






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-21 11:16| 查看数: 1471| 评论数: 1|

China Aims to Curb Futures-Trading Speculation

Market regulators in China on Thursday admonished domestic futures-trading houses to curtail overseas speculation, amid signs that its domestic exchanges are facing their own problems during a tumultuous period for global commodity markets.

Chinese companies licensed to trade in futures markets overseas should limit their activity to legitimate hedging, and avoid speculation, said Jiang Yang, assistant to the chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

'The recent global credit crisis has caused sharp volatility in commodity futures prices, causing high risks for businesses,' Mr. Jiang told senior executives of the 25 Chinese firms permitted to trade overseas, according to a statement issued by the industry watchdog.

Such statements aren't unusual, as spectacular blowups in the past have sometimes lost Chinese trading houses large sums.

The regulatory notice comes amid a selloff in commodity prices that has jostled markets around the globe. It also offers a reminder of the important interplay between the tightly controlled Chinese markets and their more-open counterparts elsewhere.

China has ambitions to transform its three futures markets into some of the world's most important trading venues, but has so far been reluctant to allow full access to its markets by foreigners. Yet, because China is the world's biggest user of key industrial commodities such as copper, it has allowed domestic firms to participate on global markets like the London Metal Exchange.

Those links open the way for China's traders to structure not-entirely-legal deals that give foreigners some exposure to China's exchanges.

The difference between copper prices in London and Shanghai has emerged as one of the most important indicators for global metals markets and the basis for an important arbitrage trade that involves taking a bet on both markets simultaneously.

It is an open industry secret that some Chinese trading houses take risky bets that play prices of one market off those of another, and structure deals that allow foreign firms to do the same.

Global commodity price drops have put unusual strain on China's exchanges, and the firms that use them. The domestic exchanges are bound by local trading rules aimed at limiting price volatility, rules that in recent weeks have left Chinese futures prices far higher than prices of the same commodities traded elsewhere.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-21 11:17:40





虽然中国有雄心使其三大期货市场跻身世界最重要的交易场所之列,但到目前为止一直不愿意向外国投资者全面开放国内期货市场。不过,由于中国是铜等重要工业原料的世界最大用户,政府已允许国内公司参与伦敦金属交易所(London Metal Exchange)等全球性市场的交易。




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