






发布者: chrislau2001 | 发布时间: 2008-10-31 09:34| 查看数: 2040| 评论数: 1|

Russia Tosses Life Preserver To One Of Its Richest Men

The Kremlin is stepping in to bail out one of the country's richest men, in what could be the first move in a shakeout among the powerful businessmen known as oligarchs, whose holdings are spread throughout the Russian and world economies.

People close to the situation said that on Tuesday Russia allowed Alfa Group, a conglomerate controlled by businessman Mikhail Fridman, to tap its $50 billion rescue fund to pay back a $2 billion loan to a group of banks led by Deutsche Bank AG. The funding allowed Mr. Fridman to avoid having to give up his 44% stake in one of Russia's biggest cellphone service providers, OAO Vimpel Communications, which he had pledged to Deutsche Bank as collateral for the loan.

Alfa's difficulties had triggered concerns among investors who feared that Russia was attempting to protect the company from paying its loan obligations. The new revelation will likely signal that the Russian government wants to avoid tarnishing its reputation with banks and investors abroad.

The Kremlin's move comes as a number of Russia's wealthiest people and companies are feeling the pain of the credit crunch. Some have been hit as banks have demanded added collateral for loans secured by shares whose value has now plunged. Others have short-term loans coming due that they can't refinance except at punishing terms in suddenly tight Western credit markets. After years of heavy borrowing by the country's richest tycoons and industrialists as well as big state companies and banks, the government now has the power to decide whom to save -- and on what terms.

The situation is a twist on the recent rash of ambitious government efforts around the world to bail out troubled financial institutions. Thanks to hundreds of billions of dollars in oil wealth Russia has saved in recent years, the Kremlin has more money to cover bailouts than many countries. Last month, the Russian government set aside the fund of at least $50 billion to help companies and banks refinance foreign loans, but the first deals haven't yet been announced. Over $100 billion in applications have been received, officials said.

Banks like Deutsche also find themselves in a delicate situation. While the credit crisis has forced them to be much stricter with borrowers, they are loath to spoil lucrative relationships with customers like Mr. Fridman and Oleg Deripaska, who have vast empires that still generate a lot of cash, and with government officials in Russia, one of the fastest-growing major economies.

Vladimir Putin came to power pledging to eliminate 'as a class' the oligarchs, the wealthy men who turned their huge fortunes into vast political influence. Mr. Putin, now prime minister, has largely succeeded, reasserting tight Kremlin control over the Russian political scene. But many of the 1990s tycoons remain major economic forces, though some are now struggling to hold onto their empires amid the financial crisis.

The 44-year-old Mr. Fridman appears to be the first to tap the Kremlin fund. A spokeswoman for Vnesheconombank, or VEB, the state bank that is administering the money, declined to comment on whether any deals had been approved. A spokesman for Alfa's telecoms unit, Altimo, said it was meeting its obligations to Deutsche but declined to comment on any possible deal with VEB.

Mr. Fridman started his career as a window washer and computer trader in the twilight of the Soviet Union. He rapidly built up a fortune through his Alfa Bank, adding oil, telecoms and other assets along the way. Known for its aggressive tactics, Alfa has often found itself in conflicts with local and foreign partners. Recently, Mr. Fridman and his partners have been embroiled in a dispute with BP PLC over control of a huge oil-producing venture in Russia.

The selection criteria for the bailout loans are supposed to be objective, but VEB's board is dominated by government officials and headed by Mr. Putin. People close to the process have said the Kremlin's aim is to keep important assets from falling into the hands of foreign creditors as a result of the global financial turmoil. Priority is being given to protecting major industrial and banking assets in Russia, although some foreign holdings also are being considered, these people said.


chrislau2001 发表于 2008-10-31 09:37:41


Mikhail Fridman

知情人士透露,俄罗斯周二同意动用政府的500亿美元救助资金,帮助Alfa Group向以德意志银行(Deutsche Bank AG)为首的一个财团偿还20亿美元贷款。Alfa Group是俄罗斯商业大亨米哈伊尔·弗里德曼(Mikhail Fridman)拥有的综合性集团。有了这笔资金的帮助,弗里德曼就可以避免失去向德意志银行提交的贷款抵押品──他所持有俄罗斯最大手机服务提供商OAO Vimpel Communications的44%股份。




德意志银行等银行也发现自己处境微妙。虽然信贷危机迫使他们对贷款方更加严格,但他们也不愿意破坏与弗里德曼以及奥列格·德里帕斯卡(Oleg Deripaska)这样的客户之间利润丰厚的关系,也不愿与俄罗斯政府官员撕破脸。俄罗斯是全球增长最为迅速的主要经济体之一,而该国寡头们拥有着庞大的商业帝国,仍然能够实现巨大的现金收入。

普京(Vladimir Putin)掌权时曾承诺要消除俄罗斯的寡头阶层,这些寡头拥有巨额财富,并将此转化为巨大的政治影响力。目前任俄罗斯总理的普京已经基本上取得了成功,重树了克里姆林宫对俄罗斯政坛的严密控制。但许多上世纪90年代的大亨们仍然拥有重要的经济力量,只是他们中的许多人目前都在金融危机的冲击下苦苦维持自己的商业帝国。

AFP/Getty Images



在苏联时期,弗里德曼曾干过窗户擦洗工,当过电脑交易商。在发迹之路上,他通过自己的Alfa Bank迅速积累了巨大财富,并通过石油、电信和其他资产大举扩张。Alfa因其激进策略而闻名,该公司经常身陷与本地和海外合作伙伴之间的纠纷。最近,为了争夺俄罗斯一家产量巨大石油合资企业的控制权,弗里德曼和合伙人又卷入了与英国石油公司(BP PLC)的纠纷中。

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