





Compliment or Complaint

发布者: ch- | 发布时间: 2008-10-1 14:39| 查看数: 2024| 评论数: 0|

“Everything is difficult at the beginning.” says a Chinese proverb;

“Well begun, half done.” Says an English proverb.

A compliment, natural and heartfelt, will make a good beginning of a conversation or a contact;

A complaint, negative and harmful, will put an end to the beginning of a chat or even a tie.

Our later premier Zhou Enlai was an understanding master of words and diplomacy, able to please and befriend the guest at the very beginning, often with a witty compliment or a tactful remark, which might shorten the distance, soften the stand or even hostility, and enliven the atmosphere.

Practically, a man, after all, is like a little boy and a woman, a little girl who’s always looking forward to some sweet words or compliment that seems sunshine to her or breeze to him instead of complaint that falls like hailstones.

A well-measured compliment brings a good mood;

An unwisely-managed complaint spoils a good mood.

With a good mood, a man is willing to be a camel that enjoys carrying a heavy load to travel across the desert;

With a good mood, a woman is happy to be a bird that enjoys singing all the time or building the nest without fatigue.

Please say no more that good medicine tastes bitter and good advice sounds sharp for nowadays good medicine may taste sweet and good advice can sound soft and comfortable.

So there is nothing to speak of or begin with without a good mood, and a good mood does come from compliment instead of complaint.

In a word, compliment is an art while a complaint is a taboo, and especially so to those new friends, new partners, and those who have a unique character and an extraordinary talent.

Now, do you have a better understanding of the two sayings I quote at the very beginning?

(September 29, 2008 by captaindaniel)


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