






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-28 16:57| 查看数: 1587| 评论数: 1|

Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Set Common Voice Abroad

Google Inc., Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft Corp. will announce Tuesday that they have agreed to a common set of principles for how to do business in nations that restrict free speech and expression, as the companies seek to combat criticism that they have helped enable censorship in those countries.

Under the new principles, which were crafted over two years, the technology titans promise to protect the personal information of their users wherever they do business and to 'narrowly interpret and implement government demands that compromise privacy,' according to the code. They also commit to scrutinizing a country's track record of jeopardizing personal information and freedom of expression before launching new businesses in a country and to discussing the risks widely with their executives and board members.

The document -- introduced under an entity known as the Global Network Initiative -- was crafted by a group of participants including human rights groups like Human Rights First and Committee to Protect Journalists. Nonprofits the Center for Democracy and Technology and Business for Social Responsibility also participated. The companies agreed to have their compliance with the new principles monitored by independent experts.

'Common action by these diverse groups is more likely to bring about change in government policy than the efforts of any one company or group acting alone,' said Robert Boorstin, director of corporate and policy communications at Google.'

At least one human rights organization that didn't sign onto the plan said it doesn't go far enough. 'More serious questions have to be asked about these company's legal obligations,' said Morton Sklar, executive director of the World Organization for Human Rights USA. For instance, he said he would have liked the document to address whether Internet companies are violating U.S. or international laws by complying with requests from certain governments.

The plan has yet to receive the support of Internet companies in China and other countries whose policies it implicitly attacks. A spokesman for Internet giant eBay Inc. said the company has yet to see the plan but would 'like to learn more about it and hear more of the details.'

The new code comes after leading Web companies have come under fire from Congress and shareholders for turning over personal information to governments that lack well-established privacy protections. Yahoo, for instance, faced questioning by Congress last year for turning over emails that led to the imprisonment of Chinese dissidents. In a statement, Yahoo Chief Executive Jerry Yang called the new principles 'a valuable roadmap' that will help ensure that technology and the Internet continue to help 'improve people's lives'.

Google executives have also drawn criticism for censoring their search results in China. Earlier this year, Canadian researchers uncovered that a Skype joint venture in China had been monitoring its users' communications, prompting Skype, owned by eBay Inc, to apologize for the breach

Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have maintained their legal obligation to abide by a country's local laws. The new code doesn't fundamentally change that approach because it acknowledges that companies still must obey local laws in the countries where they operate. It also stops short of stipulating some specific behaviors to avoid ethically challenging situations, such as hosting servers in countries without restrictions. But the companies promise to resist government demands to the greatest extent possible and to carefully assess the human rights impact of their decisions.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-28 16:59:06

歌(Google Inc.)、雅虎(Yahoo Inc.)和微软(Microsoft Corp.)周二将宣布,他们已就如何在限制言论表达自由的国家开展业务达成一系列共同原则。这些公司面临着外界对他们协助这些国家实施信息审查的批评。



这一文件是由一家名为Global Network Initiative(全球网络倡议)的实体负责制定的,起草小组人员包括了**第一(Human Rights First)以及保护记者委员会(Committee to Protect Journalists)等**组织。非盈利组织the Center for Democracy and Technology and Business for Social Responsibility(民主、技术和商业社会责任中心)也参与了制定。三家公司同意由独立专家监控他们对新原则的遵守情况。

谷歌企业和政策沟通部门负责人罗伯特•布尔斯廷(Robert Boorstin)表示,由不同组织共同参与制定原则会比一家公司或组织单独负责更能促进政府政策的变化。

至少一家**组织没有参与这项计划,该组织认为这套准则做的还远远不够。美国世界**组织(World Organization for Human Rights USA)首席执行长斯科拉(Morton Sklar)表示,更重要的问题是这些公司该付的法律责任。他举例说,他希望这一文件回答网络公司遵从某些政府的要求是否违反美国或国际法这一问题。

该计划含蓄地批评了中国等国家的政策,也尚未得到这些国家互联网公司的支持。互联网巨头eBay Inc.发言人表示,该公司尚未看到这一计划,但希望进一步了解并获知更多细节。

在新准则出炉之前,这些网络巨头因为向缺乏完善隐私保护体系的国家政府转交了个人信息而受到国会和股东的猛烈批评。例如,雅虎公司去年受到国会质疑,因为该公司向中国政府转交的电子邮件导致该国异议人士入狱。雅虎公司首席执行长杨致远(Jerry Yang)发表声明称,新原则是重要的路标,有助于确保技术和互联网继续协助改善民生。

谷歌管理层也因为在中国审查搜索结果而受到批评。今年早些时候,加拿大研究人员发现eBay Inc旗下的网上电话公司Skype在中国的一家合资企业一直在监控其用户的通讯,Skype因此不得不出面对此道歉。

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