






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-30 12:01| 查看数: 1892| 评论数: 1|

Beijing Plans More Talks With The Dalai Lama

China's central government will arrange a third round of talks with representatives of the Dalai Lama, Chinese officials said, despite recent comments that suggest the exiled Tibetan leader has given up on achieving a breakthrough.

The meeting would be arranged 'in the near future,' China's state-run Xinhua News Agency reported an official saying, though no details were given. The government hopes the Dalai Lama's delegation would 'treasure this opportunity and make a positive response to the requirements set forth by central authorities,' the official said, according to Xinhua.

The report comes after the Dalai Lama said over the weekend that he has given up on efforts to persuade Beijing to allow greater autonomy for Tibet. 'There hasn't been any positive response from the Chinese side,' he said in comments reported by the Associated Press.

Calls to the spokesman of the Tibetan government in exile on Wednesday weren't answered, but the exiled government's speaker, Karma Choephal, said that the Dalai Lama has called a special meeting of representatives from all Tibetan exile groups in mid-November, the AP reported Tuesday.

Two earlier rounds of talks between the Dalai Lama's envoys and Chinese officials were held in May and July. According to Xinhua, the last meeting in July ended in an agreement by the Dalai Lama's representative not to support violent criminal plots or activities that would disturb the Beijing Olympics, and to concretely curb activities of the Tibetan Youth Congress, an organization of Tibetan exiles that takes a more extreme stance than the Dalai Lama and favors outright independence.

Chinese officials have repeatedly accused the Dalai Lama of leading violent antigovernment protests in March in an effort to split the country, charges that he has denied. Many Tibetans say they face limits on their religious practices and freedom of expression.

In recent months, the Dalai Lama has met with a number of political leaders abroad. During the Beijing Olympics in August, the Dalai Lama visited the French Senate and said the Chinese government was still engaging in a brutal crackdown in Tibet, including arbitrary arrests, summary executions and lethal torture.

In April, he spoke with Sen. Barack Obama by phone, and then met with Sen. John McCain in Aspen, Colo., in July, after which the Republican presidential candidate harshly criticized China during a foreign-policy debate and said its leaders should show more progress in addressing political grievances. U.S. President George W. Bush has urged Chinese President Hu Jintao to invite the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet, which remains one of the poorest parts of China.

Since 2002, there have been seven rounds of talks between the two sides aimed at resolving differences, but officials of Tibet's government in exile have said that China has been unwilling to compromise.

On Tuesday, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Jiang Yu said the central government has adhered to consistent, explicit policies toward the Dalai Lama, and has a sincere attitude in communicating with him, according to Xinhua. 'We hope by contacts with the central government, the Dalai Lama can recognize the existing situation, exert tangible sincerity and action, and do good for the Tibetan people in his lifetime,' Ms. Jiang said.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-30 12:03:30


Associated Press

**在做完结石摘除手术之后离开新德里Ganga Ram



就在上述消息发布前的周末,**喇嘛表示他已放弃说服中国扩大西藏自治权的努力。美联社(Associated Press)报导,**喇嘛在发表讲话时说,中国政府尚未给出任何正面回应。

周三记者尝试联络西藏流亡政府发言人的电话无人应答。不过,据美联社周二报导,西藏流亡议会议长Karma Choephal说**喇嘛已招集各个流亡团体派代表于11月中旬召开一个特别会议。

此前**喇嘛特使与中国政府分别于5月和7月时举行了两次会谈。新华社报导称,在上一次举行于7月份的会谈中,**喇嘛特使同意不在北京奥运期间支持暴力犯罪或激进活动,并采取具体措施遏制藏青会(Tibetan Youth Congress)的活动。藏青会是一个藏族流亡团体,其立场较**喇嘛极端,并一直在寻求**。



今年4月份时**喇嘛与美国参议员奥巴马(Barack Obama)在电话中进行了交谈,而后于7月份时在科罗拉多州会见了共和党总统候选人麦凯恩(John McCain),此后,麦凯恩在一场外交政策的辩论中严辞批判了中国政府,称中国领导人应该更努力地解决政治积怨。美国总统布什也敦促中国国家主席胡锦涛邀请**喇嘛返回西藏,当地仍是中国最贫困的地区之一。


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