





The New Pajama Look: Better In Bed?

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-9 17:05| 查看数: 2633| 评论数: 1|

Some of the latest menswear shows are looking like a pajama party. But will men want to join in?

At New York fashion week, which kicks off Friday, designers including Phillip Lim, Michael Bastian and Tim Hamilton are expected to show a number of pajama-inspired clothes that are meant to be worn in broad daylight. The looks include colored piping on jackets and shirts, spread-open pajama collars, soft, unpadded jackets that hang loosely off the shoulders -- and, of course, voluminous drawstring pants.

The style showed up as early as last year, with Prada and Lanvin leading the way on European runways and Duckie Brown and Z Zegna close on their heels. This summer, Bottega Veneta, Dolce & Gabbana and Giorgio Armani all showed pajama-inspired clothes in Milan.

For designers -- always in search of new silhouettes and proportions -- the baggy look is fresh, a contrast to the rigid, tight-fitting men's styles that are now in the mainstream of men's clothing.

But the pajama parade has some retailers and customers scratching their heads. It's a 'challenging' style to pull off, says Jeffrey Kalinksy, owner of the hip Jeffrey boutique in New York City. He is usually among the earliest adopters of high-fashion trends, but this time, he's taking a pass. 'Will there be cool guys who want a pajama shirt to wear with their shorts? Yes. Am I going to have it for them? No,' he says.

Even the designers behind the avant-garde Duckie Brown label acknowledge that the oversize drawstring pants they showed last year were 'a fashion thing,' not necessarily a commercial hit, says co-designer Daniel Silver. 'No man wants a trouser that makes him look bigger than he is,' he says.

Still, other retailers say there is a place in men's wardrobes for the pajama look. Designers, they say, are trying to create an alternative to the inexpensive sweats that many guys wear when they relax, much the way Juicy Couture made women's track suits a fashion item.

Colby McWilliams, men's fashion director at Neiman Marcus, says the retailer is showcasing Dolce & Gabbana pajama pants for fall as the equivalent of a track pant, which could be worn with a hoodie or T-shirt, for example.

He thinks designers pushing pajama looks could be suggesting that men can dress immaculately at home, at least when entertaining overnight guests. He notes that Neiman sold out of silk men's dressing gowns -- fancy bathrobes -- designed by Tom Ford this spring. For the holiday season, Bergdorf Goodman will promote the robes as gifts.

Sales of men's 'loungewear' -- informal clothing for the most casual settings -- have been strong in recent years. Designers Adam Kimmel and James Perse have also had some success lately selling high-end cotton loungewear at stores like Barneys New York and Bergdorf.

In addition, some style watchers point to the baggy, lightweight patterned shorts some young urban men have been wearing in New York City as evidence that pajama styles could catch on.

Indeed, designers' willingness to show pajamas on the runway with a straight face reflects a shift in the once-sleepy world of menswear. Men have become more fashion-conscious and more receptive to trends, adopting looks such as flat-front pants, shorter pant lengths and men's tote bags that would once have been dismissed as too far out. That has emboldened designers to look for new elements of the male wardrobe to upgrade.

Other cultures are more comfortable with pajamas. In Shanghai, men and women routinely change into pajamas after work and walk around in public. At the latest round of men's shows in Europe, designers weren't shy about being inspired by pajamas. Dolce & Gabbana, for one, declared in a statement that 'the pyjama' symbolized 'the relaxed style of life of the modern man.'

But in the U.S., pajamas have an image problem to overcome. Wearing them to bed hasn't been in style since the 1950s. Sleepwear sales, including pajamas, rose a healthy 8.9% to $910.7 million in the year that ended in June, according to NPD Group, but the sales include gifts -- which aren't necessarily worn. Public pajama-wearers in recent years have been known for idiosyncratic looks. They include Hugh Hefner, painter/sculptor/film director Julian Schnabel and Michael Jackson, who showed up in court in 2005 dressed in pajamas and a blazer.

John Clayton, a 28-year-old college professor in Cincinnati, says the last time he wore pajamas, he was about five years old. He likes fashion in general but draws the line at the new pajama looks. 'I'd never wear designer slouchy pajamas myself,' he says.

Indeed some designers in the U.S. are trying to distance themselves from the p-word. Rag & bone, a New York-based designer sportswear label, refers to a $175 short-sleeve shirt that could be mistaken for a pajama top as a 'bowling shirt.' Co-designer Marcus Wainwright says it was inspired by one worn by James Dean.

John Crocco, creative director at Perry Ellis, prefers that the drawstring linen pants he is showing Friday be thought of as a 'more casual expression of sportswear.'

Designer Patrik Ervell admits that the inspiration for one of the shirts in his spring collection was an old Army pajama top that has an elastic bottom and cuffs. But he adds, 'In menswear, you have a pretty limited vocabulary,' he says. Referring to the number of designers inspired by pajamas, he says, 'We are all working within the same archetypes -- the shirt, the uniform, the pajama.'

There isn't a simple way to explain the trend, says Tyler Thoreson, executive editor with men's fashion Web site men.style.com. 'If you really wanted to deconstruct it, you could say buried in there is some kind of commentary on our overworked, sleep-starved culture,' he says. But even then, he says, he can't envision overworked, sleep-starved professionals wearing pajamas out in public.

Ray A. Smith


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-9 17:06:14



在上周五开始的纽约时装周上,飞利浦·林(Phillip Lim)、迈克尔·巴斯田(Michael Bastian)和蒂姆·汉米尔顿(Tim Hamilton)等设计师将展示一系列从睡衣获得设计灵感的服装,而这些衣服都是给人们在光天化日之下穿着的。这些服装的特色包括给夹克和衬衫镶上彩色滚边,宽大的睡衣领,没有垫肩的夹克软趴趴地从肩头垂下……当然,还有宽松肥大的抽绳裤。

有睡衣风格的男装最早是去年露头的,先是普拉达(Prada)和兰文(Lanwin)在欧洲T台上引领了这一时尚,接着Duckie Brown和Z Zegna也紧跟其后。今夏,宝缇嘉(Bottega Veneta)、杜嘉班纳(Dolce & Gabbana)和乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)都在米兰展示了灵感来自睡衣的服装系列。


但睡衣风格时装的大量面世却令一些零售商和消费者感到无所适从。纽约时装店Jeffrey的老板杰夫里·卡林斯基(Jeffrey Kalinksy)说,这种风格要想流行开来“有点难”。虽然卡林斯基通常都属于最先接受流行时尚的那批人,但他这次却并未忙着跟风。“会有耍酷的人想来件睡衣式衬衫配他们的短裤吗?肯定有。我会在自己店里卖这种衬衫吗?不会。”卡林斯基如是说。

甚至先锋派时装品牌Duckie Brown的设计师们也承认,他们去年推出的超宽松抽绳裤是个“样子货”,未必会上柜批量销售。该品牌主设计师之一丹尼尔·希尔维尔(Daniel Silver)说,没有哪个男人愿意穿一条让自己显胖的裤子。

但也有些零售商认为这种睡衣式服装能在男人们的衣橱里占据一席之地。他们说,设计师们正尝试设计一种新的男式休闲装,让许多男人在休闲时除廉价汗衫外能多一种着装选择,这很像时装品牌橘滋(Juicy Couture)当年让女式运动服变身为时装的路子。

内曼·马库斯(Neiman Marcus)的男士服装主管科比·麦克威廉姆斯(Colby McWilliams)说,这家零售商正将Dolce & Gabbana的秋装睡裤作为运动裤展示,可以搭配套头运动装或T恤衫。

他认为,设计师们纷纷推出睡衣式服装可能意在暗示人们,男人在家里也可以讲究穿着,至少通宵招待宾客时可以做到这点。麦克威廉姆斯指出,汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)今春设计的男士丝绸晨衣──一款高档浴衣──在内曼·马库斯的服装店销售一空。面对即将到来的圣诞购物季节,内曼·马库斯旗下的时尚精品店波道夫·古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman)将把这种晨衣定位成礼物来促销。

男式“家常便服”近年来一直很旺销。亚当·金莫尔(Adam Kimmel)和詹姆士·珀思(James Perse)两位设计师的棉质高档休闲便服最近在巴尼斯纽约(Barneys New York)和波道夫·古德曼的精品店都卖得不错。



其他一些国家的文化风俗对于在大庭广众之下穿着睡衣并不介意。在上海,男男女女们下班回家后大多换上睡衣,并以这身行头出外抛头露面。在欧洲上一季时装展上,设计师们已不再羞于从睡衣中寻找灵感。比如杜嘉班纳(Dolce & Gabbana)就声明,“睡衣”象征了当代男性放松的生活风尚。

但在美国,睡衣却需要克服自身的形像问题。从上世纪50年代起,身着睡衣上床睡觉就已经不流行了。虽然市场研究机构NPD Group公布的数据显示,在截至今年6月的一年内包括睡衣在内的寝装销售额为9.107亿美元,增幅为不错的8.9%,但其中一部分是作为礼品销售的,接受的人未必真会穿它们。近年来在公共场合穿着睡衣的人一直被视为异类。这些人包括《花花公子》杂志的创办人休·赫夫纳(Hugh Hefner)、画家/雕塑家/电影导演朱利安·施纳贝尔(Julian Schnabel)以及迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson),后者2005年曾身着睡衣和运动夹克出现在法庭上。

辛辛那提28岁的大学教授约翰·克莱顿(John Clayton)说,他最后一次穿睡衣大概是5岁时。总体而言,他喜欢流行的东西,但对新出现的睡衣式风格却不感冒。他说,自己永远不会穿名牌的慵懒睡衣。

事实上,一些美国设计师正努力不使自己的产品与睡衣这个词沾上边。总部位于纽约的运动装品牌Rag & Bone便将一款可能被错认为睡衣的短袖T恤衫(售价175美元)称为“保龄衫”。该品牌的设计师之一马库斯·温莱特(Marcus Wainwright)说,这款设计的灵感来自詹姆斯·迪恩(James Dean)穿过的一件衣服。

Perry Ellis的创意总监约翰·克洛克(John Crocco)希望,他最近展示的抽织亚麻短裤能被人们看作“更随意的运动装”。

设计师帕特里克·埃尔韦尔(Patrik Ervell)承认,他的一款春装衬衫灵感来自一种老式的军装睡衣,下摆和袖口都是松紧的。他表示,在男装方面,所能发挥的余地很小。谈到设计师们纷纷向睡衣寻找灵感,他说,来来去去就是那几样──衬衫、制服、睡衣。

男装网站men.style.com的执行编辑泰勒·特鲁森(Tyler Thoreson)说,这种潮流没办法简单地进行解释。如果你真想对它进行解构,你可以说,这种潮流之下掩藏着我们劳累过度、缺乏睡眠的生活写照。他说,尽管如此,自己还是难以想像劳累过度、睡眠不足的专业人士穿着睡衣出现在公共场合。

Ray A. Smith
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