





Bailout Of Fannie, Freddie Encourages Banks, Investors

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-9 13:28| 查看数: 2095| 评论数: 1|

The U.S. government's plan to take the helm at the nation's ailing mortgage giants was welcomed by some banks and market watchers outside the U.S. as a way to dispel the uncertainty plaguing the world's financial institutions and companies.

It remains to be seen whether the effort to contain the trouble at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be dramatic enough to prop up sentiment as policy makers and investors weigh wider economic uncertainty in the U.S. and elsewhere.

In the booming Persian Gulf, where big investors -- including large government-backed investment funds with sizable investments in U.S. assets -- have watched the credit and housing crisis in the U.S. unfold with alarm, the news of the bailout was initially welcomed.

Ala'a Al Yousef, the chief economist of Bahrain investment bank Gulf Finance House, with more than $20 billion in assets under management, said the U.S. rescue was 'way overdue.' He said he expects the action by the Treasury to increase confidence among international investors in U.S. markets.

While the oil-fired economies of the Persian Gulf have escaped the worst fallout from the recent global financial turmoil, lending strains in the U.S. and Europe have also distorted credit market there, too. 'This hopefully will reduce the distortions and this should help price risk more accurately as we move forward,' Mr. Yousef said.

'There will be relief if this marks a turning point in the credit crunch,' said Gerard Minack, a Morgan Stanley economist in Australia. He added, 'The end of the crisis had been called before, and the call's been wrong.'

U.S. Treasury officials on Sunday offered details of the plan, which involves the two mortgage giants' regulator taking at least temporary control of them and a Treasury Department purchase of their senior preferred stock. The plan eliminates dividends on Fannie's and Freddie's common and preferred stock, but their common and preferred shares will remain outstanding. Holders of the two companies' debt are expected to benefit, as the move shows the U.S. government is willing to keep the companies from folding.

Several banks said Sunday they were encouraged. 'Such actions will have a beneficial effect on the markets and will shore up investor confidence a great deal,' said a spokesman for Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., the world's biggest lender by market capitalization.

A spokesman for Bank of China Ltd. said, 'This kind of explicit guarantee will be good for the financial markets going forward.'

Doubts about the value and health of Fannie and Freddie debt securities held by policy banks and major financial institutions throughout the world have contributed to drops in global markets. Foreign investors held $1.3 trillion, or 21.4%, of long-term debt issued by U.S. government agencies, primarily Fannie and Freddie, as of the middle of last year, according to the U.S. Treasury.

Asian investors make up the largest customers of U.S. agency debt. Mainland China, with $376 billion, was the single largest holder, though its major banks have told investors in recent days they were trimming their positions in Fannie and Freddie debt.

Still, concerns have the potential to spill over into other markets. Amid an overall tightening of European bank credit, BNP Paribas SA said Friday concerns over the cost of U.S. bank and Fannie and Freddie debt were likely to spill into European markets.

Other banks said they would wait to see details. In Japan, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Japan's largest bank by market capitalization, and Norinchukin Bank, the central bank for agricultural and fishery cooperatives, said they were watching developments. The two banks held 3.14 trillion yen ($29.29 billion) and 5.3 trillion yen of U.S. agency debt respectively at the end of June, though they declined to say whether their holdings have since changed. Japan's $228.2 billion in U.S. agency debt as of June 2007, the second largest among foreign owners, was mostly held by commercial banks.

The move could enhance the standing of various countries' central banks, which have been reassuring lawmakers and the public that the U.S. wouldn't let Fannie and Freddie fall apart, at home. At a hearing before a committee of the South Korea's National Assembly on Thursday, Bank of Korea Governor Lee Seongtae said he believed the risk involved in the investments was low. 'We invested a considerable amount in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but we don't have any problem in retrieving the investment,' he said. About $37 billion of the Bank of Korea's $243 billion in foreign-currency reserves are invested in senior bonds issued by the two firms.

The European Central Bank declined to comment Sunday on the Treasury's plans. The ECB, which doesn't hold any of the companies' debt in its foreign-exchange reserves, has been in regular contact with the U.S. Treasury about its plans. National central banks across the euro zone are likely to have minimal exposure.

It is unclear what effect the move might have on a program set up by the Bank of England in April to boost confidence in the British banking system. It allows banks to swap securities such as triple-A Fannie and Freddie debt for U.K. treasury bills. The program strictly defines what debt would be accepted and it is uncertain whether the U.S. agency paper would still meet the criteria, thought government backing might actually help. A BOE spokeswoman declined to comment.

The move may help overall market sentiment, particularly in Asia, which also is nervous about the overall sluggish U.S. economy and rising inflation. 'The move, though widely expected, should be a positive step toward containing the damage to the mortgage market,' said Irene Cheung, a Singapore-based strategist at ABN Amro NV.

'This action by the U.S. government will have a calming and reassuring effect,' said Joonho Um, a portfolio manager in Seoul who is launching an investment firm, Fidelis Magnus.

While stocks across the globe have sold off heavily this year, Asian indexes have suffered worse than shares in the U.S. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost 15.4% so far this year, with Nasdaq also having fallen about 15%.

In Asia, nearly every market has dropped in excess of 20%, with Hong Kong's Hang Seng index down 28%, Korea's Kospi down 26%, and Japan's Nikkei Stock Average of 225 companies down 20.2%.

'We wish this can get resolved quickly so the sentiment doesn't continue to hurt us,' says Khiem Do, portfolio manager at Baring Asset Management in Hong Kong.

Laura Santini / Jason Leow / Yuka Hayashi


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-9 13:37:06



眼下,在决策者和投资者关注美国境内外更大范围的经济不确定性之际,政府这一旨在遏制房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)困境进一步发展的努力是否足以提振市场人气还有待观察。


巴林投资银行Gulf Finance House首席经济学家尤瑟夫(Ala'a Al Yousef)说,美国的救助计划“早就该提出了”。他预计,此举将增强国际投资者对美国市场的信心。Gulf Finance旗下管理着200亿美元资产。


摩根士丹利驻澳大利亚经济学家杰拉德•明内克(Gerard Minack)说,如果这一计划能成为信贷危机的一个转机,将对市场是一个喘息机会。他说,之前市场曾经预测过危机的结束,但实际上迟迟没能实现。






不过,担忧情绪仍有向其他市场蔓延的风险。在银行信贷总体收紧的欧洲,法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas SA)上周五表示,对美国各银行及房利美和房地美债券成本的担忧可能会向欧洲市场蔓延。

其他银行表示,他们想了解救助计划的更多细节。日本市值最大的银行--三菱东京日联金融集团(Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group)和农、渔业合作制银行--农林中央金库(Norinchukin Bank)均表示,将关注事态发展。


救助计划或许有助于巩固各国中央银行的地位。他们一直向国内立法机构和公众表示,美国不会听任房利美和房地美倒闭。韩国央行行长李成太(Lee Seongtae)上周四在韩国国民大会一个委员会作证时说,他相信所持债券的风险并不高。



目前尚不清楚美国的救助计划对英国央行(Bank of England) 4月份制定的旨在强化英国银行系统信心的计划会产生怎样的影响。英国央行的计划允许各家银行以房利美和房地美的“AAA”债券等证券交换英国财政部发行的债券。该计划对所能接受的证券作了严格规定,现在还不能确定美国的机构债券是否满足规定的条件,不过政府的支持或许会有帮助。英国央行发言人拒绝置评。

救助计划或许有助于市场整体人气的改善,对亚洲市场尤其如此,亚洲国家眼下对美国经济总体低迷和通货膨胀上升非常不安。荷兰银行(ABN Amro NV)驻新加坡策略师Irene Cheung说,虽然市场有普遍预期,但这一举措仍应有助于遏制抵押贷款市场受到的损害。

设在首尔的投资公司Fidelis Magnus发起人Joonho Um说,美国政府此举将起到安抚市场人心的效果。


霸菱资产管理公司(Baring Asset Management)驻香港投资组合经理杜敬创(Khiem Do)说,我们希望这件事得到尽快解决,使市场人气不会继续受损。

Laura Santini / Jason Leow / Yuka Hayashi
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