






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-17 12:00| 查看数: 3193| 评论数: 2|

Palin's Style Sparks Buying Fashion Frenzy

Fashion companies have discovered a lucrative new marketing vehicle: Sarah Palin.

Since John McCain chose her last month as his running mate, Gov. Palin's personal style has sparked a buying frenzy. Many women are snapping up her choices of shoes and eyeglasses and blogging about which brand of lipstick she wears. Hairstylists and wig sellers report sudden demand for her trademark up-dos. Indeed, the brands behind Gov. Palin's fashion taste have gone into overdrive seeking to cash in on the association.

On Wednesday, WigSalon.com issued a news release boasting that it has wigs and hair pieces 'that reflect the new looks made popular by Sarah Palin,' along with style tips to 'instantly' achieve the swept-back style.

'Obviously we're going to get a jump from this,' says Joe Aronesty, owner of WigSalon.com. In the past week, the company has sold about 25 Palin-esque wigs, ranging in price from $100 to the 'Bargain Sarah Palin' wig for $46. 'And it's not even close to Halloween,' Mr. Aronesty says. Early next week, Mr. Aronesty plans to send a newsletter to his 25,000 subscribers highlighting Palin wig options and styling tips.

Fashion firms have long boasted when celebrities and first ladies wore their clothing and accessories, of course. Jacqueline Kennedy lent cachet to Oleg Cassini gowns and Halston pillbox hats during the 1960s. This year, the sight of Michelle Obama in a $148 black-and-white tank dress on ABC's 'The View' in June helped popularize Chico's FAS Inc.'s White House|Black Market brand. But the prospect of having a national candidate who is a former beauty queen and in the news every day is even better for business, many fashion companies say.

Gov. Palin's spokeswoman, Maria Comella, declined to comment on any aspect of the governor's personal style.

Jay Randhawa, a brand director at House of Brands Inc. in San Diego, says he was surprised to learn that Gov. Palin was introduced as Mr. McCain's vice-presidential choice wearing a red pair of peep-toe pumps with 3 1/2-inch heels. The shoes, marketed by his company's Naughty Monkey line, generally are geared to women in their early to mid-20s who go clubbing, he says.

'The age bracket we target is a little younger. It's a very edgy, very hip, very street brand,' adds Mr. Randhawa.

Celebrities like Paris Hilton had been photographed in the brand's shoes, but seldom, if ever, a 40-something politician.

Mr. Randhawa says he realized that Gov. Palin's footwear choice offered the chance to pitch the Naughty Monkey line to a new demographic. The company quickly sent out emails to its retailers with a photo of the Alaska governor wearing the shoes and the slogan 'I vote for Naughty Monkey!'

At Amazon.com Inc.'s Endless.com shoe unit, sales of the red Naughty Monkey shoes shot up 50%, to thousands of pairs, says Mr. Randhawa.

A spokeswoman for Endless.com declined to provide specific sales data but says the unit 'saw definite spikes in sales after Sarah Palin wore the shoes' and sold out in four sizes. Other retailers reported similar increases.

Mr. Randhawa plans to send Gov. Palin some additional pairs of shoes and approach her about some kind of partnership. 'We have to capitalize on it pretty soon,' he says.

Gov. Palin's eyeglasses -- rimless $375 frames made by Kazuo Kawasaki (style series 704, color 34) -- are on back order, says Amy Hahn, vice president of Italee Optics Inc., the brand's U.S. distributor. To keep up with orders, which have more than quadrupled since the Republican National Convention, manufacturing has shifted to a 24-hour production cycle, Ms. Hahn says.

Italee executives say they sensed a possible business opportunity when Gov. Palin donned the glasses for her formal introduction as Sen. McCain's running mate.

Spotting the familiar frames, Italee executives dug through their records until they confirmed that the company handled Gov. Palin's order for the custom frames in December, Ms. Hahn says. 'But the turning point was at the convention,' she says. 'The next day, our phone started ringing off the hook. Now we're doing everything we can to keep up.'

John Barrett, whose salon sits in the penthouse of tony New York retailer Bergdorf Goodman, says that in the past week he has given five clients the loosely tied-back hairstyle Gov. Palin wore during the convention. 'People are requesting it -- it shows off the cheekbones,' says Mr. Barrett. 'I can't emphasize enough how her angled bangs and hair color are so beautifully executed.'

Online detectives, meanwhile, continue debating which lipstick brand Gov. Palin wore during her convention speech. And the Web site of beauty magazine Allure suggests 'Pitbull-friendly' and 'Pig Appropriate' colors to try, alluding to Gov. Palin's joking comparison of herself to a lipstick-wearing pitbull and Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's reference to Mr. McCain's economic policy as 'lipstick on a pig.'

In her home state, retailers are looking to capitalize on the governor's patronage. Just before she was offered the nomination two weeks ago, Gov. Palin went shopping at Out of the Closet, an Anchorage-based secondhand store, with her 14-year-old daughter Willow and her infant son Trig. She picked up a Juicy Couture coat for Willow and a tweed blazer for herself by Escada, which is one of her favorite labels, a saleswoman says.

The saleswoman, who gave her first name as Alison but wouldn't disclose her last name, says Gov. Palin comes in often and is friendly with the store's owner, Ellen Arvold. Ms. Arvold says Gov. Palin has shopped at the store since before she became governor. She confirms that Gov. Palin has worn some Out of the Closet purchases on TV since she clinched the nomination, but declined to say when.

A spokeswoman for the Escada label said she was unable to identify any of Gov. Palin's outfits on the campaign trail as Escada and was unaware that the governor liked the brand.

But Out of the Closet couldn't resist some publicity. On Sept. 1, the store posted an item on its blog: 'Finally, we are thrilled that our favorite Governor is making such a name for herself on the national stage! Go Girl! We love seeing you in your Out of the Closet duds!' Shoefly + Hudsons, the Juneau boutique where Gov. Palin bought the Naughty Monkey heels, has the shoes prominently displayed on its Web site declaring: 'First Stop: Shoefly + Hudsons, Second Stop: Run for Vice President of the U.S.?'

Not everyone is cashing in on their association with the Alaskan governor. The famously liberal New York fashion establishment seems to have paid little attention to Gov. Palin while publicly embracing the Obamas.

Vogue Editor Anna Wintour and designer Calvin Klein held a fund-raiser for the Democratic nominee in June, and over a dozen designers, including Diane von Furstenberg, Marc Jacobs, Vera Wang, Narciso Rodriguez, Tory Burch and Isaac Mizrahi, have designed T-shirts and other merchandise for the Obama Web site.

Steven Kolb, executive director of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, says he 'couldn't envision' that the fashion industry would be lending its design talents to the Republican ticket.

Likewise, Patagonia Inc., which Gov. Palin has identified at least partly in jest as one of her favorite designers, has 'absolutely no' plans to promote the association, says company spokeswoman Jen Rapp.

'Patagonia's environmental mission greatly differs from Sarah Palin's,' Ms. Rapp says. 'Just wearing the clothing of an environmental company does not necessarily make someone an environmentalist.'

Ellen Byron / Jennifer Saranow / Rachel Dodes


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-17 12:01:57

国时尚界发现了一件有利可图的营销工具,那就是萨拉·佩林(Sarah Palin)。

自从上个月被约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)选为竞选伙伴之后,阿拉斯加州州长佩林的穿着打扮就引发了抢购狂潮。许多女性纷纷抢购跟她同款的鞋子和眼镜,还在博客上热烈讨论她用哪种牌子的口红。据发型师和假发销售商反映,佩林将头发高高盘起的标志发型突然间有很多人跟风。实际上,佩林的时尚品味所涉及的品牌正在竭力争取借此大赚一笔。


WigSalon.com老板乔依·阿朗斯蒂(Joe Aronesty)说,我们的业务显然将从这上面得到很大提升。过去一周,该公司已推出大约25款佩林式假发,价格从100美元到46美元的特价款不等。阿朗斯蒂说,以前即使是万圣节前夕我们也没有过销售这么火爆的情况。下周初,阿朗斯蒂计划在发给25,000用户的产品通讯里重点介绍佩林式假发和造型小贴士。

一直以来,当有名人和“第一夫人”穿戴某些品牌的服装和配饰时,这些品牌的商家肯定会对此大吹大擂。上世纪60年代,杰奎琳·肯尼迪(Jacqueline Kennedy)令Oleg Cassini服装及Halston小圆帽成了经久不衰的时尚经典。今年6月,当民主党总统候选人奥巴马的夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)身穿一件售价148美元的黑白花纹背心式连身裙出现在美国广播公司(ABC)的“The View”节目中之后,Chico's FAS Inc.旗下的White House|Black Market品牌一时大受追捧。但许多时尚公司表示,有一位曾当选选美皇后、且现在每天都会在新闻里露面的副总统候选人做招牌对他们的业务会更有帮助。

佩林的发言人玛丽亚·考米拉(Maria Comella)拒绝对有关这位州长个人风格的任何方面发表评论。

圣迭戈的House of Brands Inc.品牌总监杰·兰哈瓦(Jay Randhawa)说,当他得知麦凯恩宣布选择佩林为其竞选伙伴并将她介绍给大家时,佩林穿着3.5英寸高跟红色露趾鞋,他感到非常吃惊。他说,这款鞋是他公司旗下“顽皮猴”(Naughty Monkey)系列中的一款,一般适合24-26岁左右的女性在聚会场合穿着。


派利斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton)等名人都曾有过穿着该品牌鞋子的照片,但四十多岁的政治家穿这种鞋亮相即便不是从没有过,也极为少见。


兰哈瓦说,在亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)旗下的鞋类销售网站Endless.com,那款红色“顽皮猴”的销量猛增50%,已达数千双。



佩林所戴的无框眼镜是Kazuo Kawasaki生产的,售价375美元(型号704, 色号34)。该品牌的美国经销商Italee Optics Inc.的副总裁埃米·哈恩(Amy Hahn)说,这款眼镜已经脱销,只能延期交货。共和党全国大会之后,这款眼镜的订单增加了三倍多。哈恩说,为满足订单需求,生产商开始24小时连轴转。



约翰·贝内特(John Barrett)的美发店位于纽约高档零售商Bergdorf Goodman的楼上。他说,过去这个星期,他给5位顾客做了佩林在全国大会上的那种松散地系在脑后的发型。他说,她们要求做成那样,这种发型使颧骨显得凸出;她弯曲的刘海和头发的颜色处理得很美,怎么强调都不过分。


在佩林的大本营阿拉斯加州,零售商们都在琢磨好好利用州长光顾的机会。就在她两周前获得提名之前,佩林曾和14岁的女儿Willow及还在襁褓中的小儿子Trig一起到安克拉奇的二手商店Out of the Closet购物。一位售货员说,她给Willow挑了一件Juicy Couture外套,给自己买了Escada斜纹运动夹克,Escada是她最喜欢的牌子之一。

这位自称叫阿里森(Alison)但不肯透露全名的售货员说,佩林经常来这里,她跟店主埃伦·阿沃德(Ellen Arvold)关系很好。阿沃德说,佩林当州长前就一直在她们店买东西。她证实说,佩林获得提名后还曾穿过在Out of the Closet购买的一些服装出现在电视上,但没有透露具体时间。


但Out of the Closet还是忍不住要借此进行一些宣传。9月1日,他们在商店的博客上贴了这样一条:最后,我们为我们喜爱的州长在全国大选中名声大噪而激动不已。加油,亲爱的!我们喜欢看到你身穿在Out of the Close的店里买的衣服!佩林购买“顽皮猴”的鞋店Shoefly + Hudsons在其网站突出位置展示了那双鞋,旁边的文字写道:“第一站:Shoefly + Hudsons,第二站:竞选美国副总统?”


《时尚》(Vogue)杂志编辑安娜·温托尔(Anna Wintour)和设计师卡文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein) 6月份曾为奥巴马举办过筹款活动;此外,黛安·冯·弗斯 伯格(Diane von Furstenberg)、Marc Jacobs、 王薇薇(Vera Wang)、纳西索·罗德里格斯(Narciso Rodriguez)、 Tory Burch和Isaac Mizrahi等十多位设计师都为奥巴马的网站设计过T恤衫和其他商品。

美国时尚设计师协会(Council of Fashion Designers of America)执行董事斯蒂文·科伯(Steven Kolb)说,他想像不出时装界会用他们的设计天才给共和党拉选票。

曾被佩林半开玩笑地称为其最喜爱设计公司之一的Patagonia Inc.的发言人简·拉普(Jen Rapp)表示,公司“绝对没有”就这层关系大作文章的计划。


Ellen Byron / Jennifer Saranow / Rachel Dodes
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