






发布者: smile* | 发布时间: 2010-12-29 16:15| 查看数: 1082| 评论数: 0|

Who were the biggest newsmakers in Hong Kong this year? A few hints: Controversy in the property market, a power struggle at Hong Kong's biggest bank and buzz around listings (and shortened lunches) at the stock exchange all helped determine the list of people in this edition of the Power List: Hong Kong.

The list comprises the 10 top business leaders in Hong Kong making headlines this year in global and regional media. It includes the top executives at Hong Kong's biggest listed companies, excluding those, such as heads of certain mainland Chinese companies, who don't normally reside in Hong Kong or run companies that are subsidiaries of other companies on the list. Dow Jones Insight compiles the data, which is then edited by Wall Street Journal staff.

今年,哪些人才是香港的头号新闻人物呢?给你点儿提示吧:地产市场上的争端、香港最大银行内部的权力之争、证券市场上乱作一团的上市活动(以及缩短的午休时间),所有这些事情都可以帮助我们确定今年香港风云人物榜单(Power List: Hong Kong)的合适人选。

Getty Images2010年香港商界十大新闻人物入选这份榜单的是香港的10位顶尖商业领袖,今年他们都在全球性或是区域性的媒体上制造出了轰动性的新闻。这些人当中包括香港一些最大上市公司的管理人员,但却不包括那些平常不住在香港的人士,比如某些中国大陆公司的负责人,也不包括那些上榜公司子公司的管理者。榜单数据由道琼斯观察(Dow Jones Insight)编制,其后又经过了《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)编辑记者的编辑整理。


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