





拭目观变 慎信人言

发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-12 09:05| 查看数: 1301| 评论数: 1|

Follow Actions, Not Words

Follow Actions, Not Words

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have provided a painful lesson for investors in all financial stocks: During a crisis, take everything a firm says with a shaker-full of salt.

It shouldn't be surprising that executives will try to accentuate the positive, or at least play down the negative, given that financial firms live or die by retaining market confidence. How many times, after all, have financial firms said they have enough capital, only to turn around and raise more? Or said that the dividend is safe, just before cutting it.

Fannie and Freddie showed how high the stakes can be. And confidence is again center stage, with shares in firms like Lehman and Washington Mutual plunging Tuesday.

To defend themselves, investors should focus on the financial results a firm files with regulators according to generally accepted accounting principles, while giving far less credence to the non-GAAP measures firms often highlight.

The same caution should be applied to regulatory measures of financial strength. Those were, after all, what Fannie and Freddie pointed to for months in a bid to reassure investors that they were adequately capitalized.

Investors also should be on guard when it comes to measures of banking strength, such as Tier 1 capital, given that these involve a degree of management judgment. And, most important, investors should stick with management that acts, rather than talks.

David Reilly


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-12 09:06:11
房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)已经给所有金融类股的投资者上了惨痛的一课:在发生危机时,对公司所说的任何话都应该持保留态度。


“两房”的例子生动显示了这样的赌注能有多大。随着雷曼兄弟(Lehman)和Washington Mutual股价周二暴跌,投资者信心再次成为了市场关注焦点。




David Reilly
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