”





在我们的文化当中,女性和权力之间存在一种很微妙的关系,因此,衣着对于女性管理人士往往是个陷阱。如果一位年轻的办公室助理穿着暴露,人们往往不会感到惊讶;但是如果换成了CEO,或是希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton),那人们的看法就不同了。

“如果我的律师每小时收费一千美金,那我希望他们看上去像个律师,而不是什么名人,”乔纳森·菲茨杰拉德(Jonathan Fitzgarrald)说。他是洛杉矶律师事务所Greenberg Glusker的市场主管。

这不仅仅是形像问题;有时候还真会因此造成麻烦。利萨·歌德斯坦(Lisa Goldstein)是费城咨询公司Rainmaker Trainers的律师及创建人。他举例说,在一次邀请客户配偶也一起参加的晚会上,某律师事务所的主管被她的男性客户和他的妻子“调戏”了一回。当时他们讨论如何与客户恢复良好的关系,歌德斯坦也在其中,那位男客户“建议他们一起游泳”。女主管感到,自己那暴露的晚礼服让谈话走了调,发出了“被误读的信号”,歌德斯坦说。


我以为这个道理显而易见,就连我们的祖母都能明白,而不用去请教什么精神病学家。但是,著名大脑研究专家、《女性智力》(The Female Brain)的作者卢安·布里丁尼(Louann Brizendine)告诉大家,人类的行为在短时间里还不可能超越对暴露衣着的直接反应。



琼斯科特·土科(Jonscott Turco)是Partners In Human Resources International的心理学家兼顾问。他表示,希望女性在商业活动中不要穿着暴露。“她们认为那是上天赋予的权利,她们可以将专业和性感融为一体,”他指出,“但是男人们可不这么想。如果女性穿着性感,那么男性眼里就只看到性感。”

Christina Binkley
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