





Gov. Sarah Palin: Midnight runs and caribou dinners

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-5 14:41| 查看数: 1353| 评论数: 1|

Coming Saturday Sept. 6 in the debut issue of WSJ. Magazine, a conversation with Gov. Sarah Palin about her unusual workout and fitness routine. Preview excerpt

Gov. Sarah Palin: Midnight runs and caribou dinners

Gov. Sarah Palin has always been a runner. Her parents were marathoners and high school track and cross-country coaches. 'Running was a family affair,' she says. 'I didn't have much choice. Thankfully, I've never tired of it.'

Gov. Palin, a mother of five kids, says exercise is still very much a 'family thing.' She and her husband, Todd, also an athlete, named their first son Track because he was born in that sport's season. Gov. Palin (above, near Mendenhall Glacier, outside of Juneau) and her family live in Wasilla, about 45 miles north of Anchorage.


'Conventional running is my sanity,' Gov. Palin says. Having recently given birth to her fifth child, the governor is trying to get back to her old workout routine. She was running 7 to 10 miles almost every day but switched to aerobics classes at her gym when she became pregnant. She has worked her way back up to running three miles every other day.

In the summer, when it's always light, she'll sometimes run as late as midnight. In the dead of winter, when it's dark, she sneaks in an afternoon run, or else grudgingly runs on the treadmill at home or at the gym in the evening. Gov. Palin keeps dumbbells at home, but she says most of her upper body strength comes from snowmobiling with her family. 'It's the best upper body workout you could ever have,' she says. 'You're maneuvering through hundreds of pounds of powder.' (Todd is a four-time champion of the Tesoro Iron Dog, the world's longest snowmobile race.)

Diet pitfall

'My family and I eat a healthy diet heavy in wild Alaskan seafood, moose, caribou and fresh fruit,' she says. 'I guess my biggest pitfall is breakfast. I know it's the most important meal of the day but I still haven't bought into it. I hate to admit it, but a skinny white-chocolate mocha is my staple in the morning.'

Workout gear

'My ideal fantasy is to be running on a hot dusty road just wearing running shorts and some kind of top that wicks away sweat. But in reality I'm running in 20-below temperatures, so I wear layers of fleece and always a good outdoor waterproof trail shoe. Right now I've been running in Nike Air Structure Triax. And I always wear sunglasses. My kids tell me to put them on so I don't freak people out when they see me with a goofy hairdo and no makeup.'

While I'm working out

'I'm thinking about my next speech. I usually write my best speeches and letters [in my head] while out running. That is my inspired time.'

Postworkout food

'Nothing. I just drink water.'

Workout pitfall

'Being pregnant every few years. If I get lazy and go weeks or months without exercising it's not because of circumstances but because I'm being less disciplined. Shame on me.'



chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-5 14:49:10


《华尔街日报》旗下杂志9月6日的创刊号中,阿拉斯加州长萨拉•佩林(Sarah Palin)将谈谈她不同寻常的运动和健身程序。以下为节选:

Brian Adams for WSJ. Magazine



佩林说,现在体育运动依然可以说是项家庭传统。她的丈夫托德(Todd)也是运动员出身,他们有五个孩子,长子名叫特瑞艾克(Track,也有径赛项目的意思),因为他出生的时候正值径赛季。佩林(上图,摄于阿拉斯加州朱诺市外的曼登霍冰河(Mendenhall Glacier)附近)和她的家人住在距离安克拉治市以北约45英里的瓦希拉市。



夏季白昼较长时,她有时甚至会在午夜跑步。冬天天短了,她就在下午抽空跑步,或是晚上在家里或健身房的跑步机上跑步──虽然她并不喜欢这样。佩林家里有哑铃,不过她说自己主要是和家人一起玩雪地摩托时锻炼了上肢力量。她说,“这是增强上肢力量的最佳方法。你必须操纵雪地摩托从数百磅的积雪中前进。”(托德曾四次荣获“泰索洛钢铁狗比赛”(Tesoro Iron Dog)的冠军,这是世界上距离最长的雪地摩托车赛。)




佩林说,“我的梦想是在炎炎烈日下的一条灰尘漫天的路上跑步,身上只穿一条运动短裤和速干运动上衣。但事实上是,我常常在气温不到20华氏度的地方跑步,所以我得穿好几层抓绒衫,还必须穿上一双质量不错的户外防水徒步鞋。眼下,我的跑鞋是耐克Air Structure Triax。我还总是戴着太阳镜。我的孩子们告诉我要戴上太阳镜,这样人们看到我怪异的发型和素面朝天的样子就不会被吓着了。”



Brian Adams for WSJ. Magazine







[ 本帖最后由 chrislau2001 于 2008-9-5 14:50 编辑 ]
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