






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-12 08:58| 查看数: 1847| 评论数: 1|

Chines Brand Snow Dethroning King Of Beers?

WITHOUT LEAVING home, an obscure Chinese beer is challenging Bud Light's position as the world's top-selling brand of suds.

Market watchers say Snow Beer, the product of a joint venture between London-based SABMiller PLC and China Resources Enterprise Ltd., will overtake or has already overtaken Anheuser-Busch Co.'s Bud Light in terms of consumption, depending on how the numbers are crunched.

'I can confirm that the Chinese brand Snow is now the largest beer brand in the world,' says Kevin Baker, account director for alcoholic beverages at the U.K.-based market-research firm Canadean Ltd. About 51.2 million hectoliters, or about 1.35 billion gallons, of Snow were consumed last year, compared with 48.4 million for Bud Light as a stand-alone brand, the firm says.

Another research firm in the U.K., Plato Logic, says Bud Light remained the top brand in 2007, with 51.8 million hectoliters consumed to Snow's 51.2 million. But that slim lead faces a challenge: China Resources said last week that the Snow brand's sales volume jumped 22% in the first half of this year compared with a year earlier, putting it on pace to unseat Bud Light, which is consumed mostly in the slower-growing U.S. market.

'I think it's inevitable in certain respects that Snow will become the largest beer brand in the world,' says Paul Curran, an alcoholic-drink analyst at another research firm, Euromonitor International.

St. Louis-based Anheuser, soon to be acquired by InBev NV, of Belgium, isn't giving up Bud Light's crown easily. A spokesman said Bud Light remains the top brand when sales of its Budweiser brand are included. Plato Logic, which, like other research firms and analysts, considers the two brands separate, says 44.2 million hectoliters of Budweiser were consumed last year, down 2.2% from 2006.

Snow's production was less than one-tenth of its current level six years ago, when the regional brewer started developing a now-extensive national distribution network and began buying competing brewers in the fragmented Chinese market. That helped it tap China's growing ranks of beer drinkers. 'Success has largely been driven by the supply side,' says Ari Mervis, managing director for SABMiller's Asian and African operations.

Though the Chinese drink less beer per person than Americans or Europeans, China's beer market has been the world's largest for the past six years and is growing 10% a year, according to Euromonitor. Snow's rapid growth illustrates the promise of China's vast consumer base.

But China's price-sensitive mass market produces thin profit margins compared with many other countries. Chinese beer makers have profit margins of roughly $2 per hectoliter, compared with $50 to $80 in Europe and the U.S., according to Mr. Mervis, who says beer prices have barely moved over the past five years. SABMiller says that while Snow accounts for 30% of the brewing giant's global sales volume, it contributes less than 5% to overall profits.

SABMiller and China Resources are now pushing a more upscale image and putting an emphasis on quality to appeal to more-affluent consumers, a potentially big growth area that both domestic and foreign brewers are chasing. In 2007, premium beer accounted for only 2% of total China sales volume, well below the global average of 12.7%, according to Plato Logic.

Snow's parents are promoting higher-end offerings such as Snow Draft, Snow Super Premium and a beer marketed as 'The Great Expedition,' which is linked to an advertising campaign focused on outdoor adventure sports such as whitewater rafting and mountaineering and which targets younger, higher-income customers. They are pushing for more urban consumers in places like Beijing and are updating the look of the product with smaller bottles similar to the kinds imported beers come in. 'We are moving from a supply-driven focus to more of a demand focus,' says Mr. Mervis.

Other mass-market companies are making a similar push toward more-affluent customers. Last week, Coca-Cola Co. offered to buy China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd. for $2.4 billion, in an effort to move into juice products that fetch higher prices than the carbonated soft drinks and juice drinks Coke already sells in China.

Snow is competing against savvy rivals such as Tsingtao, which benefits from partial ownership by marketing juggernaut Anheuser, says Shaun Rein, managing director of Shanghai-based China Market Research Group. 'Tsingtao already has great brand recognition,' says Mr. Rein. He adds that Snow's 'countrywide marketing campaigns also need a lot of work.'

Bud Light could also fight back for the global title, says Mr. Curran of Euromonitor, as Anheuser's combination with InBev will give it greater distribution outside North America. While Snow has ambitions to expand outside China, its parents don't yet have concrete plans.

The Snow joint venture got its start when South African Breweries, the forerunner to SABMiller, struck up a partnership with domestic conglomerate China Resources in 1994, after the two companies were introduced by a Hong Kong businessman who wanted to spread SAB's Appletiser-brand carbonated juice beverages to mainland China. Appletiser never got very far beyond Hong Kong, where it is still sold at local Starbucks, but the beer venture flourished.

In 2002, the brewer expanded from its northeastern China base of Shenyang. It built breweries and bought competitors that were converted to producing Snow. Currently, there are 58 breweries producing Snow Beer across the country. The May earthquake damaged facilities in Sichuan, but investments in trucks and added capacity, thanks to a new Beijing-area brewery about 1,450 kilometers away, have maintained deliveries to the province.

SABMiller is importing its premium-beer expertise to help Snow move up the value chain. The new brewery about 30 kilometers from Beijing, in Sanhe, positions Snow to push sales in the capital. SABMiller has also brought in experts to verify that the day's beer batches are up to snuff. 'You can say it's similar to wine tasting,' says Jack Knight, a brewmaster from SABMiller who has spent 10 years in China.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-12 08:58:43
未出国门一步,一个名不见经传的中国啤酒品牌已经在挑战Bud Light世界销量第一啤酒品牌的地位了。

市场观察人士说,根据一些衡量标准,雪花啤酒将在消费量上超过、甚至已经超过了安海斯-布希公司(Anheuser-Busch Co.)旗下的Bud Light。雪花啤酒是总部位于伦敦的SABMiller PLC和华润创业(China Resources Enterprise Ltd.)所建合资企业的一个品牌。

英国市场研究公司Canadean Ltd.的酒精饮料客户主管凯文·贝克(Kevin Baker)说,我能证实中国的雪花啤酒现在是世界上最大的啤酒品牌。该公司说,去年雪花啤酒的消费量约为51.2亿公升(约合13.5亿加仑),而Bud Light作为一个独立品牌的消费量为48.4亿公升。

英国另一家研究公司Plato Logic说,2007年Bud Light仍是第一品牌,消费量为51.8亿公升,雪花啤酒的消费量为51.2亿公升。不过这个微弱的优势面临着一项挑战:华润创业上周说,今年上半年雪花啤酒的销量较去年同期增长了22%,销量有望超过Bud Light。后者主要在增长较慢的美国市场销售。

另一家研究公司Euromonitor International的酒精饮料分析师保罗·库伦(Paul Curran)说,我认为在某些方面,雪花啤酒必将成为世界第一大啤酒品牌。

即将被比利时英博啤酒集团(InBev)收购的安海斯-布希不会轻易放弃自己的“王位”。该公司发言人说,将百威啤酒(Budweiser)的销量计算在内的话,Bud Light仍是第一。与其他研究公司和分析师一样,Plato Logic认为百威和Bud Light是两个独立的品牌;该公司说,去年百威的消费量为44.2亿公升,较2006年下滑了2.2%。

六年前,地区性酿酒商雪花啤酒开始发展分销网络,并开始在集中度不高的中国市场上收购其他竞争对手;如今该公司的产量已经增长了9倍以上,分销网络也遍布全国各地。这有助于它吸引中国层次不断提高的啤酒消费者。SABMiller亚非业务董事总经理阿里·莫尔维斯(Ari Mervis)说,成功主要是由供方推动的。



SABMiller和华润创业正在提升雪花啤酒的形像,通过强调产品质量来吸引富裕消费者,这也是国内外厂商都在竞相追逐的高增长潜力市场。Plato Logic的数据显示,2007年高档啤酒只占中国啤酒销量的2%,远远不及12.7%的世界平均水平。


其他大众市场公司也在以类似方式加大吸引富裕消费者的力度。上周,可口可乐(Coca-Cola Co.)提议斥资24亿美元收购汇源果汁集团有限公司(China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd.),以便进入比该公司已经在华销售的碳酸软饮料和果汁饮料定价更高的果汁产品领域。

上海中国市场研究集团(China Market Research Group)董事总经理小山(Shaun Rein)说,雪花啤酒正和青岛啤酒等精明的对手竞争,后者因营销巨头安海斯-布希持有其部分股权而获得了一定优势。他说,青岛啤酒已经有了很强的品牌认知度。他还说,雪花啤酒全国范围的营销战还需要做很多工作。

Euromonitor的库伦说,由于安海斯-布希和英博的合并将扩大Bud Light在北美之外的分销网络,所以Bud Light也可能进行反击,夺回全球第一的头衔。虽然雪花啤酒有走向世界的雄心壮志,但它的母公司对此尚无明确计划。

十几年前,在一位希望将SABMiller旗下Appletiser牌碳酸果汁饮料扩展到中国大陆的香港商人介绍下,SABMiller的前身South African Breweries与中国本土企业华润创业在1994年签订了合作协议,合资成立了雪花啤酒。Appletiser现仍在香港的星巴克(Starbucks)有售,但在香港之外的地区并没有走得太远,而雪花啤酒却兴旺了起来。


SABMiller正在将其优质啤酒技术引入中国,帮助雪花啤酒提升在价值链上的地位。在距北京约30公里的三河新建的啤酒厂将帮助雪花啤酒提高在北京的销量。SABMiller还派来了专家,检查当日的啤酒批次是否合格。已经在中国工作了10年的酿酒大师杰克·耐特(Jack Knight)说,你可以说这类似于品葡萄酒。

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