






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-9-20 19:27| 查看数: 1397| 评论数: 2|

Stars Align For Warren Buffett

Wall Street might be disappearing into a black hole, but the stars are aligning for Warren Buffett.

The veteran value investor has swooped in on Constellation Energy Group, the natural-gas and power company that lost more than half its value this week. MidAmerican Energy Holdings, part of Berkshire Hathaway, has thrown Constellation a lifeline in the form of a tentative $26.50-a-share takeover offer.

Constellation, which started the year with its stock price over $100, is the sort of victim Mr. Buffett loves.

Alarm bells rang last month when Constellation admitted it had miscalculated its collateral requirements in the event its credit ratings were cut to 'junk' levels. Constellation was still trying to address the knock to confidence about its internal controls and liquidity when the credit storm reached hurricane force this week.

It had $2 billion of liquidity on hand. But Standard & Poor's was threatening a potential downgrade that would have left Constellation needing to post another $3.3 billion of collateral for its energy-trading operations. Time to bring in a well-capitalized buyer.

MidAmerican is paying $4.7 billion for the common equity, taking a $1 billion preferred interest and assuming $4.8 billion of net debt. For that, it gets nearly 9,000 megawatts of electricity plants, 1.7 million customers, natural-gas reserves and the energy-trading book.

The cost to unwind that book is anyone's guess. Dan Eggers, an analyst at Credit Suisse, posits a preliminary figure of $2 billion. Even then, Mr. Buffett is getting Constellation at a phenomenally good price.

Property, plant and equipment were valued at a net $10.4 billion at the end of June. Replacement cost would be much higher and almost half the generation fleet consists of very desirable, low-emissions nuclear and hydroelectric plants.

Credit Suisse forecasts the two biggest 'hard' assets, the generation and utility businesses, to generate combined earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization of $2 billion in 2009. Put a conservative multiple of six times on that and they are valued at $12 billion.

Indeed, the one potential drawback of such a sweet deal is that it tempts in rival bidders.

More broadly, investors hope this move from Mr. Buffett, with a war chest put at $35 billion back in May, signals a market bottom.

Don't count on it. Constellation, long on hard assets but short on liquidity, represents a perfect opportunity. Bombed-out bank valuations, on the other hand, look less tempting, given the root cause of their problems: opaque, potentially toxic balance sheets.

With the ripples emanating from Wall Street potentially set to claim more victims in the weeks and months ahead, further industrial opportunities may well present themselves. But not every sector can bank on a 'Buffett put.'

Liam Denning


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-9-20 19:27:51
华尔街或许正消失在一个有巨大吸力的黑洞之中,但星星们现在都在列队等待巴菲特(Warren Buffett)摘取。

这位价值投资高手一举买进了本周跌去超过半数市值的天然气和电力公司Constellation Energy Group。Berkshire Hathaway旗下的MidAmerican Energy Holdings向Constellation抛出救生圈,提出了每股26.5美元的试探性收购价。



它手头还有20亿美元的流动资金。但标普(But Standard & Poor's)曾威胁有可能下调其评级,果真如此的话,Constellation将需要为其能源交易业务再拿出33亿美元的保证金。由此来看,现在的确是找个资金雄厚的买家的时候了。


处置这个帐户需要多大代价还未可知。瑞士信贷分析师丹•埃格斯(Dan Eggers)作出的初步估计是20亿美元。即使如此,巴菲特还是以极好的价钱拿下了Constellation。


瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)预计,Constellation最大的两项“硬”资产──发电厂和公用事业资产2009年合计将创造20亿美元的利息、税收、摊销和折旧前利润。即使按6倍市盈率保守估计,市值也应达到120亿美元。





Liam Denning
KK 发表于 2015-6-4 22:28:22
Good. Thank you.
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