






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-27 14:19| 查看数: 1673| 评论数: 1|

A Cost For Asia's Exports

The meltdown in Asian stock prices on Friday stemmed in part from the growing realization that the heavy reliance on exports that has driven Asia's powerful growth is now turning into its worst enemy.

The evaporation of consumer spending in the U.S. and Europe is starting to hit deeply at Asian manufacturing titans that thrive on sales to the rest of the world, and that are now rapidly scaling down their capital spending.

On Friday, after reporting a 44% drop in third-quarter profit, Samsung Electronics Co. of South Korea said it will reduce memory-chip capital expenditure this year by an unspecified amount because of weak market conditions, and may also lower overall capital-spending plans for next year in line with the business environment.

Sony Corp. of Japan Thursday lowered its outlook for its fiscal year ending March 2009 and warned that the deteriorating business climate could force it to scale back capital spending, close plants and cut jobs. On Friday, Sony shares plunged 14%.

The worsening gloom in Asia comes despite the fact that on the whole the region -- site of a major economic meltdown a decade ago -- today has limited exposure to the debt now causing havoc in the financial systems of the U.S. and Europe. While some countries, notably South Korea, are reliant on funding through international credit markets that's dried up in recent months, Asia's banks haven't invested heavily in mortgage-debt derivatives or other products poisoning the balance sheets of Western counterparts.

But in the last 10 years, Asia has doubled down with another bet on exports as an economic engine, at the expense of developing a domestic consumer market many economists believe will ensure more sustainable growth. Exports accounted for 47% of gross domestic product in Asia, excluding Japan, in 2007. That is a jump of 11 percentage points from the comparable figure in 1998, during the last economic crisis in the region, notes Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's Asia chairman. In other words, Asia is now 30% more reliant on exports than it was less than a decade ago.

Asia 'may not be levered in the strict sense of reliance on global credit,' says Mr. Roach. 'But it's certainly levered to the global economy.'

That means just as banks in the West are expected to deleverage their balance sheets by selling assets for years to come, a similar need now looms in Asia where excess manufacturing capacity built during the boom years now has to be downsized.

'The crisis represents an unwinding of global imbalances,' says William Hess, a director of research firm IHS Global Insight in Beijing. 'It's an overall gradual deleveraging.' The fact global production is concentrated in East Asia means that's where the adjustment will be, he notes. 'The markets are saying that, outside of this financial crisis, there may be lean years ahead as rationalization takes place' in Asian manufacturing.

That adds to the challenges Asia's industries will face, especially the higher cost of credit. Japan is struggling to cope with the effects of a rising yen on its competitiveness. Lower commodity prices will likely bring some relief to parts of the region, though there will likely be a timelag.

Bad corporate news contributed to a punishing day on Friday in Asian stock markets. Seoul fell 10.6% after Samsung issued its results and spending forecast. Tokyo declined 9.6%, Mumbai slid 11% and Hong Kong fell 8.3%.

Not all of Asia is as vulnerable to the sudden trade squeeze. The Philippines and Indonesia aren't as dependent on exports. China's economy, while showing new signs of weakness, still posted 9% growth in the third quarter, and the government is starting to roll out stimulus measures that could ease some pain as more factories start to shutter.

Other places more heavily dependent on trade are feeling the pain. Singapore, a technology-manufacturing center, has already tilted into recession after GDP contracted 6.3% in the third quarter following a 5.7% decline in the previous quarter, according to the advance government estimate. In September, exports to the U.S. -- Singapore's single largest market -- fell 24.5% from a year earlier after declining 30.2% in August.

Malaysian furniture exports are expected to fall after six years growth, an official has said. The U.S. economic crisis, which has affected Malaysian sales to it, 'has shown the vulnerability of our industry's dependence on traditional markets,' Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Peter Chin told an industry group.

In Thailand, exports of circuit boards fell 18.3% in the first eight months this year. 'I think everyone in this industry has been affected by this global economic problem in one way or another,' says Vuth Klaiphan, sales manager at Aspocomp (Thailand) Co. About 90% of its printed circuit boards go to Europe and the U.S.

For memory-chip makers, the worsening global economic slowdown is especially painful.

'The industry was in a severe winter and now I'll say it is in an ice age,' says Brian Shieh, president of Powerchip Semiconductor Corp., Taiwan's biggest dynamic random access memory chip maker by revenue, after reporting a loss of 15 billion New Taiwan dollars (US$459.9 million) for the three months ended Sept. 30. It was the company's sixth consecutive quarterly loss.

Powerchip is cutting capital spending plans and its DRAM shipment growth forecast for this year. It also said it would delay operating a new chip plant until 2010.

'Companies in this industry have stopped talking about making profits but are fighting for survival,' said Powerchip's vice president, Eric Tan.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-27 14:19:29


韩国三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)上周五表示第三财季盈利锐减44%,之后公司宣布由于市场状况不佳,将于年内减少记忆芯片业务的相关资本支出,并有可能视明年经济环境的状况而下调总体资本支出计划。三星电子并未透露今年的资本支出缩减规模。

索尼公司(Sony Corp.)上周四下调了本财年(截至明年3月底)的业绩预期,并表示商业环境的恶化可能迫使其缩减资本支出、关闭工厂,并削减工作岗位。上周五该股重挫了14%。


然而,在过去十年中,亚洲越发把出口当做经济增长的发动机,而不愿以牺牲经济增速为代价扶植本土消费市场;许多经济学家都认为后者能保证经济的可持续性发展。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)亚洲主席史蒂芬•罗奇(Stephen Roach)说,2007年时,出口占除日本之外亚洲地区本地生产总值的47%,这较1998年、即上一次经济危机肆虐时的可比数据上升了11个百分点;换言之,亚洲对出口的依存度较十年前提高了30%。



调查公司IHS Global Insight驻北京的总经理威廉•赫斯(William Hess)说,当前危机是由于全球失衡正在发展演变,这是一个杠杆逐步解除的普遍过程;全球生产集中于东亚,因此调整将发生在这里。赫斯指出,市场正在传递出这样一个讯息:在并非身处金融危机旋涡的亚洲地区,制造业产业合理化进程的展开将使其未来数年经历一段困难时期。





据马来西亚种植行业及商品部长Peter Chin表示,当地家具出口业在经历了连续六年的增长后可能将出现下滑。他在向某工业团体发表讲话时称,美国经济危机已经影响到了马来西亚对该市场的出口,由此可见国内工业对传统市场的依赖所带来的弊端。

在泰国,电路板出口在今年前八个月减少了18.3%。Aspocomp (Thailand) Co.的销售销售经理卡兰潘(Vuth Klaiphan)说,我认为在这个行业中的每一个人都这样那样地受到了全球经济困境的影响。Aspocomp约九成的印刷电路板都出口到了欧美市场。


力晶半导体股份有限公司(Powerchip Semiconductor Corp.)总裁谢再居(Brian Shieh)表示,这个行业不只面临寒冬,现在可以说是已进入冰河时期。以收入衡量,该公司是台湾最大的动态随机存取记忆体(DRAM)生产厂家。力晶日前宣布在截至9月30日的财季中亏损新台币150亿元(合4.599亿美元)。这已经是该公司连续第六个月出现亏损。


力晶副总裁谭仲民(Eric Tan)指出,这个行业里的公司已闭口不谈盈利问题,而是开始为了生存而苦苦挣扎了。
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